Pierce Brosnan - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news


One of the most beautiful men in the world, agent "007" Pierce Brosnan not only won the hearts of all the ladies of the world, but also acted as a standard for strong men who know the meaning and taste of life.

The childhood of the legendary James Bond - Pierce Brosnan was not very fun. He was born in Ireland in the small town of Droera on May 16, 1953. His father, who worked as a carpenter, left them with his mother when Pierce was not even a year old. His mother Maya was forced to leave for London, because only there she could get a job as a nurse. Pierce stayed with his grandparents in Ireland. His mother came very rarely, and after the death of his grandparents, Pierce was under the care of his uncle and aunt, who quickly assigned him to the Brothers of Christ school. There was incredible severity in this school and corporal punishment was in full use. After several years of study at this school at Pierce Brosnan, religion still causes a strong shudder.

After Pierce's mother got married a second time, she took her son to London, where he saw a completely different life and first got acquainted with the movie. The first film he saw, “Golfer” with the participation of Sean Connery, won the heart of a young boy. At the age of 16, after graduation, Pierce Brosnan got a job at a photo studio and worked as a barker at the same time. In addition to his love of cinema, Brosnan had another hobby - he loved painting and developed his talent as an artist while studying at the Central College of Art and Design of St. Martis. But after an accidental visit to the theater school, he realized that his vocation was acting. In 1973, Pierce Brosnan entered the London School of Drama, where he studied for three years and replayed almost all classical roles in English theaters. At the same time, Pierce Brosnan met a great love of his life - actress Cassandra Harris and in 1980 they played a wedding.

Pierce Brosnan - the beginning of a career

Cassandra Harris saw that her husband was an incredibly talented actor, so she persuaded him, after finishing his first serious work in the series "The Manions of America", to go further and conquer Hollywood. In 1982, Pierce Brosnan was invited to star in the detective series Remington Steele. His magnificent game allowed him to succeed in popularity, as well as decently earn and acquire two luxurious homes in Beverly Hills and Malibu. Pierce Brosnan has become a popular and sought after actor in Hollywood. In 1992, he starred in the cult film The Lawnmower Man, and in 1993 he starred with Robin Williams in the movie Mrs. Doutfire.

Pierce Brosnan - gaining popularity

All his life, Pierce Brosnan dreamed of playing a spy of all time, the legendary James Bond. And in 1995 Brosnan smiled a lot of luck and he was invited to the role of agent “007” in the picture “Golden Eye”. After the release of the film, the film raised 350 million dollars, and Pierce Brosnan became the brightest star in Hollywood. His game and appearance fascinated, enchanted and impressed the whole world, and today it is difficult to put someone else as agent “007”. After such a resounding success of the first picture, no less successful followed: “Tomorrow Never Dies” and “License to Kill”. All of them were just fantastic success at the box office. Pierce Brosnan has become an incredibly famous and highly paid actor in America. After such success, he began to be invited to the best blockbusters and films of Hollywood.

Pierce Brosnan - The Most Important Roles

The most famous actor of our time, Pierce Brosnan, starred in an incredible number of paintings. He always played great romantic and courageous characters with a cold mind and a warm heart. Among the most successful works of Pierce Brosnan are films such as The Lawnmower Man (1992).
- “Mrs. Doutfire” (1993)
- “Love Story” (1994)
- The Golden Eye (1995)
- “The mirror has two faces” (1996)
- “Tomorrow will never die” (1997)
- “And the whole world is not enough” (1999)
- “Thomas Crown Scam” (1999)
- “Die but not now” (2002)
- “Matador” (2005)
- “The Ghost” (2010)
- “Mamma Mia” (2008)
- “Remember Me” (2010)
- “Thomas Crown Scam” (2012)

Pierce Brosnan - personal life

Pierce Brosnan in 1970 met a woman whom he truly fell in love with - the beautiful actress Cassandra Harris. He immediately adopted her two children from her first marriage, and in 1983 they had a son, Sean William. But their joyful family life was saddened by the tragic event: Cassandra was given a terrible diagnosis - cancer. Pierce Brosnan began to act less, as he tried to spend more time with his wife and together with her he resisted the disease until the last, trying to do everything to make her retreat, but in 1991 his wife Cassandra died in his arms.

To survive the pain of loss, Brosnan went headlong to work. After several successful works, Pierce Brosnan gets his cherished agent role “007” and his personal life began to improve. The handsome Brosnan had a reputation for “Macho Hollywood.” He had a large number of novels with the most beautiful women in the world, but none of them could enter his heart, as his first wife Cassandra once entered.

And only journalist Kelly Shane Smith, was able to once again fill the life of Pierce Brosnan with joy and love. After many years of relationship, Kelly gave Pierce a son, Dillon, and in 2001 they played a luxurious wedding, and at the end of 2001 they had a second son, Paris. Today they live in California. Pierce Brosnan gives great support to his son Sean, who followed in his father's footsteps and became an actor.

Pier Brosnan - interesting facts

For his contribution to the development of the film industry, Pierce Brosnan received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

In the film “For Your Eyes Only”, which was shot in 1981, his first wife Cassandra played the Bond girl.

Pierce Brosnan - recognized as the most handsome man on the planet. In addition to acting, Pierce Brosnan is interested in painting and quite successfully sells his paintings through his own website. Also, in recent years, Brosnan has been devoting more time to production activities.

It is interesting that Pierce Brosnan is a hero not only on the screen, but also in life. When the film “Percy Jackson” was shot on his partner in the picture, Umu Thurman, a minibus rolled off the hill at high speed, but Brosnan’s courage and lightning reaction saved the actress, and Percy proved that he had heroism not only on the screen, but also in blood.

Pier Brosnan - today

Today, Pierce Brosnan is seriously engaged in his project - the film "Thomas Crown Scam 2", in which he not only played a major role, but also acted as a producer. The picture goes on sale this year and Pierce Brosnan expects only success from her.

The most beautiful James Bond - Pierce Brosnan was able to achieve no less success than his inspiration for a love of cinema - Sean Connery.


vivasia 12/07/2016
Pierce Brosnan is a man of unique beauty, an intelligent, decent person. Incredibly interesting series "Remington Steel" he actually pulled his game. But he was unlucky in his personal life with his first wife Cassandra Harris. It is not clear what fascinated him with an uninteresting outwardly mediocre actress, she also starred in this series. Her death changed Pierce. It is unfortunate that he did not star in Bondiana earlier, he was banned during the filming of Remington. In Golden Eye, it is an extinct, aged, tormented person. Despite these circumstances and remembering him as Remington Steele, Pierce Brosnan remains the smartest, most talented actor.


Watch the video: Tragic Details That Have Come Out About Pierce Brosnan (June 2024).