What to do if your hands go numb: do you need to see a doctor? What causes the numbness of the fingers and hands, how is it treated at home


Many of us have experienced numbness in our hands.

But it is different.

If it is not systematic, there is no point in particularly worrying.

But if numbness happens with enviable regularity - you should consult a doctor.

What to do if your hands go numb - reasons

In fact, there can be many causes of the ailment. One of the most important is spinal injury. Many people know that it is the spine and its health that affect the quality of life of a person as a whole. If bruises and other injuries of the spine have occurred, then numbness of the hands may occur at any time.

What to do if your hands go numb - establish the cause of the disease. Sometimes for this you need to do an x-ray. But only a doctor can prescribe it. If the patient knows exactly about his problems with the spine, then the treatment of numbness of the limbs should begin with the elimination of the initial ailment. To do this, you need a whole rehabilitation and health complex.

Often patients complain that their hands go numb during sleep. An uncomfortable bed, improper posture during a night's rest can contribute to this. Eliminating these causes of malaise is quite simple and you should not focus on them. But if the problem repeats already at a new place of sleep, you should consult a doctor.

In cases where only the left arm is numb, it is worth paying special attention to the state of the patient's cardiovascular system. If the left hand goes numb with pain in the heart or immediately after it, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can be a symptom of a serious heart disease, up to a heart attack.

What should I do if my hands go numb and the cause is not established? Conduct a full examination of the body. Perhaps the patient has an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals. Sparing physical activity and a vitamin diet helps many patients cope with the disease. Some of the patients have noted improvement with a decrease in total body weight.

How can overweight affect numbness in the hands? Very simple. Excess weight puts additional pressure on the spine, and as a result of this, pinched nerves and numb hands. Blood circulates poorly in vessels and capillaries. Very often, this problem is experienced by patients who have a history of frostbite on their hands.

Also, the hands may become numb due to excessive nervous load and patient excitability. Stress adversely affects human health and there are no exceptions to this rule, so you should be careful about the state of your nervous system and prevent its overload. Excessive worries for no reason can cost patients not only the quality of their life, but also her own.

What to do if your hands go numb after a long work at the computer? This problem is faced by most office workers. The thing is that to create an ideal workplace, the employer must comply with all labor protection standards and ensure an individual approach to its equipment. Thus, for each employee a certain table height, its width should be selected. The necessary distance from the computer monitor to the worker’s eyes must be taken into account. The height of the table should be suitable so that with prolonged typing on the keyboard, the employee does not get tired of his wrist, and his hands are numb. The chair should also be comfortable.

These requirements are rarely taken into account and fully implemented by the employer. They are often neglected. Particularly often faced with the problem of numbness of the extremities are those who prefer to watch TV while lying, who are sitting on a sofa or lying on a laptop.

What is the reason for this? This is due to the fact that if the pose for working with a laptop is incorrectly selected, the blood circulation process worsens and not only the hands go numb, but the left or right parts of the human body can go numb. At the same time, he will not consider this a problem, not realizing that when the body became numb, it means that the blood practically stopped circulating.

Often the problem of numbness of the hands comes to those who have suffered a long-term illness, accompanied by high body temperature. During an increase in temperature, blood vessels can be destroyed, therefore, when it subsides - a person still experiences discomfort, the period of physical recovery of the body after such an illness is long. In order for the vessels and capillaries to recover completely, a certain treatment is necessary.

What to do if your hands go numb - consequences

Since numbness of the hands often accompanies the development of other, basic diseases, it does not bear pronounced consequences, except for discomfort. In rare cases, the functionality of the limbs cannot be restored. Often this is associated with past strokes and heart attacks, as a result of which the hands go numb.

In those cases when numbness of the hands is associated with nervous strain, it can accompany a person for life even after curing from the underlying disease, as it will occur in any stressful situation.

If the disease is caused by heart failure, then any overload of the heart will result in numbness of the hands. In this case, continuous prevention of underlying heart disease is recommended. With spinal injuries, numbness of the hands is almost inevitable and it can cause severity not only in the elbow joints, but also in the thoracic spine. This problem can be dealt with only using an integrated approach.

What to do if your hands go numb - treatment

What to do if your hands go numb? It is better to consult a therapist right away. As a result of the examination and tests, he will already prescribe treatment on his own, or will refer you to a specialist.

In some cases, the patient is immediately referred to a surgeon or traumatologist. Then an x-ray of the thoracic spine is prescribed. According to its results, a final diagnosis is already being established. If numbness occurs as a result of pinching of the nerves, then the patient is sent for physiotherapy and massage. If the problem is more complicated, for example, the destruction of the vertebral discs, then it is possible to use surgical intervention with subsequent long-term recovery of the body.

If the above ailments occur, you should not hope for a quick recovery, sometimes the patient has to spend several months to return all the functions of the hands that were lost to him.

In cases where numbness is caused by psychological factors, the doctor prescribes sedatives and sedatives. Some patients are prescribed sleeping pills. If the problem is actually commonplace and simply consists in an uncomfortable mattress or bed on which the patient sleeps, then it is worth replacing them and life will improve. In any case, the treatment of the disease will include a comprehensive diverse approach.

Sometimes the functions of blood vessels are disturbed due to the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the patient's body. To compensate for them, special drugs are prescribed. As practice shows, often these are preparations of B vitamins, glycine, calcium and chondroitin. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct dosage of the drug, so do not self-medicate.

Often patients do not associate numbness of the hands with some other ailments. For example, frequent numbness of the hands and migraines may indicate an impending stroke, so in this case the treatment will be complex and multi-stage.

Hands can grow numb not only in adults, but also in children, it happens that in children this process is associated with active bone growth. In this case, doctors advise parents to help their child with massage, as numbness occurs as a result of active bone growth, when muscle mass just does not keep up with it. Massage can be performed in courses for prevention, can be performed only as needed. Doctors strongly do not recommend painkillers for numbing hands. They further reduce the sensitivity of the hands.

What to do if your hands go numb - folk remedies

Folk remedies that are used to eliminate problems with numbness of the hands are often associated with the use of physiotherapy and massages with oils and herbs. It is very useful if the cause of the ailment is a stretching of the muscles of the back, steaming in a bath or warming up a problem place with the help of burning herbal lotions.

If the problem is neurological in nature, and the patient does not want to take chemical sedatives, the doctor can prescribe herbal sedatives, or herbal tinctures for nervous relaxation. The use of herbal preparations should be justified and does not exclude the use of medications.

It is worthwhile to be aware that if a final diagnosis is not established, then self-medication can only do harm. From folk remedies, as a relief of the main symptoms of the disease, vegetable ointments and rubbing can be used. Especially good are those made on the basis of wax and bee venom. They have a warming effect and can restore blood vessels from the inside due to the content of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

As vitamin drinks can be used cooked mousse and berries. Many herbal tinctures are also useful. But, if the problem is really serious, then folk remedies are used as auxiliary methods of treating the disease and only as prescribed by the doctor.


Watch the video: Tingling and Numb Fingers. Ask the Doctor (June 2024).