Lichen - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Lichen implies a dermatological disease, which can occur for a variety of reasons, which, in turn, differ in the appearance on the skin of itchy spots of a rash. Lichens differ among themselves in the nature of the rash, the spread, and also the location.

This disease lasts a relatively long time. In some cases, there are periods of exacerbation, as well as the risk of reinfection. In addition, lichen is always a discomfort with aesthetic inconveniences.

Deprive - reasons

The main cause of lichen is the microflora of a fungal or viral nature. According to experts, a combination of certain predisposing conditions, such as depression and stress, rather low immunity, various diseases of an infectious nature, heredity - all this can lead to the development of skin deprivation.

There are various types of lichen, differing depending on the reasons: ringworm, flat, lichen, pink lichen, pityriasis and shingles. Ringworm occurs mainly due to contact with infected domestic animals or humans. You can also get infected through things that a sick person wore.

As for pink lichen, the causes of its occurrence are still in doubt. It is believed that this type of disease can worsen depending on the time of year, therefore it affects people who have a rather weak immune system.

The causes of lichen planus are genetic heredity, a digestive system disease, and a very weak immune system.

The main reason for depriving the pityriasis is contact with infected people or with objects that it touched.
Shingles, in turn, occurs due to a herpes simplex virus infection that affects the nerve endings.

Deprive - Symptoms

Symptoms of ringworm are that spots begin to appear on the skin, and bald patches form on the scalp. In some cases, itching and some deterioration may occur. Features of pink lichen are that spots appear on the shoulders and back, in the inguinal region and on the chest. After a while, peeling occurs in the center of the spot.

During flat depriving, a rash begins to appear in parts of the body such as the chest, abdomen, arms and legs. A distinctive feature is a spot in the form of a small nodule with a dented middle. Pityriasis versicolor involves the formation of small spots with peeling. During the development of the disease, the color may vary from pink to brown.

With shingles, some painful sensations are observed, as well as a worsening of the condition. First, spots appear, from which bubbles develop over time, then they dry and peel.

Lichen - diagnosis

Some forms of lichen have symptoms that are similar to other diseases. In order not to treat an imaginary disease, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist. Diagnosis of lichen is made with an examination of the skin by a doctor. If it was not possible to identify the type of lichen, then a skin biopsy is performed, in other words, a study of the disease on the obtained scraping of the skin and nails.

Deprive - treatment

Pink lichen usually heals on its own. However, it is highly discouraged to take a bath, it is long in the sun and wear synthetic clothing.

With herpes zoster, the doctor ascribes medication as well as physiotherapeutic treatment. It is necessary to protect the lesion from suppuration.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor was previously carried out with the help of salicylic alcohol. Today, specialized forms of antimycotics are used.

Ringworm can really be cured with the help of modern drugs, which the attending physician will prescribe. Usually, a course of tablets and ointment is prescribed for the highest quality destruction of the fungus.


Watch the video: A challenging case of lichen planus (June 2024).