Chicken fillet - crispy and appetizing meat snack


No one will ever guess from what sort of meat these fragrant snack pieces with a golden crust are cooked! There will be two and two versions being put forward, both wrong: either fish or pork. But the fact that it is a chop from chicken meat - no one would guess, believe me!

By the way, such an operational dish will surely save you during festive events and birthdays, because it is a pleasure to cook it, besides, it perfectly nourishes the body and your guests will not leave the holiday hungry!

Carbonade - a great snack for friendly gatherings or parties, as a snack between meals and simply - as a delicacy. If you decide to cook this mysterious recipe, do not forget to serve different sauces to the ready dish - they will be most welcome!

For 4 servings of chicken carbonade you will need:

- 500 g chicken fillet;

- 1 tsp. soda;

- 1 tbsp. starch;

- 1 tbsp. lemon juice;

- 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- 3 pinches of black ground pepper;

- 100 ml of vegetable oil.

Of course, this snack can be prepared from any part of the chicken, but poultry is not recommended, as it undergoes a longer heat treatment than the broiler.

Rinse fresh chicken fillet in water and remove all strands and films from it. Cut the fillet into strips, and then the strips into cubes, placing the whole cut into a bowl. Adjust the size of the chicken pieces as you like.

Put salt and soda in a bowl.

Pour in the same lemon juice and wait for the reaction. Instead of lemon juice, you can use 2-3 pinches of citric acid, diluted in 1 hl. water. Then mix all the pieces together so that they are wrapped in the resulting sauce.

Pour in the starch and mix again the entire contents of the bowl.

Pour black ground pepper last and set aside a bowl for 10 minutes in order for the sauce to soften the chicken meat properly.

After that time, add wheat flour and mix everything together so that each piece of chicken meat is breaded.

Heat the oil in a saucepan, pan with a non-stick coating or cauldron and put the first portion of chicken carbonate in it. Immediately, the entire contents of the bowl should not be laid out in a container, as the snack pieces will stick together and will not cook well. Tomit the carbonade from one side on fire for about 3-5 minutes, and then turn over to the other side.

Fry the same amount of time and remove with a skimmer in a plate. Some cooks spread snacks on paper napkins to stack excess fat, but chicken fillet itself is rather dry, so it’s best to let the vegetable oil soak into it when it cools.

By the way, this meat delicacy stays hot inside for a long time, thanks to the crispy crust, so you can serve it both immediately after cooking and after a while. Just do not forget the sauces and greens with vegetables! Good appetite!

Now calculate how much such an amazing dish will cost you:

- 500 g of chicken fillet - 80 rubles;

- 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour - 3 rub .;

- spices - 5 rubles;

- 100 ml of vegetable oil - 6 rubles.

Total: 4 servings of crispy chicken snacks will cost 94 rub., and portion - 23.5 rubles. A great option for those who love prompt and juicy cooking!


Watch the video: Delicious and Tasty Chicken Cheese Sandwich. How to prepare an appetizing toast chicken sandwich (June 2024).