Kefir diet for 3 days: losing weight with health benefits. What options for a 3-day kefir diet will make weight loss enjoyable?


Kefir diet for 3 days is not in vain called the simplest and most effective method of rapid weight loss.

It does not require any special or expensive products, does not take time for cooking, is easily transported and allows three days later to try on clothes one size smaller.

What is good kefir for weight loss

Kefir is a special product, ideal for weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, kefir does not apply to protein foods: it contains almost as much protein as carbohydrates, and there are fats. As a result, the composition of kefir contains all the necessary macroelements for human health. At the same time, milk protein of animal origin is absorbed slowly, which means it provides long-term saturation.

Kefir diet for 3 days will help to relieve the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the intestines, populate it with useful living bacteria - probiotics, which means it will strengthen the immune system. The beauty of kefir is that due to its unique composition it is easily combined with different products, which means that you can choose one of several diet options: with vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, cereals.

For a three-day period, you can get rid of at least 2 kg of weight. Girls of impressive shapes can lose twice as much. The abdomen will become smaller, the volume at the waist and hips will go away. Of course, pure fat in three days will take a maximum of a kilogram, but it will happen gently and safely.

Kefir diet for 3 days has obvious advantages:

• works with guarantee, there is no woman who would not lose weight at all;

• allows you to reduce weight quickly;

• suitable for all people, has very few contraindications;

• convenient from a practical point of view: there is no inconvenience either at work, or at home, on the road, or on the trip;

• easily tolerated due to prolonged saturation with proteins and fats;

• does not require financial costs;

• quickly reduces the volume of an extended stomach due to the principle of fragmentation in nutrition.

Kefir has excellent diuretic properties, and if it is daily, then laxatives too. A mild laxative effect helps cleanse and starts the normal functioning of the intestines and digestive system. Edema disappears, the general condition improves, a feeling of lightness comes, many girls experience a surge of strength. This is not surprising: along with stagnant slags, toxins poisoning the blood and lymph leave the body.

General principles of kefir diet for 3 days

Suitable for a diet is considered a young daily kefir. It is such a drink that will have a slight laxative effect. Two-day kefir is considered neutral, but a mature three-day kefir strengthens, that is, it can provoke constipation. It is best to carry out a kefir diet for 3 days on a young, one-day product.

But trying to further reduce its calorie content through the use of low-fat or non-fat kefir is not worth it. This makes no sense, since fats must enter the body. In addition, fat-free kefir does much less good than a normal fat product.

The effectiveness of the kefir diet for 3 days is very high. But it is worth starting it only for those who love sour-milk products and are ready to eat monotonous for three days. If the stomach is greatly distended, hunger will be felt until the organ is at its normal size. The fact is that a signal of saturation enters the brain when the walls of the stomach are stretched from the incoming food. It is clear that a glass of kefir in the big stomach can also be "lost".

The basic rules of kefir diet

In order for weight loss to bring the desired results, you must strictly follow the rules of the diet. The more accurate this follow-up, the more significant the effect will be.

The rules are as follows:

• within one day you need to drink one and a half liters of fresh kefir. If a girl wants to further reduce calorie content and is not afraid of low-fat foods, she can eat just that, one percent kefir or a product with zero fat content, increasing the volume to 2 liters per day;

• kefir for three days becomes the main meal. This means that you can not immediately drink all one and a half liters or divide from into three parts. During the day, you should adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition, that is, drink a glass of product after the same time. Get about six meals;

• the simultaneous use of kefir and other liquids is not recommended. You can drink tea, water, coffee no earlier than half an hour after the kefir "dish";

• at the same time, a large amount of clean water is drunk per day, not less than one and a half liters, and preferably two liters.

Drinking a lot of water during the diet on kefir is necessary in order not to overload the kidneys with protein and fat. Water will quickly flush out toxins and help empty the bowels.

In order not to get into an awkward position, it is worth starting a diet on Friday, so that the laxative effect manifests itself on the weekend. If the intestines react to kefir cleansing neutrally, then you can choose any time.

What products can replace kefir

An important point: to get all the benefits of a kefir diet for 3 days, it is not necessary to drink kefir. It can be replaced with products from the following list:

• natural sugar-free yogurt;

• bifidocum;

• biokefir;

• fermented baked milk (no more than a glass per day);

• whey (less nutritious, you can drink in addition to kefir to diversify the table);

• sourdough;

• skim cheese.

You can add a natural sweetener to kefir, for example, stevia - it is not bitter. In order not to get bored with the diet, you can cook yourself kefir desserts by adding melted gelatin to sweetened kefir.

It is cut to mix kefir with oriental spices, which enhance fat burning: cinnamon, pepper, ginger. In addition, with kefir, you can eat bran - wheat, oat or rye. They are not absorbed by the body, that is, they will not increase calorie content, but simply pass through the gastrointestinal tract and enhance the cleansing effect. Losing weight will be even safer. You can eat 2 tbsp per day. l bran.

Another caveat: to be guaranteed to drink weak kefir, you can do it yourself. To do this, you just need to buy the yeast and prepare the fermented milk product according to the instructions. Ferment is sold in pharmacies or health food stores.

3-day kefir diet menu

The basic kefir diet assumes that during the day there will be nothing to lose weight except kefir. That is, because kefir becomes food. The norm of the product per day is 1.5 liters. You can eat, for example, 500 ml of kefir, bifidoc, drinking yogurt.

Supplementing kefir diet is allowed bran. Be sure to drink water - at least 1.5 liters. Take kefir every 1.5 hours so as not to experience hunger.

There are options for a three-day kefir diet. They suggest a combination of kefir with another main component. The speed of losing weight will decrease, but it will be much easier to tolerate monotony, and nutrition will be a pleasure. It remains to choose the second product with which kefir will be combined.

Kefir and Hercules

Oatmeal lovers will love this version of the kefir diet. Once a day you can cook yourself a "porridge": steam 4 tbsp. l ordinary Hercules with half a glass of boiling water. When the boiling water has cooled, steamed cereals should be eaten, replacing them with half a glass of the usual kefir.

The time of taking "porridge" does not matter, although it is better for weight loss to eat carbohydrate I write until 12 noon. Steamed Hercules contains a minimum of calories and many so-called "long" carbohydrates, which give long-term saturation. So after hercules, hunger will not be felt for a very long time.

Kefir and cottage cheese

An important point: the cottage cheese must be natural. It is best to buy it from a trusted private seller, because a store product (especially low-fat) often has unhealthy additives, such as starch. It is impossible to lose weight on "starch curd", and there is no use in it.

The menu for three days is as follows:

1. during the first day to eat 600 grams of cottage cheese - 100 grams every two hours;

2. during the second day, drink kefir according to the usual kefir diet scheme, that is, one and a half liters of fermented milk product also every 1.5-2 hours;

3. on the third day, the proportions of food are as follows: a liter of kefir and a pack of cottage cheese (180 g) or 750 ml of kefir and 350 g of cottage cheese.

Nutrition for all three days is strictly fractional. You can alternate kefir and cottage cheese as you like. During weight loss, the plumb line will be at least 3 kg.

Kefir and apples

Despite the fact that apples contain sugars and carbohydrates, they can make an excellent pair of kefir. It will not be so sad to diet, and the result will be not much less than with the standard kefir scheme.

The menu looks like this:

1. first day - pure kefir (1.5 liters);

2. second day - fresh apples (1.5 kg);

3. the third day - again kefir or any dairy product that replaces it (again 1.5 liters).

An important nuance: with increased acidity of the stomach, you need to eat sweet apples, with a low - acid. Supplement the diet very well with green tea, and in the absence of high pressure - herbal collection with medicinal plants.

Kefir and vegetables

This diet option involves the use of raw vegetables along with kefir: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, celery, green onions, zucchini, and cauliflower. Stewing vegetables on water or with a minimum amount of oil is allowed. In this case, you can supplement the vegetable diet with eggplant. You can’t eat potatoes. For dressing raw vegetable salad, linseed or unrefined sunflower oil is suitable.

Every day you need to drink a liter of kefir and eat a kilogram of vegetables in raw or stewed form. A separate variety of this diet option is kefir plus fresh cucumbers. From these components, a remarkably refreshing summer soup is obtained. At the same time, the amount of kefir is unchanged (1.5 liters), and you can eat cucumbers as much as you want.

Important details

In order not to break loose and not start eating everything in the evening of the first day, it is recommended to choose a diet option with cottage cheese. It saturates better, and after cottage cheese for a long time I do not want to eat. You can make kefir or cottage cheese sweet due to sweeteners in order to bring down cravings for sweets.

If the stomach is weak, there is a diagnosed ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, you need to forget about diets. The kefir diet with raw vegetables is especially dangerous: fermentation, abdominal pain, and pancreas inflammation can be provoked.

At the exit from the diet, one of the meals should be gradually replaced with kefir. This will help to continue losing weight and maintain the achieved result.


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