March 6: what are the holidays today. Events, birthday and birthday on March 6.


Holidays March 6

Ghana Independence Day

Since 1957, the African state of Ghana has celebrated a holiday of national importance - Independence Day. On March 6, 1957, the state received the status of a sovereign and moved away from the borders of Great Britain. Earlier, in the 15th century, the Europeans called Ghana the Gold Coast. The wealth of the country attracted many powers who sought to get rich at someone else's expense. However, in the middle of the 19th century, England ousted all competitors from the Gold Coast and signed a protectorate agreement with Ghana. Since 1940, the liberation struggle of the peoples of the Gold Coast has sharply increased, which eventually led to the achievement of the cherished goal - in 1957 the republic gained independence and became known as Ghana.

Day of Kozelschansk Icon of the Mother of God

The holy face is one of the most revered icons in Christian society. Historians suggest that the holy image was brought to Russia by Empress Elizabeth from far Italy. In the 19th century, the icon was the family shrine of the Kapnist family. There is a belief that she healed the daughter of V.I. Kapnist Maria from severe bone disease. The rumor of miraculous healing swept across Moscow, and people reached for the icon when it was later transported to church by Kapnist’s decree. On April 23, 1881, the face, with the blessing of the archbishop, was transferred to the chapel, from where prayers and reading of the akathists were heard every morning.

March 6 in the national calendar


On March 6, people remember Reverend Timothy, who lived in the desert region of Asia Minor. As a young man, Timofey made a vow of celibacy and sexual abstinence and vowed not to look at the woman. Even as a child, he discovered in his unusual abilities - a boy could heal the sick and cast out evil spirits.

As a rule, warm winds began to come with Vesnovey, so the peasants talked about this: "If only Timothy-Vesnov was alive, no winter would be terrible there" or "Vesnov would come and the door would be warm." It was believed that even the fiercest snowstorm after March 6 would not inflict great damage on people. On this day, the old men paid attention to the weather: if clarity and warmth reigned outside, then the whole spring would be fine; if strong northerly winds blow, then spring should be just as cold. It is also believed that the tree drip begins with Timothy-Vesnovey. During this period, people collected young (updated) bark from trees and used it for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Historical events of March 6

March 6, 1521 - Discovery of Guam

Guam is an island located in the Western Pacific and currently owned by the United States. In 1521, the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan during a world tour came across new Earths. At that time, the Chamorro tribe reigned on the island, which had already developed early class society. After 44 years, Spain declared Guam its colony, and in 1898, the United States conquered the island from the Spaniards as a result of the Spanish-American war.

March 6, 1722 - Peter the Great has forbidden to lead collections on the construction and needs of churches, temples. By his decree of March 6, 1722, the emperor tried to protect the common people from speculators acting on behalf of the Orthodox Church.

March 6, 1899 - German scientist Felix Hoffman received a patent for aspirin

Aspirin is a universal medicine of the 20th century, which has a very wide range of applications. Until the middle of the century, aspirin was one of the most valuable drugs. But what happened in the world before its invention? Naturally, our ancestors sought salvation in medicinal plants and natural medicine. Many people used tincture and decoction of willow bark to treat chills and fevers. In the middle of the 19th century, scientists began to study the composition of the valuable plant and found out that salicylic acid in willow has an anti-fever effect. Soon, chemists isolated the substance and successfully synthesized it under laboratory conditions. So the first aspirin appeared. To expand the production of the drug, Felix Hoffman - an employee of Bayer - developed a special technology. March 6, in 1899, he was granted a patent.

March 6, 1986 - The interplanetary station "Vega-I" carried out the research program for comet Halley

The first comet, which managed to fix the astronauts, with the naked eye. Over the entire history of the existence of mankind, the flight of Halley's comet could be observed about 50 times. The first mentions of it appeared in 446 BC. Every 76 years, the cosmic body returns to the solar system and crosses it, throwing huge blocks of ice up to six meters thick into space. During its last passage, scientists launched into space the interplanetary stations Vega-I, Giotto, Sakigake and Suisei. The Russian apparatus "Vega" managed to get detailed images of the comet and its nuclei. Thanks to them, scientists were able to open the secret curtain and recognize the composition and behavior of a celestial body.

Born on March 6

Stanislav Jerzy Lec (1909-1966gg.) - an outstanding Polish satirist, who became famous for his aphorisms.

At the beginning of the Great Army, Stanislav was imprisoned in a fascist concentration camp, but two years later the satirist escaped. After which he was accepted into the Resistance Movement. The cycles of poetic works, aphorisms, epigrams and maxims brought satirics the greatest glory.

Elizabeth Browning (1806-1861) - English poetess.

Since childhood, little Lizzie began to be interested in philosophical books and foreign languages. As a child, I began to learn three languages ​​at once, in addition to my mother tongue, which were given to her with surprising ease. At the age of ten, she began to write poems and voice them with her family. At the age of fifteen, Elizabeth suffered a serious illness, and later lost her beloved brother. The tragedy broke it, and for a long time the girl was depressed. At the age of 40, she married Browning, and her life got better. A happy family “routine” and the birth of a healthy baby strengthened her will and desire for creativity.

Valentina Tereshkova (born in 1937) - the first cosmonaut in the world in a woman's appearance.

The idea to send a cosmonaut woman into space came to mind after the first successful trials with flight. Tereshkova fully fit the criteria set by Korolev: she was bold, athletic, young and active, and also an avid parachutist. The listed qualities made Valentina Tereshkova a real cosmonaut, a “patriot” of her work.

Vasily Mate (1856-1917 gg.) - A famous Russian artist, oforist and engraver.

Mark Donskoy (1901-1981 gg.) - Soviet director, screenwriter.

The first films of Donskoy "In the big city" and "Price of a person" received approval from the critics immediately after the release. The film director, shot in 1934, “Song of Happiness” brought wide popularity to the director. He is also known to us from the films “Gorky’s Childhood,” “How the Steel Was Hardened,” “Rainbow,” (the picture was awarded the Stalin Prize) and much more.

Name Day March 6

Grigory, Alexander, Zakharia, Olga, Zakhar, Ivan, Timofey, Pavel, Danil, Daniil, Georgy, Konstantin, Evstafy.


Watch the video: iPhone 6: How to Show Hide Calendar Holidays and Birthdays (June 2024).