The meaning of the name Igor


Name Igor has a Scandinavian origin. It, according to one version, has become a variant of the name Ingvar. The assertion that “Igor” and “yoke” are cognate words is considered erroneous.

If we divide the word into its components, then two roots stand out, which literally translate as “the god of fertility” and “thrifty, prudent”.

Igor - character traits

Igor is one of the most common modern male names. The name contains two letters at once, characterizing its owner as a firm and decisive person ("g", "p").

Igor is a pragmatist, of whom there are few. He is ready to calculate every step and deed. For him, confidence in success is more important than risk with a dubious outcome. He prefers to achieve his goal methodically and measuredly, although jerks are also not excluded, but only in the case of complete absence of danger.

He loves comfort. But he is not a consumer. In order for the house to have a "full bowl", Igor is ready to work from dawn to dusk, in several jobs. The best option for him is a stable high-paying position, especially since for this he has all the makings. He is smart, quite restrained, although joking with those who are lower rank and safe for his career is one of Igor's most favorite entertainments.

His taunts are not to everyone’s liking, so they don’t start usual friendships with Igor. It is more often used as a business partner or as a good executor of the will of superiors.

Igor is a careerist. He will succeed in a business that he likes. But no need to try to get him to do something unpleasant to his nature. He "smears" by any means.

Igor is a bright and visible person. Ladies often fall in love with his appearance. But they quickly cool down if a flurry of jokes and ambiguous jokes falls upon them. Igor can only idolize a woman whom she considers her equal in intellectual and physical terms.

Igor - name compatibility

Usually Igor marries early. About his love affairs (which, incidentally, are quite possible), the wife will never know. All her life she will feel his concern for the family and the desire to create the perfect hearth, where everyone is comfortable and cozy. Igor is the head, he is a real husband. But he treats the duties of his father with a share of irony. He will shift all care for the younger generation to his wife’s shoulders.

Igor needs a woman partner. In his family there is a clear distribution of responsibilities. Best of all, Igor is suitable for Angelica, Oksana, Alevtina, Marina, Margarita. But with Lyudmila, Natalya, Svetlana or Elena he will be uncomfortable.

Igor - famous people who bore this name

Igor Nikolaev - musician, songwriter.

Igor Kornelyuk - musician, poet and songwriter.

Igor Lifanov is an actor in theater and cinema.

Igor Bobrin is a famous skater, coach, winner and winner of international and world competitions.

Igor Akinfeev - goalkeeper, captain of the Russian football team.

Igor Kio is an illusionist with a worldwide reputation.

Igor Krutoy - composer, musician, producer.

Igor - interesting facts about the name

Prince Igor, the infamous character in Russian history, recklessly decided that his subordinates would endure everything. Having once collected tribute from subservient lands, he went on a second campaign through the same territories. The result - the prince was killed, and his wife, Princess Olga, took sin into her soul and burned down the settlement involved in the death of her husband.


Igor 08/29/2016
this is true but not all

Alena 04/15/2016
People like Igor described are just a godsend for many women. After all, now there are so many completely opposite situations when a woman pulls on herself the whole family. Such a husband will be both a support and a wall. Very necessary people, these Igory!

Tanya 04/15/2016
I have brother Igor. He is and is, as written in the article. He hardly climbs out of work! Okay, now he’s married, and for whom, and before ?! Spends all his young years, and has already spent in work. I don’t understand this, but the main thing is that he is happy.

Oksana 04/15/2016
And I don’t like the feature of Igor, which allows them to mock people. And this I noticed behind them quite often. It is correctly written here that they make fun of only those who do not depend on anything. That is, who cannot adequately repay Igor.

And I know one Igor - he is completely unique!)) He can work, and he can very well, but he doesn’t want to at all !!! He doesn’t have such a craving))) His wife works, and Igor’s work for his mother))) Then he fusses with children, then he rustles in the kitchen ... These are Igorka.


Watch the video: The Meaning Behind Igor and the Covers (June 2024).