Plots of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. How to read conspiracies Stepanova for happiness, love, good luck at home.


Now there are a lot of people who have learned how to deceive the others and make pretty good money on it. A person who finds himself in a difficult situation will believe anyone who only says that he can help get rid of the problem. I am sure that some of you have also been in such a difficult situation at least once that the only way out of it is magic. But, it is necessary to know someone who is really endowed with abilities and can help others, or you can learn how to do various conspiracies yourself, although many are afraid to engage in such things. Learning to speak something or someone is not too difficult. It is only necessary to have at hand a manual in which it is described step by step what to do and why not to avoid trouble and to achieve the desired result. Such benefits already exist. They are written by a famous healer who lives in Siberia. Her name is Natalya Stepanova and her books have actually helped many people. In this article, we will look at the most effective conspiracies of Stepanova about what the average person may most need.

Little biography

Healer was born in 1952. From birth, she was endowed with abilities, because Natalia's mother is a hereditary witch, who in her time was no less famous, thanks to her gift. But, nevertheless, Stepanova started practicing magic and learning to do conspiracies just a few years ago. It was then that she woke up interest in such things, which all this time lived inside her, waiting for his time.

Natalya Stepanova wrote more than two hundred books that have become a real guide for those who have started to get involved in magic and do not know where to start and how exactly to perform the necessary rituals. In the books of the healer there is information about absolutely everything that may interest a person who has found himself in a stalemate and who wants to turn his existence into a full and colorful life.

By Natalia line up of people who need urgent help. They come not only from all over Russia, but also from neighboring countries. It helps to remove the evil eye, damage, conspires, heals. All this is written in her books. In order for Stepanova to read the conspiracies correctly, everything should be done exactly as she describes.

Conspiracies of the healer Stepanova to improve the material situation

Natalia herself does not consider conspiracies to be anything complicated. She is sure that any person can perform the necessary ritual at home and as a result will gain what he needs. Conspiracies are simply our desires, which we manifest verbally and order them to come true as soon as possible.

In the world, people are divided into two categories - the poor and the rich. Money is not considered a guarantee that you will live a happy life, but they are the ones that will solve many problems and open all the doors and ways to you. A person who has wealth, has power not only over his life, but also can manipulate other people. In the modern world for money, a person is ready to do anything, because without them it is impossible to exist.

If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, and you so want to provide your family with everything they need, then do not be afraid to resort to the help of white magic and try the plots of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. You yourself will be surprised at how effective they will be and how drastically your life will change.

Money endowed with special energy, which is transmitted to them during the conspiracy, have the ability to attract other money. Remember that the spell bills for some time can not be wasted. They should be stored as much as indicated in this or that plot. Do not neglect this rule, because then nothing will come of it.

One of Natalia's conspiracies for money is suitable for every day. No rituals are needed. Just every time you buy something at the market or in a store and give you change, then you take it from the seller’s hands and mentally say these words: “Your money came to my wallet. Now your income is my income. Let it be as I desire. " As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this conspiracy, and everyone who tried to use it has already become convinced of its effectiveness.

Sometimes it is necessary to read the plots of Stepanova over money, as if talking to them, endowing them with positive energy and, thus, turning them into talismans, which you have to carry with you every day, without putting them out of your wallet. If you chose such a conspiracy and want to use it, then pay attention to the fact that the money you speak should be earned by honest labor. You can not read prayers and plots over the stolen money or over the money that you received, deceiving another person. It is interesting that if you do not take this into account, then your plot against you will turn back. For example, you read a conspiracy to improve your financial situation, but it only gets worse.

In order to attract more money into your life, the next conspiracy is perfect. Use the lunar calendar and calculate when it will be a new moon. At night, take out twelve coins of any denomination from your wallet and go out with them. Choose a place where no one will see you and you need it to be well lit by moonlight. Raise your hands with coins to the sky with your palms up and say these words out loud: “Make money, my money, from the moonlight. will be as I please. " These words should be repeated this time in a row. After that, go back home, without looking back, because from that moment you will start a new life and you can not look back at the past. When you come home, put your coins back in your wallet and carry them there for a few weeks. In order not to accidentally spend conspiracy money, mark it with a felt-tip pen, for example, if you cannot remember.

Plots Natalia Stepanova fairly simple. Their only difficulty is to memorize the sequence of actions in a ritual and not to confuse anything. Before performing the ceremony, make sure that you remember well what you need to do and say.

Conspiracies Stepanova for luck and good luck

Once a healer wrote in one of her books about a woman who asked to help her. The woman was already more than forty years old, and she complained that her whole life consists of problems and bad weather. She has never been lucky with men, she never created her own family. At work, she did not feel at ease either. The woman was scattered and clumsy, so she was fired as soon as the opportunity arose. She asked Stepanova for advice and that she wrote in her next book about conspiracies for good luck, which the healer did. There is no information about the future fate of that woman, but all those who tried to conspire Natalya Stepanova for happiness and good luck speak about them in the best way.

If you consider yourself an unlucky person and you have never had any luck in life, then you should know that it is never too late to change that. Life is given to people only once. So why suffer, suffer and live empty dreams about how everything could be good for you if you were born under a lucky star? It is necessary to live well today, at this very moment, because no one knows how much more time is allotted to him.

The next conspiracy is considered one of the most effective conspiracies from Stepanova to bring happiness into your life. You need to buy a whole raw chicken and do it in such a way that you do not need to give the change. If this does not work out and you still have to give a few rubles of change, then ask the seller not to do it.

For the ceremony you will also need a headscarf that has never been worn. If this is not the case, then you need to purchase it in the same way as you bought the chicken, so as not to take change. When you return home, wrap the chicken with this handkerchief and put the cook with the words: "Let the one who eats my chicken give me a lot of luck and happiness. Amen." When your chicken is ready, you do not need to remove it from the pan. Just drain the water in which it is boiled. Early in the morning, the next day, you must remove the handkerchief from the chicken, but, it is better to do it in such a way that you do not have to remove the chicken from the pan. You won't need a handkerchief anymore, you can throw it away.

Now take the chicken along with the pan and give it to those people who need it. These may be beggars, for example. You can not give it to your friends or relatives. A man must be a stranger to you. Until you give the chicken, you can not eat or drink anything. Seven days after the ceremony it is forbidden to lend money or things to someone.

Do not think that such a plot will somehow affect people who will eat chicken. For them, it is absolutely safe. Now, if you perform the ritual incorrectly or say different words during it, the result can be unpredictable.

Conspiracies of healer Stepanova on love

The Natalia books contain a huge variety of different love plots that are suitable for a variety of situations. These are conspiracies for those who:

• wants to find his soul mate soon;

• wants to fall in love with a certain person;

• wants to protect themselves from the betrayal of a loved one and bind him to himself;

• has a desire to revive his beloved old feelings;

• wants to push his lover to take a serious step, marriage for example.

With love conspiracy should be very careful, because they affect not only your life, but also the life of another person. If you want to fall in love with someone, for example, then just imagine how a person will feel who does not understand what happened to him and why he is so madly drawn to you, if you were not even friends yesterday. All your life you will have to bear responsibility for the situation in which the person you spoke is in. Some may even commit suicide. You must clearly understand that a person is not a toy, and you have no right to dispose of his life for someone. If you decide to plot, it is no longer love, but a manifestation of your weakness, rather. The plots of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are so strong that they can create terrible things with you and with the person who has spoken. Didn't change your mind still? Then read on.

This conspiracy will suit only those women who live with their boyfriend or husband and wish to speak them not so that love appears in their hearts, but that it strengthens at times and forever knit lovers together. For the ritual you will need a medium sized basin with water. The ceremony is carried out only at midnight and only when no one is at home, because the conspiracy is required to read quite loudly, and that someone hears can not be allowed, because any ritual is a special sacrament, which is your personal matter. If you want the conspiracy to bear fruit, then keep it secret from the rest, not only before performing the ritual, but even after you get the result.

Become two feet in a bowl of water. Say these words clearly and loudly: "I take the right hand of my slave (the name of the person you need) and impose on him an eternal strong love for me so that he can neither eat, nor drink, or sleep, only dream about me and think all the time. I call on the higher forces to send (the name in the dative case) happiness that he can only find next to me. Not to look at him anymore at other women, only to see my face in all. I ask, command, let so be it. Amen. " After you finish speaking the plot, worship four times and stand in the water basin for a few more minutes with your eyes closed, presenting the face of your loved one at this time. Now you should wash your man’s shirt in the conspiratorial water and give him to wear it the next day.

Be careful with magic and if you are not sure that you can perform the ritual you need correctly, then it is better not to do it at all. I wish you happiness and all the best, dear women.


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