Features of pollen, the benefits of its composition. Using the product to improve the body: what benefits does pollen have?


Flower pollen is a male plant cell, which contains a huge amount of flowers. Bees collect this component for their food, transferring pollen on their legs to the honeycomb of the hive. And pollen already treated with nectar and glued together with a secret from bee glands is actively used in folk treatment due to its many beneficial properties.

The chemical composition of pollen and the benefits of components

Beekeepers often use flower pollen for their personal purposes, since this product is a concentration of various vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It consists of:

• at least 28 micro and macro elements, such as phosphorus, zinc, iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and others;

• vitamins of groups B, A, E, C, P;

• protein - depending on the variety, its amount can vary from 7 to 36%;

• carbohydrates - content in the range of 20-30%;

• amino acids and phytohormones;

• enzymes that act as catalysts for metabolic processes in the human body;

• antibacterial substances.

Pollen collected by human hands, in some cases, may have allergens in its composition. If the collection process is carried out by bees, then the product will turn out to be completely harmless.

Shelf life of pollen is small and is up to 1 year. At the same time, by the end of this period, the product will lose up to 75% of its healing qualities, and in the second year it will become simply useless. It is best to store pollen in natural granules, which the bees themselves make, in the refrigerator in the department with vegetables. When mixing pollen with honey, the shelf life also remains short.

Healing qualities of flower pollen: benefits for the body

The benefits of pollen are multifaceted and depend on the amount of content of a substance. Among the main ones are the following:

• a high content of more than 500 different microcomponents useful for the body makes pollen a more useful remedy than honey;

• strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, the provision of anti-sclerotic effects on the body;

• increase the body's defenses, stimulate the immune system;

• normalization of any metabolic processes in the body;

• increase in hemoglobin level;

• restoration of forces and energy after a long illness, physical exhaustion, various loads;

• reduction in weather sensitivity in a susceptible category of people;

• increase in tone, mood, effective fight against depression and stress;

• strengthening the heart muscle, improving heart function;

• normalization of the functioning of the digestive system;

• a positive effect on the liver;

• compatibility with the body of people suffering from pressure surges - suitable for both hypotensive and hypertensive patients;

• strengthening the prostate gland in men;

• effective breakdown of fats - can be used during diets for speedy weight loss and saturation of the body with useful substances;

• normalization of the endocrine system;

• slowing down the development of cancer cells.

Pollen is compatible with both the child's body and adults. It is equally useful for all ages, including the elderly.

Variants of the use of flower pollen: benefits for various diseases

The intake of pollen is recommended not only for the treatment of various diseases in humans, but also for healthy patients to maintain vitality and prevent disease. Of particular value is the fresh product, which must be taken within one month every quarter. To maintain health, improve appetite, enhance brain activity and lose weight, take 1 tsp. funds daily in the morning on an empty stomach, you can mix it with water and honey. In other cases, an individual approach is recommended:

1. Nervous exhaustion and asthenia treated for 2 months. It is necessary to mix pollen, honey in one quantity and take before each standard meal.

2. For hypertensive patients it is necessary to prepare a similar mixture with honey and drink in the same quantities daily.

3. Useful pollen for leukemia - it perfectly restores the cellular structure. You need to take a honey combination 2-3 times a day, while drinking it with a decoction of oregano.

4. To increase hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood, normalize blood pressure, increase efficiency, it is necessary to take 1-2 tbsp. l pollen per day. You can use the product in the same quantities to treat anemia in children.

5. In the chronic form of gastritis, 1 tbsp. l pollen in 3 servings and eat during the day 30 minutes before meals. You need to take pollen dissolved in 50 ml of water with the addition of honey. Treatment can last from a few weeks to 1.5 months.

6. In combination with propolis and homogenate, pollen can be used to treat male diseases - prostatitis and adenomas. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of the drug three times a day, and for the prevention - 1 tsp.

7. In the case of glaucoma, it is necessary to conduct pollen treatment courses 2 times a year. Within a month, you need to take 10 g of bread every day.

8. To strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses, especially in the autumn and winter periods of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to use a remedy of 500 g of honey, 50 g of flower pollen and 2 g of royal jelly. Store the miraculous drug in the refrigerator, and take daily 1 tbsp. l spoon before meals 2 times a day.

Flower pollen: benefit in external expression

More recently, pollen began to be used in cosmetology. Today, it is not difficult to find a tool on the shelves that includes this component. This popularity of pollen is explained by its anti-aging and tonic properties. For external use, pollen also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effectively eliminating redness, imperfections and improving the condition of oily skin.

Pollen can also rejuvenate the skin of the grain when applied internally. Dry granules are considered a product of longevity, beneficially affect all organs and systems of the human body, stimulating its tissues to active regeneration. And, as you know, if a person has perfectly adjusted internal processes, then his appearance will shine with health.

Pollen is also used as the main ingredient in the slimming menu. There are many arguments in favor of the effectiveness of this component to date. This is not surprising, because the rich composition of the granules perfectly stimulates and improves metabolism. With proper nutrition and regular use of pollen, excess weight will gradually go away. But for this you need to consider several features:

• When normal metabolism is restored, a natural consequence will be an increase in appetite. Therefore, people who find it difficult to deny themselves food, this method of losing weight is not suitable;

• pollen itself has a high calorie content, so that its use helps to lose weight, and not vice versa, the reception should be arranged in the morning.


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