How is cirrhosis manifested in men: symptoms and signs. How to identify and how to treat liver cirrhosis in a man


One of the most serious diseases is alcoholism. Over the past 10 years, the number of alcoholics has almost tripled: frightening and sad statistics, given the consequences of excessive consumption of alcohol.

Ethanol is pure poison.

It causes a gradual, inexorable destruction of liver cells. This is the way to hepatitis, and later to cirrhosis of the liver.

Cirrhosis is a natural stage of any chronic degenerative process in the organ, but in the vast majority of cases, former or "active" alcoholics get sick. In order not to fall prey to this inconspicuous killer, you need to know everything about cirrhosis.

On the causes of liver cirrhosis in men

Liver cirrhosis is a degenerative pathology in which the destruction of liver cells and the replacement of damaged tissues with scar tissue occur. This reduces the useful volume of liver tissue. Almost always (with rare exceptions) cirrhosis is secondary and develops as a complication of any pathological process or disease. Cirrhosis can form:

• As a result of drinking alcohol. We are talking about the systematic use of alcohol. For this reason, cirrhosis of the liver in men occurs, according to various sources, in 50-90% of cases. Often the disease does not occur spontaneously: the formation of the pathology takes about 10-20 years. In alcoholics, cirrhosis is violent, but in 15% of cases it is completely asymptomatic, which makes it even more dangerous.

• As a result of the course of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the liver. Most often, cirrhosis begins after acute viral hepatitis. Hepatitis C is especially dangerous in this regard. Also, cirrhosis is the final stage of chronic hepatitis, but its development requires a lot of time, and with due attention it is impossible to miss this moment. Less commonly, hepatitis B becomes the culprit.

• In some cases, cirrhosis is of unclear origin. In this case, they talk about cryptogenic cirrhosis. It is rare in men.

• Toxic liver damage is also a direct path to cirrhosis. The leaders among hepatotoxic substances are deservedly poisonous mushrooms and alcoholic beverages.

• Immune causes. In some cases, human immunity "goes crazy", taking healthy cells for dangerous intruders. The body's defense system initiates the release of antibodies that destroy hepatocytes and cause severe autoimmune liver damage. This category of causes of liver cirrhosis in men includes autoimmune hepatitis and biliary cirrhosis.

• Often cirrhosis develops as a complication of metabolic endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.

• Helminthic infestations are not so common, but almost always sooner or later lead to cirrhosis. The main enemy of a healthy liver is the hepatic trematode, which is transmitted through raw fish.

• Genetic diseases. For example, Wilson-Konovalov syndrome.

• Deposition of iron salts in the liver.

• Enzymatic deficiency.

The list of causes of liver cirrhosis in men is impressive. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to your own health.

The first symptoms of liver cirrhosis in men

One of the features of liver cirrhosis in men: the signs of the disease are often blurred, the pathology does not proceed as violently as in women and may go unnoticed for a long time, until the death. This does not mean that cirrhosis is asymptomatic, with a fair amount of care, it is simply unrealistic to miss body signals.

Among the first symptoms of liver cirrhosis in men:

• The first and least specific symptom is pain in the right side under the ribs where the liver is located. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is weak, pains are dull, aching or pressing, intensify after eating. This symptom is characteristic not only for cirrhosis, but also for hepatitis.

• Changes in appetite. Appetite can both increase sharply and decrease. Possible perversions of taste preferences.

• Increased flatulence in the intestines.

• Bleeding gums. It is especially noticeable when brushing your teeth.

• Intense nosebleeds.

• Nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason.

• Fatigue, weakness, lack of strength to do everyday business and work.

• Dry and bitter taste in the mouth.

• Disorders from the skin: the skin becomes dry, hot, sagging and becomes flabby.

• Stool disorders.

• Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin.

• The formation of edema, including the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity - ascites.

At the final stages, tooth loss, brittle nails, muscle atrophy, massive bleeding are noted.

In men, the course of cirrhosis has its own characteristics, so, due to growing problems with the liver, a change in the hormonal background occurs: prolactin, estrogen increase. As a result, libido is significantly reduced, obesity of the female type is observed, with the deposition of fat in the hips.

Cirrhosis of the liver: diagnosis

In order to prevent the disease from reaching the stage of decompensation (when it is no longer possible to help), it is important to diagnose the disease in time.

If liver cirrhosis is suspected, a gastroenterologist consultation is recommended. Narrow-specialized doctors, such as a hepatologist, are almost not represented in the CIS countries.

Diagnosis begins with an oral survey of the patient: a medical history. It is important for the doctor to find out what complaints the patient presents in order to make a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor also conducts a physical examination, palpating the liver.

The next step is to confirm the diagnosis of cirrhosis. To do this, resort to:

• Ultrasound. It makes it possible to confirm the diagnosis based on visual data on the structure of the liver.

• Biochemical blood test. High levels of ALT, AST suggest cirrhosis.

• Liver biopsies. Used to determine the type of disease.

• MRI / CT diagnostics.

But there is little evidence of the presence of cirrhosis. To assess the severity of the process are used:

• Scintigraphy. The patient is injected with an isotope and placed under a special sensor. By the way the liver stores matter, we can conclude which cells still function and how many of them.

• Blood test for urea, bilirubin. They are used to assess the involvement of the kidneys in the process.

Cirrhosis in men: treatment

Treatment of cirrhosis in men is based on two pillars:

• Elimination of the cause leading to cirrhosis;

• Elimination of the effects of cirrhosis and suspension of the destructive process.

In the first case, treatment is needed aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. If we are talking about the alcoholic origin of cirrhosis, alcohol should be discarded. With parasitic lesions, special anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. Autoimmune causes must be "suppressed" by drugs that suppress the immune system. Without revealing a reason to treat cirrhosis is useless. For this reason, diagnosis is so important.

Cirrhosis itself is treated comprehensively. The patient is prescribed a strict diet aimed at facilitating the work of the liver: fatty, spicy foods, fried and sweet are forbidden. The basis of treatment is medicines:

Among hepatoprotectors, natural remedies are highly trusted. For example, Legalon, an original drug based on milk thistle extract with high bioavailability and a high content of the active component of silibinin, strengthens the membrane, stimulates the functioning of liver cells, and prevents the penetration of various dangerous substances into it.

In addition to the protective effect, this hepatoprotector has a restoring effect and relieves inflammation from the tissues. Legalon is also suitable for the prevention of liver dysfunction, since it significantly reduces the burden on the body when taking medications, fatty foods and alcohol, and also prevents the occurrence of fibrosis and other degenerative changes.

Prevention of cirrhosis in men

Liver cirrhosis is easier to prevent if you follow simple rules in everyday life:

• Do not abuse alcohol. This is a direct road to cirrhosis.

• Eat fatty, fried in moderation.

• After liver damage, regular preventive examination by a gastroenterologist is required.

• Also, do not neglect preventive examinations if hepatotoxic drugs are being treated.

Such measures for the prevention of cirrhosis in men can protect against this disease.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a dangerous and serious disease. It can be triggered by a variety of reasons. In order not to miss an important point, you should carefully listen to your body and dispel any doubts only with a doctor. This is the only way to be confident in your health.


Watch the video: Liver Failure. FAQ with Dr. Amy Kim (July 2024).