Preparations and folk recipes for the treatment of foot fungus at home. Rules for the treatment of foot fungus at home


Fungal lesions of the legs are familiar to almost every fifth person.

The disease does not pose a threat to life, but contributes to the emergence of many cosmetic defects and discomfort.

Most often, mycosis begins with a fungus infection with red trichophytosis.

Subsequently, other microbes can also join in the form of molds and Candida mushrooms, known as thrush.

The vital activity of pathogenic particles provokes the formation of toxic toxins, which, penetrating the body, worsen metabolic processes and reduce the protective abilities of a person.

Therefore, the fight against foot fungus must begin at the first sign of ailments, which is really done at home.

Fungus on the legs: causes

Mycosis begins to develop when a fungal infection enters the feet. However, not every person immediately begins a violent activity. To do this, they need a favorable environment. Such conditions appear:

1. If there are abrasions and wounds on the feet or fingers, scuffs and corns, cuts and corns. Such damage can occur due to inaccurate cosmetic procedures, wearing uncomfortable shoes or direct injuries.

2. With irregular or insufficient foot care.

3. With weakened immunity, when the body is not able to resist infections.

4. Under the influence of antibiotics, which contribute to the development of fungal infections.

5. If a person has severe sweating of the legs, which contributes to the emergence of a flora favorable for fungi.

With any such factor, the probability of multiplication of fungi on the feet increases by several times.

However, a fungal infection does not appear from the air. She can get on her feet only with direct contact.

First of all, the infection comes from an infected person. This is possible when using joint shoes, sock, stocking. Infected skin flakes remain on clothing and household items, and are able to get on the skin of a healthy person. Therefore, common washcloths, towels, sponges, pumice stones and other devices for foot care, and even a rug in the bathroom can cause infection with the fungus.

The second most common cause of fungal infection is a person’s stay in public places with high humidity. You can catch the fungus in the bath and sauna, in the pool and gym, and even on the beach. Any place where people are barefoot is a serious threat.

Mushroom spores can withstand both high and low temperatures, and also do not die in the sand for several months. Therefore, to be in such places without protection on the legs is simply dangerous to health.

A person may not know about the presence of fungal microflora on his legs. With good resistance to infections and the absence of other favorable factors, the disease does not develop. But the carrier of pathogenic microflora poses a threat to the health of their loved ones.

How to treat foot fungus at home: medications

It is advisable to start treating the fungus on the legs at home at the first signs of an ailment in the form of burning, itching and peeling. But even with the progress of the disease, a competent approach with a combination of local and basic drugs, as well as folk recipes, give positive results.

But in order to choose the right medicines, you will have to consult a doctor.

The use of topical drugs is possible at any stage of the pathology. But the type of drugs with antimycotic action is selected depending on the location of the disease and neglect.

So, for processing the sole, it is better to use ointments. For interdigital spaces - suspensions. Varnish is applied to the nail plates. Also, with damage to the nails and soles, the treatment is carried out with creams.

The disadvantages of local drugs include their poor ability to penetrate deep into the tissues. Therefore, patients have to get rid of the nail plates affected by the fungus.

As local therapeutic agents, it can be used to treat foot fungus at home:

1. Bifanozolewhich has fungistatic and fungicidal properties. Available in the form of a solution. It is able to damage the membranes of fungal cells, as well as inhibit their respiration.

2. Exoderylcontaining naphthyne. It has not only fungicidal and fungistatic effects, but also bactericidal. It occurs both in the form of ointment, and in the form of a solution.

3. Lamisil - A fairly popular drug, found in the form of a cream or spray. The medicine acts quite quickly, and the results are observed on the 5th day.

4. Mykozon - This is a specific set of serum and nail files. It is used to treat toenail fungus at home.

5. Clotrimazole, which is able to disrupt the formation of cellular enzymes of fungi, thereby disrupting the penetration of cells, which leads to the death of the fungus. This ointment does not cause adverse reactions even with an overdose.

It should be borne in mind that any local drug is addictive. Therefore, the medicine should be changed periodically. In addition, the active substances of such agents act on certain types of fungi. Therefore, it is possible to choose the right drug for home treatment of fungus on the legs after laboratory tests.

In the complex therapy of the advanced stages of the fungus, systemic drugs in the form of Griseofulvin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole are necessarily combined with local medicines.

However, it is dangerous to begin treatment of fungal diseases of the feet with such drugs on your own at home. All drugs with complex effects have serious contraindications, and are able to provoke both dangerous side effects and allergic reactions. Therefore, you can start taking such drugs only with the permission of doctors.

How to treat foot fungus at home: folk remedies

Fungal diseases of the legs, especially in the initial stages, can be treated at home with the help of popular means at hand. Similar antifungal recipes traditional medicine offers a lot. You can choose the right tool for yourself. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and change the recipe with a long absence of the results of home treatment.


This unique plant has excellent fungicidal properties. Therefore, its use for combating mushrooms is justified. Take a clove and, cutting it, rub the affected area with a fungus. Also for the treatment is allowed the use of garlic gruel, from which compresses are made or rubbed into sore spots. The procedure is carried out daily before bedtime. To remove the smell of garlic from the sutra, you can use diluted lemon juice.


For the treatment of fungus, pharmaceutical ammonia is used. You need to add a spoonful of ammonia in a glass with ordinary water. In this solution, the fabric is soaked, which is wrapped around the feet. Such a compress is left overnight. Instead of fabric, you can use cotton socks, on top of which you will have to put on plastic bags and another socks.


The disinfecting properties of ordinary soda help in the fight against fungus. Baking soda is diluted with water until gruel forms. This slurry is applied to the affected areas of the fungus and can withstand about 20 minutes. At the end of the treatment procedure, which must be repeated twice a day, the mixture is washed off with heated water. Places with a fungus are sprinkled with baby powder.

Boric acid

Before using boric acid, it is necessary to steam the diseased legs well. After this, the legs are wiped dry, and the affected areas are sprinkled with boric acid powder. Wear socks that don’t take off all night. Repeat the procedure with boric acid up to 10 times.

A complex mixture of fungus

Such a medicine has only a complex name. It is prepared quite easily. The treatment is carried out with glycerin, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, which are diluted 1: 2 with water. Such a potion is used for rubbing steamed legs. Repeat sessions every evening for 10 days.


This is another fungicide that inhibits the action of various microbes. The anti-infectious properties of onions are widely used in folk medicine. To treat foot fungus at home, apply onion gruel made from fresh onion. This mixture is applied to the soles and nails in the form of compresses at night.


At the initial stage of the foot fungus, which is observed only between the fingers, you can use cotton swabs dipped in ordinary alcohol. Such tampons are placed at night between the fingers.


For the treatment of foot fungus, it is necessary to stock up with chamomile, mint, sage and nettle. All herbs are mixed, crushed into dust and put into socks. Such socks with herbs must be replaced daily. In summer, fresh herbs can also be used.

Home remedies for foot fungus, as well as medications, are addictive. Therefore, it is desirable to change or alternate formulations. The best results are shown by a combination of folk and drug therapies for fungal infections.

How to treat foot fungus at home: step-by-step instructions

Use any remedy for fungus on the legs at home is possible only after preliminary preparation.

Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and other hygiene products.

To make it easier to clean the sole and nail plates of keratinized particles, it is necessary to use foot baths with softening agents in the form of soda or liquid soap.

After holding the baths, the legs must be treated with a pumice or brush, and the nails with a nail file to eliminate keratinized particles and excess layers of the nail plate. When carrying out such procedures, use only individual tools to prevent infection of other family members.

After treatment, rinse your feet with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Apply home remedy or medication to affected areas. Strictly follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions, or the recipe suggested by traditional healers.

Then, if necessary, put cotton socks on your feet. Reusing such socks without further processing is prohibited.

Repeat healing procedures daily or as instructed. Only the regularity of medical procedures can give a positive result.

If home treatment of a fungus on the legs does not bring the desired results, it is urgent to consult a doctor to avoid more serious consequences.


Watch the video: How to Make Remedies for Skin Yeast & Fungus : Naturopathic Medicine (June 2024).