Lamination of hair at home with gelatin - everything will be smooth! All about laminating hair with gelatin at home


This procedure is one of the best for hair care.

The process of laminating hair with gelatin is simple and can be done at home.

No need to look for time and money (which is constantly lacking) in order to give a healthy and well-groomed look to your hair.

Lamination of hair at home with gelatin: is it possible?

The idea of ​​lamination is based on the use of a special tool that will envelop the hair with a protective film, even it out and make it smooth. In this case, this product is gelatin, which is very similar in structure to the hair, which completely fills it, envelops it, contains animal collagen protein, which performs a connecting and restoring function in our body. In beauty salons, vegetable protein is used.

Arrange yourself a day of beauty tomorrow! Yes, put off all the endless things and take care of yourself. One of the brilliant (!) Procedures for this is lamination of hair with gelatin, which is not only possible, but also necessary. Indeed, at home, using only natural ingredients, you can let your hair:

1) Be healthier. The so-called film that is applied protects from the adverse factors of the natural environment, ultraviolet rays, dry hair dryer, varnish.

2) Get rid of such a problem as brittleness and split ends. The structure of our hair is such that it is covered with keratin scales. Under the influence of dust and dirt, the scales exfoliate and give the hair a dull, groomed look. The film will help in the formation of a new surface of the hair.

3) Be obedient, brilliant and voluminous. After applying the first procedure, you will notice how the hair has increased in volume by about 20%, combed well and acquired a brilliant shade even without the use of additional cosmetics.

4) Save color. Use the specified procedure after staining, and you will be surprised that painting can now be done less often.

5) Strengthen and elasticize. The film makes the hair stronger and thicker, which will certainly affect their appearance.

6) Grow to the desired length.

Lamination of hair at home with gelatin: a technique

As a basis, we will consider a simple basic recipe, in which everyone can make their own individual adjustments. The latter can be influenced by the features of the structure and type of hair, as well as personal preferences. Hair needs not only a protective film, but also intensive nutrition. And no matter what they say, gelatin is made from denatured collagen that will not nourish your hair. But if you add additional ingredients to the mixture, they can penetrate the structure of the hair before it is wrapped in a protective film. Also, the structure of your hair will affect the result.

For a gelatin base, we need (depends on the length and density of the hair):

• 1 tbsp. gelatin (edible powder)

• 3-4 tbsp. water (or milk, or still mineral water)

• 1 tbsp. balm (mask) for hair.

The balm should not be less than gelatin, so that the reverse effect does not occur, that is, brittle hair.

Pour gelatin with the required amount of warm water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Water should not be hot, since gelatin can coagulate, and in cold water it will swell for a long time. It is better to use the water bath method, which is also faster. You can also use a microwave or hot battery. Add the balm to the mixture and stir everything until smooth. Do not allow strong cooling of the composition, otherwise it will become unusable. We will supplement this mixture with components designed specifically for you.

Can add:

• egg yolk, which is suitable for dry hair or egg white - for oily hair;

• Herbal infusions are recommended for hair growth (nettle for brunettes, tea string), hair strengthening (hop cones, dope), hair loss (chamomile for blondes, burdock, decoction of birch bark), dandruff (oak root, lavender). Pour 1 tbsp. l any herb with half a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. For greater shine, replace the water with this infusion in the manufacture of a mask with gelatin;

• colorless henna and mustard, 1 tsp each; adding yolk, you get a great mask to increase hair volume;

• lemon juice - 2 tbsp. Vitamins and essential oils nourish the scalp well, improve the structure of the hair and will prevent their loss. Also, this citrus has a brightening effect, gives shine to your hair, affects their growth and fights against dandruff. More suitable for oily hair;

• kefir with a high percentage of fat in the amount of 1 tbsp. helps soften, increase elasticity and hair growth;

• wheat germ oil, almond, avocado. For normal hair, add 1 tsp, and for dry and oily hair, increase and decrease, respectively. These oils nourish the head with essential vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. They are an excellent means of preventing diseases of the skin and head;

• essential oils (just add 4 drops) will help enhance the effect.

If the hair is "killed" by peroxide, then you need powerful ingredients that, along with the fact that they will nourish and moisturize your hair, still retain a good light shade and remove yellowness.

Composition: 1 tbsp. any mask for colored hair, 1 tbsp. almond oil (for shine), 1 tsp Aloe (a powerful moisturizing and regenerating component).

The methodology and procedure for use are the same for all types of masks.

In the base gelatin mixture, mix all the ingredients. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo. Then apply the magic mixture on the scalp, evenly distributing it along the entire length. To do this, you can use a brush or just with your hands, where, using a comb with teeth, evenly distribute the mixture over the entire hairline. Put a special plastic hat on your head or just a bag and wrap your head in a towel like after a shower. Leave the mixture for 45-60 minutes (it is advisable to heat the head with a hairdryer as necessary). Then just rinse with warm or cool water (hot water will wash off all the beneficial properties). For more effect You can rinse with water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. You can do the styling in the way that is familiar to you, with the help of additional devices (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) Repeat this procedure approximately once a week. The effect of the mask lasts from a month to three.

Tip: Before using any cosmetics for hair, in particular, and when laminating hair with gelatin at home, it is recommended to rinse the hair with hot water so that the components of the nutrients penetrate deep into the hair.

The specified hair mask is not forbidden to do with breastfeeding and pregnant women.

There is also a kind of gelatin mask that is applied before shampooing. To do this, you prepare a mixture of gelatin dissolved in water and shampoos in a 1: 1 ratio. Next, apply the resulting composition to dry hair, put on a plastic bag and wrap your head in a warm towel. The treatment time is 40 minutes. Then wash your hair with the shampoo that is already on your hair. Finish with rinsing procedures.

Store the resulting mixture in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, for 2 months.

Lamination of hair at home with gelatin: causes of failure

Despite the enthusiastic reviews from the use of this tool, sometimes in fact the result does not live up to our expectations. First of all, it depends on the structure and type of your hair. Therefore, in any case, before you make any conclusions, you need to test yourself. What are the rules to get the desired effect.

1) Dissolve all crystals of the gelatin mixture in a water bath, avoiding the formation of lumps. This can then cause difficulty in washing off the mask.

2) Be sure to apply the mixture to clean hair, carefully and equally distributing them along the entire length. This is due to the fact that, in fact, lamination is a process of "sealing" (from the word itself) useful substances. With a dirty head, this is a dubious process.

3) Do not rub into the roots. It can cause itching and irritation. The threshold of sensitivity and skin condition are different for everyone.

4) Note that for some, the hair after the first application of the procedure will be light and fluffy, while for others it will be hard and brittle. Therefore, for the first time, do not plan hairstyles for important meetings. See how your hair will react.

5) The balm is used to make it easier to rinse the gelatin mixture, but do not overdo it with its amount. You can also use conditioner instead of balm.

6) During the procedure, it is advisable to dry the wrapped head with a hairdryer so that the mask is absorbed faster and better.

7) Remember that this procedure is not a way to treat hair. It is intended to improve appearance. Therefore, do not expect stunning results from her, so as not to be disappointed later.

Keep in mind that laminating hair with gelatin at home has a cumulative effect. Try this procedure, following all the rules, and your hair will answer you with a beautiful and well-groomed look.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Lamination Using Gelatin For Dry & Damaged Hair, Split ends & Breakage-Beautyklove (June 2024).