Birth horoscope by date and month of birth: winter and autumn birth dates


Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by trees, flowers, various plants. From ancient times, flowers and herbs were used by different peoples, plants were dried, medicinal decoctions, potions were prepared from them, they were hung in the house as amulets or made from them amulets and talismans.

Flower horoscope designed by the Druids. It is divided into decades, each of which corresponds to a specific plant that has unique qualities. A patron plant is able to share its healing properties with a person and affect his character traits.

Carnation (September 3-11)

The carnation man has a heightened sense of justice, he will fight for the truth until the end. He will never allow anyone to slander his family or slander them.

In general, cloves are a bad diplomat, conflicts and misunderstandings often occur. It is very difficult to compromise with such a person.

Astra (September 12-22)

Astra-man solves problems quickly without outside help, never lose heart, tries to take everything from life. These people are quite sociable, believe in themselves. They will never understand those who constantly complain about failures and troubles.

Astra is hospitable, loves guests, remembers all birthdays, never forgets to congratulate on a holiday or an important date.

Heather (September 23 - October 3)

The heather man is a true jack of all trades, there is no business with which he could not cope. In addition, such good people pass on their experience to others, they make excellent teachers.

Heather - idealist and maximalist, does not take any half measures or golden mean. Does not hold evil, easily forgives and forgets the bad. He has many friends and acquaintances.

Camellia (October 4-13)

The camellia man is vulnerable, he feels it and is constantly looking for protection and patron. Near a woman camellia, any man will feel like a knight. A man is often involved in architecture, design, and paints.

Camellia does not tolerate hackwork or unfinished business, everything is brought to an end. He loves traveling, exhibitions, museums and theater.

Lilac (October 14-23)

The lilac man is naive and simple-hearted throughout his life, while achieving his goals and never doubts his strength.

Lilac is very self-confident, never ask for advice or help. It will always help your friends.

Freesia (October 24-November 2)

Freesia man is rather stubborn, while stubbornness is for the good, all the goals are achieved. It is important for such people to be the first everywhere and in everything, it often annoys others.

In the work often meets the approval of the authorities and the negative from colleagues. Freesia will never be poor, ready to perform boring, but lucrative duties.

Orchid (November 3-12)

The orchid man is perceptive, has a rare instinct, it is impossible to deceive him. If you do, quickly lose his confidence.

An orchid is superstitious, secretive, does not tolerate interference in personal space and life, constantly controls its emotions.

Orchid is a creative nature that conveys its emotions into creations. Prefers remote office work.

Peony (November 13-22)

Peony man often has excellent health, rarely sick, hardy. Such people rarely mess around, they constantly need some kind of activity.

Peony loves people, he has many friends and acquaintances. He knows his worth and does not need anyone's encouragement or praise

Gladiolus (November 23-December 2)

The gladiolus man is simple and friendly. He easily spends money, does not learn from his mistakes. He lacks his strength to be everywhere first - he is forever second. However, if a gladiolus has a wise mentor, he will be able to achieve success.

Such people have a good sense of humor, the soul of the company is them. At the same time, they value peace and tranquility in the family.

Dandelion (December 3-12)

The dandelion man is surprisingly sociable, always cheerful, loves noisy companies and adventures.

Dandelion is a reliable friend, ready to give the last to help his friends. However, he lives one day, can forget about important responsible matters, which often spoils his relationship with other people.

Lotus (December 13-22)

The lotus man is beautiful, elegant, not devoid of imagination and nobility. Lotus men very beautifully look after, and women attractively flirt.

Lotuses are true friends; they will never betray and deceive.

Lotus women are excellent housewives, live for the sake of the family, make their husband's interests their own, often abandon their December careers and are fully committed to maintaining the home.

Edelweiss (December 23-31)

Edelweiss man is an egoist, independent of no one, he is completely self-sufficient. At the same time, he likes to be in society, makes friends easily.

In his actions and plans he does not differ in consistency, he is sprayed on many things at once. Such people search for themselves for a long time, often change processions, it is difficult for them to find their calling.

Yellow gentian (January 1-10)

This flower grows in mountain meadows in the summer, so people born in the period from January 1 to 10 do not really like the cold climate and can not tolerate it, they can often get sick. The patron flower endows its wards with friendliness, open temper, and a desire to help.

Born in this period often worry about the little things, perceive everything close to the heart. At the same time, all problems are solved not in a simple, but in a difficult way.

People who are patronized by the yellow gentian need to learn to listen to their inner voice, trust intuition and others. Moreover, they are always ready to help, lend, or even make a sacrifice.

In family affairs loyalty, openness is manifested. In work - accuracy and ease of decision-making, bosses love such people, people achieve their goals by hard work and perseverance.

Thistle (January 11-22)

This flower gives modesty, even some inconspicuousness. People born in this period try to stay away, they lack persistence in business, it is difficult to achieve what they want. They often abandon what they started when the slightest obstacle occurs. In addition, the thistle will impatience, fussiness, frivolity. However, others are responsive and kind.

The thistle may show some aggression as a way of self-defense. Moreover, such a person is distinguished by kindness and easy disposition, surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances.

The work shows full commitment, the family is provided with everything necessary.

People born under the care of a thistle need to be more attentive to their health, sensitively monitor their health.

Immortelle (January 21-31)

Refinement and good taste - a distinctive feature of people born in this period. Elegance and simplicity often envy others. Such a person is well remembered, makes a vivid impression.

The immortal endows the ward with a simple disposition, a powerful strength of mind. Such people will find a way out of any difficult situation, showing an enviable tenacity and somewhere even stubbornness. These qualities make it possible to achieve success in work, to make a brilliant and fast career. Often the immortelle is considered an upstart, which is just lucky, but he always achieves everything himself without outside help and protection.

Unfortunately, in relationships and family affairs of the immortelle, doubts about a partner are often overcome, it is rarely possible to achieve peace and stability. Such a person is jealous, in a relationship not sure of himself, often shows nervousness and anxiety.

Mistletoe (February 1-10)

The ancient Celts believed that mistletoe grows where lightning struck, considered this flower sacred and worshiped it.

People who are patronized by mistletoe are very attractive to the opposite sex, have a charm, their charms conquer almost everyone around them. Mistletoe is always surrounded by fans.

However, the mistletoe-man needs to devote a lot of time to education, mental development, so that the beautiful body shell harmonizes with the inner world.

Mistletoe women, for the sake of love, are ready for sacrifices, they will follow their beloved even to the ends of the world. However, unsettled life and unstable family income can quickly cool the feelings of mistletoe women. Feelings are strong, and, unfortunately, often short-lived.

Male mistletoe often go in for sports, monitor their health. They are very jealous, terrible in anger - it is better not to run into conflict with them, not to provoke.

Pretty Man (February 11-20)

The belladonna is an inconspicuous and faded flower, one has great potential for positive energy. Wards are always modest, they have a lot of virtue, perseverance, hard work - these qualities are appreciated by others.

The belladonna does not allow its wards to have financial problems. Such people live within their means, do not lead a wasteful life, and they rarely borrow.

People born in this period are always sincere, they say what they think, they hate flatterers and sneaks. True friends appreciate these qualities and do not take offense at the, sometimes excessive, straightforwardness that seems harsh to strangers. The belladonna will never lie, it’s a true truth.

The beautiful woman is a faithful and modest wife, a kind mother. Young girls, although modest, are never deprived of the attention of the opposite sex due to their kindness and sincerity.

The handsome man is hardworking, purposeful, achieves a high position.

Mimosa (February 21--28 / 29)

Mimosa symbolizes the onset of spring, although it patronizes those born in winter. Man-mimosa is characterized by increased sensitivity, while he is very indecisive, often has low self-esteem. Such people do not tolerate criticism very often, often worry about the slightest reproach.

Mimosa is very hardworking, while it is important for her to be approved by others, a high mark for her work.

Such people often get sick due to depression or overwork.

Mimosa rarely becomes rich - a lack of ambition affects it. At the same time, life as a whole is developing quite successfully.

So, we found out what features patron flowers give to their wards. You can compare the description with your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Surely, you note the resemblance. Remember that after drying your patron flower, you can make it your own amulet - carry it with you or put it over the threshold of the house.

If you did not find your date of birth in this article - do not be discouraged. See Flower horoscope by date and month of birth: spring and summer dates of birth


Watch the video: FL Birthday Horoscope for December 21st (June 2024).