Nutritionists: go to bed on an empty stomach


Nutritionists are convinced that it is much more beneficial for health to go to bed on an empty stomach, because then the body begins to actively use the stored resources that breakfast will fully replenish. At the same time, most people do not deny themselves the pleasure of filling their stomach at night.

It is curious: doctors note that people rarely experience very severe hunger, but simply "would not refuse to eat something." Doctors are convinced that you need to eat only when the feeling of hunger is simply irresistible. This, from their point of view, trains the body.

Overeating at night greatly loads the gastrointestinal tract, which negatively affects the metabolism.

It is noticed that in the evenings people, as a rule, consume far from the most wholesome foods. If, after supper, a person experiences hunger, it means that he simply did not have enough for this meal or for the whole day.

Doctors have repeatedly warned that dinner should be done no later than a few hours before bedtime. This is what “saves” people from nightly overeating, which, as you know, night owls sin.


Watch the video: Want Energy? Go to bed hungry! (July 2024).