Curd balls - the best recipes. How to cook curd balls correctly and tasty.


Curd balls - general principles and methods of preparation

Need to quickly and urgently make a dessert for the arrival of guests? Then curd balls - the right decision! From the name of the treat, it is clear that its main ingredient is cottage cheese, which is a very valuable food product. That is why it is worth giving preference to cottage cheese desserts, where two concepts are so skillfully combined: tasty and healthy. This is especially important for a growing organism, because most babies don’t take pure cheese to the spirit, and they will eat curd balls with pleasure and ask for supplements.

Do you think curd balls are just a dessert? Not at all. It is quite possible to roll a great snack into a ball, which will be a great addition to any feast. Cottage cheese is a universal product suitable for preparing both sweet and savory dishes. Add powdered sugar to it, beat well, roll the resulting mass into balls and roll in chocolate chips - you will get a great dessert. If you act differently and mix the cottage cheese with salt, spices, herbs, flour, cheese, form small curd balls and deep-fry them - get an original snack.

Curd balls - preparation of products

To curd balls succeeded, you must carefully consider the choice of the main component ingredient. Firstly, the cottage cheese should not be dry or too liquid, and secondly, it should not have an unpleasant odor or have a bluish tint. Quality cottage cheese smells good and looks. The product looks snow-white or slightly creamy. With regard to fat content, it is better to incline to a high percentage; in extreme cases, you can choose the "middle ground".

After you have decided on the type of dish, the cottage cheese should be wiped through a sieve to crush all the grains. So the products will be softer, lush and tender in structure. Now you can proceed to the main stage - mix the cottage cheese with auxiliary ingredients and manually form not too large curd balls. We will introduce you some simple recipes below.

Curd balls - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Chocolate Curd Balls

A delicious dessert for those who love cottage cheese in all variations and want to diversify dishes from it. Appetizing balls made by yourself will be a good addition to any table. Such products can be safely filled with nuts, chopped marmalade, fruits, sweets and raisins. In this recipe we will add cottage cheese balls with raisins and chocolate - the listed ingredients go well with cottage cheese.


- cottage cheese 400 gr.
- raisins 100 gr.
- three table. tablespoons powdered sugar
- two tablespoons of cocoa powder
- one spoonful of butter
- three table. tablespoons of sugar (for chocolate sauce)
- four tablespoons of sour cream

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the chocolate fill to cool. Mix sugar with cocoa powder and sour cream. Put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil. Then add oil and turn off the stove. Let the gravy stand with the stove turned off so that the oil melts. Mix the mixture until smooth and remove to cool.

2. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or whisk with a blender. Add the icing sugar, thoroughly beat the mixture with a mixer. Mix the whipped cottage cheese with raisins (previously soaked in warm water for ten minutes).

3. From the curd mass we form balls with our hands and carefully lay them on a plate. Pour the curd balls with chilled chocolate gravy and serve.

Recipe 2: Cottage Cheese Balls with Parmesan

Deep-fried curd balls with herbs and tender Italian cheese will certainly please all guests. A great snack to any feast, which is usually served on small sticks.

- 250 gr. cottage cheese
- two eggs
- half a teaspoon of salt
- 40 gr. parmesan
- chopped greens (any)
- 120 gr. flour
- one third teaspoonful baking powder
- vegetable oil for deep fat

Cooking method:

1. Rub the cottage cheese with salt and chicken eggs. Three Parmesan on a fine grater, mix with cottage cheese. Add flour with baking powder, greens. Mix.

2. From the resulting mass, we form balls. Pour a large layer of oil into a pan with deep sides, bring it to a boil. Dip the curd balls in the oil so that the oil completely covers them. Manipulation can be done using a wide slotted spoon.

3. Fry the product until golden brown, then put it on a paper towel to stack excess fat. Cool the balls and serve on thin sticks (or toothpicks).

Recipe 3: Curd balls with red fish and garlic

The dish belongs to the category of snacks. It is very tasty to use it with homemade mayonnaise mixed with mustard. It’s worth a try.


- 400 gr. cottage cheese
- packaging of chopped red fish
- four to five cloves of garlic
- chopped parsley (leaves)
- mayonnaise
- several olives
- 100 gr. hard cheese
- salt to taste
- red ground pepper

Cooking method:

1. Grind cottage cheese with salt and garlic crushed with a crush. Mix with finely chopped parsley.

2. We form balls from the mass. Roll them in cheese, grated on a fine grater. Next, we cut the fish into thin strips, wrap each ball with fish strips. Spread on a dish. Decorate with olives and herbs.

Recipe 4: Raffaello Curd Balls

Dessert is designed for those who can not imagine their life without sweets. Delicate balls "Raffaello", covered with coconut, very like small and adult sweet tooth. And it’s not difficult to cook them, and what’s most pleasant is that the process takes very little time.


- 300 gr. cottage cheese
- two tablespoons icing sugar
- coconut flakes
- two tablespoons of thick condensed milk
- vanillin to taste
- whole nuts (can hazelnuts)

Cooking method:

1. Carefully rub the cottage cheese so that there is not a single lump left, then beat it with powder, condensed milk and vanilla.

2. Hands form part of the curd mass to form a small cake. In the center we put a whole peeled nut shell and roll a curd ball. So do with each nut, enveloping it with a curd mass.

3. Ready balls generously roll in coconut. Put the dessert in the cold for thirty to sixty minutes. Then we get it and feast on it. Bon Appetit everyone!

Curd balls - a useful tip for experienced chefs

For those who carefully monitor body lines, experienced chefs advise replacing refined sugar with natural fructose when making cottage cheese dessert balls. By its properties, it is in no way inferior to traditional sugar, and the taste of fructose-based products is much tastier, healthier and more sparing for the figure.


Watch the video: Watermelon Snow Balls. Kids Special. Easy Dessert. Eps:221 (June 2024).