Strawberry preservation - we keep aroma and taste. Strawberry preservation: recipes for jam, compote, preserves, etc.


Bright, fragrant and incredibly tasty berry ripens at the beginning of summer, but, unfortunately, the strawberry season does not last long.

And I really want to have time to make as many blanks from this berry as possible, because they never linger in our bins.

Strawberry Preservation - Basic Cooking Principles

There are many recipes for strawberry preservation. These are jams, jams, juices, compotes, rubbed berries with sugar and even ketchup.

Strawberry jam will not leave anyone indifferent, nor children not adults. In addition, aromatic jam can be an excellent filling for pies or the basis for jelly or jelly.

Your children with great pleasure will drink healthy strawberry compote instead of harmful soda.

For lovers of the most natural and fresh taste, a recipe for grated berries with sugar is suitable. Sugar will not allow the workpiece to ferment. True, it is better to store strawberries, ground with sugar, in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam will appeal to all lovers of family tea parties.

Strawberries can also be preserved in syrup or in their own juice. Or make a tasty and fragrant jelly that kids will especially enjoy. So don’t waste time and start canning strawberries, and we have collected the best recipes for strawberry preparations for you.

Recipe 1. Preservation of strawberries. Jam


strawberries - kg;

mint - ten leaves;

sugar - 800 g;

lemon juice - 50 ml.

Cooking method

1. Sort fresh strawberries, separate them from the stalks, put in a colander and rinse under the tap. Put the strawberries in a deep aluminum cup, cover with sugar and leave for several hours so that the berries let the juice go.

2. Put a cup of strawberries on a fire, bring the jam to a boil and add mint leaves. Simmer for ten minutes. Determine the cooking time yourself, if there is a lot of juice, cook longer.

3. Wash glass containers thoroughly with soda, rinse and sterilize by placing in a preheated oven or over steam. Boil the lids.

4. Spread the jam on the prepared container, roll up with sterile lids and cool completely. Take the workpiece for storage in the cellar or pantry.

Recipe 2. Preservation of strawberries. Jelly


7 g of citric acid;

one and a half kg of sugar;

kilogram of strawberries.

Cooking method

1. Sort strawberries, remove rotten and damaged ones. Peel the strawberries from the stalks, put in a sieve and rinse under the tap.

2. Put the berries in a large pot. Sprinkle strawberries with half sugar and leave for several hours so that the berries let juice.

3. Now pour in the remaining sugar. Put the pan on a slow fire and bring the contents to a boil. Cook, constantly mixing, a quarter of an hour. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

4. Dissolve a spoonful of sugar in a small amount of water, add citric acid, mix and pour the mixture in jelly. Constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, cook another five minutes.

5. Sterilize the washed cans. Pour the hot jelly into prepared jars and roll up the lids boiled in advance. Turn over the cans with the workpiece and cool completely.

Recipe 3. Preservation of strawberries. Compote


five kilograms of strawberries;

30 liters of filtered water;

sugar - ten glasses.

Cooking method

1. Sort strawberries, peel the berries from the tails and put in a colander. Rinse it under running water and pat dry.

2. Place large pots of water on the fire and boil.

3. Wash three-liter cans with soda and rinse thoroughly. Dry the glass containers. Each jar is filled with berries a third.

4. Pour sugar into boiling water, at the rate of a glass for three liters of water. Wait for the sugar crystals to dissolve.

5. Pour the resulting syrup into jars with strawberries, cover with boiled lids and roll up. Turn over, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it to cool completely for about a day. Then send the compote to the cellar for storage.

Recipe 4. Preservation of strawberries. Ketchup


sugar with pectin in a ratio of 2: 1 - 125 g;

strawberries - half a kilogram;

ground pepper;

tomato paste - 75 g;

salt - 3 g;

fruit vinegar - 75 ml.

Cooking method

1. Peel strawberries from ponytails and leaves. Wash the berries thoroughly and dry. Put the strawberries in a pan with a thick bottom and mash with a hand blender.

2. Add ground pepper, tomato paste, sugar with pectin and salt to the strawberry puree. Pour in the same fruit vinegar and mix everything until smooth.

3. Put the pot on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the contents boil. Continue cooking for about five minutes. Try, if necessary, add more pepper and salt.

4. Wash and dry glass bottles thoroughly. Pour hot ketchup over them and close tightly with screw caps. Cool completely and store in the cellar. Ketchup is perfect for meat.

Recipe 5. Preservation of strawberries. Strawberries with blueberries in sweet syrup


strawberries - 130 g;

refined sugar - 120 g;

blueberries - 130 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the glass half-liter container thoroughly using soda. Then rinse thoroughly and sterilize over steam or in a preheated oven.

2. Sort the berries of blueberries and strawberries, peel everything from the tails and wash.

3. Put the strawberries in a jar, filling it three quarters, pour the blueberries on top. Grind sugar and fill it with berries on top.

4. Boil water in the kettle and pour the berries and sugar with boiling water so that it covers all the berries.

5. Cover the jars with lids and place in the oven, preheated to 120 g. Sterilize the jars with berries for half an hour, then roll them over and turn them over. Cover the preservation with a warm blanket and leave for a day until completely cooled.

Recipe 6. Preservation of strawberries. In syrup


fresh strawberries;

citric acid at the tip of a knife;

liter of filtered water;

one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort strawberries, remove damaged and rotten fruits. Strip the berries from the tails, wash them and dry them slightly.

2. Prepare glass containers. Wash it with soda, rinse thoroughly and sterilize. Boil the lids.

3. Arrange the prepared strawberries in jars.

4. Boil water in a saucepan, pour sugar into it and add a pinch of citric acid. Stir until crystals are completely dissolved.

5. Pour strawberry berries with hot syrup and cover the jars with lids.

6. Cover the bottom of the wide pan with a towel and place cans in it. Pour hot water into the pan so that it reaches the shoulders of the cans. Sterilize the cans ten minutes after boiling water.

7. Tighten the lids and cool completely. Store preservation in the basement or pantry.

Recipe 7. Canning Strawberries. White Chocolate Jam


freshly squeezed juice of a quarter of a lemon;

kg of strawberries;

200 g of non-porous white chocolate;

50 g of vanilla sugar;

a bag of jellyfix;

kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort the strawberries, peel them from the tails and leaves. Put the strawberries in a colander and rinse under a stream of cold water. Put the strawberries in an enameled bowl and sprinkle it with sugar and jellyfish. Leave the strawberries for three hours to let the juice flow.

2. Gently mix the sweet mass and place the bowl on a slow fire. Bring the mass to a boil and remove the foam.

3. Preventing intense boiling, remove the jam from the heat and cool completely. The next day, put a bowl of jam on the fire and cook from the moment of boiling for about 20 minutes. Shortly before the end of cooking, add the broken white chocolate pieces and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

4. Sterilize the washed glass containers and dry. Pour the hot jam into the jars, close tightly with plastic lids, cool and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 8. Preservation of strawberries. Confiture


kilogram of sugar;

80 ml of liquor;

a pound of sugar;


Cooking method

1. Wash the strawberries, remove the ponytails and cut the berries into small pieces.

2. With a sharp knife, remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into thin strips. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.

3. Transfer the strawberries to the pan, add sugar and strips of zest. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix gently.

4. Put the pot of strawberries on a slow fire and bring everything to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly, for three minutes.

5. Pour liquor into the strawberry mixture.

6. Wash and rinse glass containers. Sterilize the jars in a preheated oven or over steam. Pour hot confiture into dry jars and roll up immediately. Cool the workpiece completely and send the cans to the cellar or pantry.

Recipe 9. Canning strawberries. Ground strawberries with sugar for the winter


strawberries - half a kilogram;

sugar - 500 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash glass containers in advance, sterilize and dry.

2. Transfer the strawberries into a deep cup, and fill with water so that particles of dirt and sand settle to the bottom.

3. Peel the strawberries from the stalks. Measure out the required amount of sugar.

4. Pure the berries with a hand blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can make this a regular potato pusher.

5. Pour sugar into strawberry puree, leaving a hundred grams to fill the cans. Mix the puree with sugar until completely dissolved.

6. Lay out the resulting mass in prepared sterile containers. Top the mashed potatoes with sugar to the top so that the rubbed strawberries are not sour or moldy. Seal the cans with lids and store them in a refrigerator or cellar.

Strawberry Preservation - Tips and Tricks

  • You can freeze strawberries. To do this, wash the berries, peel the stems, dry and put in a container so that it retains its shape. Put it in the freezer.

  • For conservation, take only fresh berries that were picked several hours ago.

  • You can add other berries or pieces of fruit to the compote with strawberries.

  • You can replace citric acid with freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Watch the video: How to Open a Jar (July 2024).