On the basis of green tea will create a cure for cancer


About the miraculous properties of green tea has long been known. The substances in this drink have a beneficial effect on the work of blood vessels and the heart, normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, and have an excellent auxiliary effect on weight loss. According to the latest data, green tea can be the basis for the production of a drug that fights against cancer.

It was found that the Kakhetins, which are a part of tea, can have an effective property in the fight against malignant tumors. Scientists are convinced that if you combine the traditional scheme of treatment of cancer with these substances, you can drastically reduce the rather severe manifestations of the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Doctors declare that kakhetins, being organic substances, are absolutely safe and ways to reduce the intoxication of cancer patients.


Watch the video: Japanese research team: green tea can prevent dementia (June 2024).