What is the dream of the road


Why the road is dreaming - according to Miller’s dream book

Walking in a dream along a rocky road hitherto unfamiliar - to new endeavors that will be very successful. Seeing in a dream a road framed by trees and flowers - to luck; to follow it with friends - to create a beautiful family in the future, in which love and mutual respect will reign. A dream in which you go astray portends a mistake in business that will lead to losses.

What the road is for - according to Wangi’s dream book

If you see a winding road in a dream, then you are going the wrong way, and your delusion can cause very bad consequences, up to prison or death. If you see a broad, direct path, it means that all your actions are right, and even if it’s difficult for you now, remember that such a dream promises you in the future a good, friendly family, decent work and financial well-being.

The desert road that you dreamed of symbolizes your life, in which you are currently alone and unhappy because of this. To find peace, you need to turn to God, and your life will change for the better.

If you pave the way in a dream, it means that thanks to your hard work and firmness of mind you will achieve great success in life. Walking along a dusty road means that among those around you there are deceitful and hypocritical people who spread rumors that discredit you.

To dream of a narrow road means that you will have to overcome many difficulties on the path to happiness and prosperity, but ultimately you will succeed. Walk along the cobblestone road - to a slow but steady achievement of the goal.

What a dream is for - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you have a dream in which you walk along a deserted road, then you keep some secret, not wanting to dedicate outsiders into it. However, if you want to resolve this secret affair, then you need outside help.

If you dream of a winding road - it means that in the future your affairs will not have enough stability; dusty road - you can be influenced by bad people; cobblestone road - you will do an act for which you will later be ashamed.

What is the dream of - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

If in a dream you are walking along a road, you will find sadness or hard work. The dream of a winding road covered in pits foreshadows losses. If you dreamed about the railway - you will succeed; new - a sharp change in the situation, crisis. To meet a train in a dream - to a business proposal; to see a person getting off the train - to an offer received through a friend; to be on the train yourself - to receive an invitation that can radically change your life.

What a dream is for - according to Hasse's dream book

To dream of a road - to a calm life; direct road - to slow down the implementation of any plans; uneven and bumpy - to obstacles; difficult road - you will get only one chance to get what you want. If you see in a dream a road that diverges to the sides, then you have to make difficult choices, choosing good or evil.

What the road is for - according to the esoteric dream book

To dream of a wide road - to choose the wrong path in reality; bumpy - for a pleasant journey; narrow and meandering - to unexpected incidents along the way; going into the distance, lost behind the horizon - to an uncertain future. If you dream of a crossroads, then you will be asked to change the decision, but you should not do that.

What a dream is for - in the eastern dream book

If you dreamed of a wide road, it means that you will have a quiet life; narrow - temptation. Drive along the road - to the successful implementation of plans; to follow the road - to well-being; to leave it - to the loss of reputation or property; to see a beautiful and green road - to a successful marriage.

What is the dream of the English dream book

If in a dream you are on a good road, you will find success in all areas of life; if you see a winding road that runs through a thorny bush - to the betrayal of friends.

What is the dream of the road in the French dream book

If in a dream you easily follow a good road, it means that in reality your business will be very successful. If in a dream the road seemed difficult for you, it means that you will meet many obstacles in your life path. To dream in a narrow and curved road - to failures; to go by rail - to success and prosperity. However, to feel shaking or jolting during such a movement - to the collapse of a business partnership, divorce or amorous disappointment.

What is the dream of the Russian dream book

Ride along a new, wide road - to travel or success in business; to see a pitted and abandoned road - to the loss of property, family scandals and other troubles.


Watch the video: The Dream of the Rood (June 2024).