Monthly a week earlier - what does it say? Find out what the reasons for monthly come a week earlier and what to do.


Sometimes in the body of a woman fails, which is known to many under the name "hormonal". Not everyone is aware of what exactly lies under this name. But most women are accustomed to many problems in the field of gynecology, which is called "pushing" to this diagnosis. Due to ignorance or illiteracy, monthly periods that came a week earlier or later are taken for a minor problem and the notorious hormonal failure. However, such a signal is not always regarded as a kind of nonsense and treat it frivolously. Let's arrange a small educational program, having found out for what reasons monthly come a week earlier.

Monthly a week earlier is a cause for concern

We are all aware that menstruation or menstruation is a process that occurs in a woman’s body, after certain periods of time under the influence of hormones. These same hormones control the rejection of the dead epithelium of the walls of the uterus, and also contribute to the conclusion of an unfertilized egg. Each woman is characterized by completely different periods when this rejection occurs, they are called a cycle. For some, a cycle of 35 days can be considered the norm, while for others, the rate is 28 days. Usually, this time frame is considered correct.

But what to do if during a well-established cycle it suddenly fails and the periods start a week earlier? There are several reasons that the arrival of early menstruation can be considered threatening. We list the main ones:

• Hormonal restructuring of the body due to surgery, for example, abortion,

• Pregnancy

• Ectopic pregnancy,

• Miscarriage,

• Failure of hormonal background during the first menstruation,

• Failure of hormonal background during menopause,

• Ovarian cyst,

• Injuries to the vaginal walls,

• Stresses associated with various external influences (travel, illness of close people, changing climatic conditions, excessive exercise, and so on).

Since some of the listed items are not considered too dangerous for a woman’s health, it’s probably not necessary to pay attention to them. But what you must do without fail is to visit the gynecologist and pass the necessary tests.

What factors are not considered dangerous

When your monthly period went a week earlier, maybe you simply became extremely nervous or overloaded your body with too much physical exertion. Situations in our life are different:

• A very sick child

• A loved one needs an operation,

• Son or daughter take entrance exams,

• You have moved to a new job or have been promoted

• Once again, trying to get pregnant was unsuccessful,

• You came to the gym for the first time and your body experienced an overstrain,

• You were robbed by fraudsters and so on.

The reasons for the early arrival of menstruation can be an infinite number. Due to the strong stress suffered by the body, the periods may well come a week earlier or, on the contrary, be late. Panicking in this situation is not worth it. This phenomenon may well be a one-off and in the future the cycle will be restored.

Injury of the vaginal walls can also be the reason that menstruation began a week earlier. The impact on the delicate mucosa should not be too aggressive, it can be damaged even by an ordinary tampon, if it is inserted incorrectly, not to mention rough sex or the use of unsuitable items during foreplay. In this case, the walls of the vagina can be damaged so much that bleeding will start, mistaken for the onset of menstruation. Sometimes severe injuries can lead a woman to a hospital bed.

Often monthly ones start a week earlier when they come for the first time or, on the contrary, are among the last. During puberty, many girls suffer from an irregular cycle. This is normal, therefore there should be no cause for concern, because the cycle will stabilize only at the end of the first year from the start of menstruation. Equally so, it is worth responding to the unexpected arrival of menstruation and women of old age. During menopause such disruptions can be.

Another factor confirming that there are no reasons for concern is abortion. After this procedure, the cycle may lose a little, but after a while it will definitely recover. In some cases, the gynecologist prescribes hormone therapy in order to normalize it.

Emergency contraceptive methods as a provocative factor.

Emergency contraceptive methods are not always used by women with promiscuous and frequent sexual contacts. This can happen in an ordinary family, where there is already a small child and a new pregnancy will be completely inappropriate. Or, for example, conventional contraceptives for some reason did not work. In order to exclude the possibility of conception, it is necessary that menstruation begin.

The most popular drug used by women is Postinor. It consists primarily of a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel, which resists ovulation and fertilization. Its effect on the body is extremely negative, as it has many side effects. In addition, the menstrual cycle is able to get off for a long time, especially if this drug was used repeatedly during a single cycle.

The method of emergency contraception is a serious blow to the reproductive system of the girl, so it is often forbidden to use it. In some cases, after eating Postinor, an ectopic pregnancy can occur, which is also considered a sign of menstruation one or two weeks ahead of time.

The real cause for concern: a functional ovarian cyst

Such a diagnosis was likely heard at different stages of life by every woman. Some face it only remotely, having heard the story of a friend or relative, while others, on the contrary, have felt the whole "charm" of the diagnosis on their own body.

Ovarian cyst develops due to over-aging of the follicle. The egg inside it does not come out after the end of ovulation. The blood vessels that are inside the follicle rupture, causing severe bleeding, accompanied by pain. Here are some symptoms of ovarian cyst rupture:

• Pulling severe pain in the lower abdomen,

• Cycle violation,

• Pain inside the vagina

• Premature menstruation, which may well be bleeding,

• Increased body temperature

• severe weakness

• Loss of consciousness,

• blood pressure jumps,

• Dizziness,

• Nausea with vomiting,

• Unexpected increase in abdominal volume.

The danger of the last point is that the bleeding may well be internal when blood enters the peritoneum. Any such situation is fraught with the onset of peritonitis and even death, in the case when emergency medical care was not provided in a timely manner.

If you feel constant pulling pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, pain during intercourse, some pressure on the bladder, and menstruation are extremely irregular, you should consult a doctor. He will appoint an ultrasound procedure that confirms or disproves the presence of a cyst.

Monthly came earlier at 2 weeks: false or real pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that menstruation starts one or two weeks ahead of time. This can be either a reason for joy or an excuse for anxiety, because this phenomenon can be easily confused with an ectopic pregnancy. And, on the contrary, sometimes the bleeding indicates the occurrence of pregnancy, as in some patients this is the way implant bleeding manifests itself.

If one day you notice a weak discharge of red color, this may indicate that a fertilized egg has been introduced into the uterine wall. As a rule, such an introduction is accompanied by rupture of small blood vessels and even some painful sensations. After fertilization, the egg wanders for a short time in the uterus, looking for a suitable place for attachment and further development. As usual, it is attached where there is a spiral artery. The latter may also be slightly damaged during attachment.

This process can sometimes be painful, which is taken by the girl as the first sign of the approaching menstruation, and later a small bleeding afterwards begins. But in most cases, the woman does not even feel when the implantation occurs. And only with the start of the first signs of pregnancy, like morning sickness, delayed menstruation and frequent urination, it turns out that these were not menstrual periods, which came a little earlier, but implantation bleeding.

But sometimes the opposite happens when the fertilized egg attaches in the wrong place. It may be:

• Oviduct,

• Ovarian cavity,

• Abdomen,

• Cervix.

Any localization is not a normal environment for the development of the ovum, therefore, often an ectopic pregnancy is characterized not only by the early onset of menstruation, but also by other signs:

1. Weakness and dizziness

2. Increased temperature and blood pressure

3. A sharp pain, up to clouding of consciousness

4. Vomiting and severe nausea

5. pallor of the skin,

6. Bleeding.

If the patient is not delivered to the hospital in time and is not operated on, even a fatal outcome is possible. Often, the fallopian tube is removed along with the fertilized egg attached in the wrong place, but sometimes it can be saved using laparoscopy as the method of primary therapy.

How to behave if the monthly went a week earlier

When you notice that the standard cycle is outta you need not panic. Assess the situation as a whole, based on the symptoms, and you will understand what your further actions should be.

If you have suffered any stress in the next few weeks, something happened in your family or at work, this could be the very provocative factor that contributed to the early onset of menstruation. Every woman is an individual. In some women, stress and depression cause a delay in menstruation, while in others, her arrival is 1-2 weeks ahead of time.

In the case when menstruation is accompanied by deterioration, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and high body temperature occur, promptly call an ambulance. These symptoms may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy or an early miscarriage.

If early menstruation is accompanied by weakness, low-grade fever, a violation of the cycle, as well as lower abdominal pain, then you should visit your gynecologist to find out the cause of the ailment. Sometimes urinary infections, inflammation of the appendages, or sexually transmitted diseases can be accompanied by similar signs. With these diagnoses it is not necessary to joke, because they may well lead to infertility. The doctor will assess the situation more competently and prescribe a comprehensive examination:

  • Blood and urine tests,
  • Smear,
  • Ultrasound diagnostics,
  • MRI or CT as necessary
  • Tumor Marker Tests
  • Biopsy.

According to the results of the survey, it will be possible to talk about the presence or absence of serious diseases.

You should not play with your own health, because it depends only on you. Moreover, early menstruation is sometimes sufficiently weighty reason for going to the doctor and even hospitalization.


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