September 22: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 22.


Holidays September 22

World Car Free Day

The world was flooded with cars, there were so many of them that it is impossible to cram on roads in big cities. And the number of accidents is simply amazing - more than 3,000 people die in automobile accidents daily in the world. And every minute the fleet is replenished with a new unit. Machines are assembled on conveyors day and night, the pace of production is only growing.

That is why in France was born and was picked up by the people the tradition of spending one day without cars, which spread throughout the world. For the first time this day was marked by two dozen French cities. At the beginning of the 21st century, 35 countries of the world joined the movement. At least once a year, the public actively addresses this problem, and the largest cities in the world are gradually abandoning road transport in the city center in favor of more environmentally friendly trolleybuses and trams.

Holiday engineering Ukraine

The fourth Sunday of October in Ukraine traditionally celebrates the day of workers in the engineering industry, the structure of which consists of 2800 industrial enterprises and 230 organizations. The machine-building industry of Ukraine occupies a rather large segment in the country's economy. Suffice it to say that it employs more than a million people. The main components are machine tools, transport and power engineering, mechanical engineering in the chemical and mining industries.

Partisan Glory Day

The underground guerrilla movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War made a huge contribution to the victory. In 2001, the country's president issued a decree according to which September 22 pays tribute to people who sacrificed their lives in the harsh times of the war, gave all their strength to the fight against fascism in the occupied territories. Orders and medals were awarded to 200 thousand partisans and underground workers, 223 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Bulgaria Independence Day

For a long time, the Bulgarian Principality was only a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, and all actions could be carried out only with the approval of the Turkish Sultan. The manifesto on the independence of Bulgaria was published in 1908, and from that moment the country turned into the Kingdom of Bulgaria. In just 5 years, the country was able to achieve significant success, but the Balkan Wars and World War I became a real national disaster. Once again, the country's independence began to be celebrated in 1988. Moreover, the holidays are held in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, where the monument of Independence of Bulgaria is located. Official events take place during the day, and in the evening a light show begins on the hill with the participation of 1000-hour floodlights.

American Business Woman Day

The organization of business American women in the 090s of the last century was initiated by a business woman's holiday, and since then it has been widely celebrated in America, but in other countries it is opposed by feminists who consider it to be not entirely politically correct. The Association of American Business Women was founded in 1948. In America there are more than 57 million working women, so the holiday is held quite lively.

Folk calendar September 22

Akim and Anna

Saints Akim and Anna are the parents of the Virgin. They also did not have long children, the Akim was not even allowed to make sacrifices to God, and he retired to the desert for prayers. There he had a vision with a prediction of the birth of a daughter, which came true after a while. Day of Akim and Anna is considered in Russia as the day of women in childbirth and childless women, as well as the holiday of midwives. Akim and Anna pray to women who want to conceive a child. Childless newlyweds give gifts to loved ones, for example, round cakes.

Historical events of September 22

September 22, 1764 - the first milestones appeared in the Russian Empire (the unit of measurement was 1067 meters), they were tall stone structures that were installed between settlements, making the road for postal workers and travelers more adapted. During the reign of the Russian emperor Alexander II, milestones were decorated with black and white stripes, so it was easier for travelers to see them on the road.

September 22, 1784 - The first settlement of Russian people in Alaska was founded, which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire. This event took place on the island of Kodiak, where the Shelikhov expedition arrived. "Shelikhovtsy" began to gradually subjugate the Eskimos, who were the indigenous inhabitants of the island, foreigners contributed to the establishment of a new faith in Alaska (Orthodoxy). The Russians settled on the island, taught the natives to cultivate the land and produce crops such as potatoes and turnips. Four years after the Russian landing on the island of Kodiak, a terrible tsunami occurred, the settlement changed its registration, the new city was called Pavlovsk Harbor.

September 22, 1922 - The Metal Aircraft Commission was formed in the Soviet Union, today this organization is called the Tupolev Research and Design Bureau. The history of the enterprise totals ninety years, during this period its employees have developed about three hundred projects of various kinds of aircraft. More than fifty winged vehicles were in serial production and were actively used in Soviet and Russian aviation. More than 18 thousand aircraft left the walls of the Tupolev Research and Design Bureau.

September 22, 1939- The Soviet Union and Germany divided the territory of independent Poland, establishing their power over it. The border passed along the Vistula River, these were the first steps on the way to the most bloody war in the history of mankind (World War II, 1939-1945).

Born September 22

Sergey Ozhegov (1900 - 1964) - compiler of the Russian language dictionary

Ozhegov's Dictionary is a handbook of many people studying the Russian language. The longevity of this book is determined by its main advantages. And this is high information content and compactness. Sergey Ivanovich studied Russian speech and historical grammar, orthoepy, phraseology. The one-volume dictionary of the Russian language is based on the dictionary of Ushakov, the first edition was published in 1949. Since that time 43 editions were published, and at first the dictionary was revised and supplemented by the author. The Russian Language Institute has a special reference service that answers even the most difficult spelling questions.

Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) - English physicist and chemist, creator of the first theory of electromagnetic field

Before creating his theory, Faraday made many discoveries - the laws of electrolysis were called the laws of Faraday, discovered the Faraday effect associated with the polarization of light in a magnetic field, and discovered diamagnetism and paramagnetism. In 1933, he showed the scientific world one of his main inventions - a voltmeter, and the term "magnetic field" began to be used since 1845. Also, Faraday wrote a popular science book "Candle Story." In honor of the great scientist, the Faraday Medal was established - an honorary award from the British Scientific Society.

Dean reed (1938) - American singer

An American by birth, Dean Reed stayed in Argentina after his successful tours of the world. There, he not only recorded his albums, but also led programs on TV, advocated the prohibition of nuclear weapons and against the war in Vietnam. The Argentine authorities were wary of the singer, as a result he left the country for Rome, lived in Eastern Europe and acted in films. At a demonstration in Rome against the Vietnam War, he was arrested. After his release, he moved to East Germany, directed films, sang and starred in films.

Alexey Fedorovich Losev (1893 - 1988) - Russian writer, philosopher

Alexey Losev was a specialist in two areas - classical philology and philosophy. In 1929, he tonsured monks, and received the name Andronicus, his wife became a nun Anastasia. In 1930, he wrote his creation, The Dialectic of Myth, where he explicitly denied dialectical materialism. For his views, he was subjected to repression and was imprisoned for 10 years, where he practically lost his sight. His wife spent 5 years in prison, and as a result they met. I had to forget about teaching philosophy - he taught antique literature courses, lectures on logic, aesthetics and the history of philosophy at Moscow universities. In 1980, Alexei Fedorovich stopped hiding his beliefs, and openly began to preach imyaslavl.

Name day September 22

Name day celebrate: Athanasius, Sergey, Vasily, Alexander, Alexei, Zakhar, Joseph, Anna, Gregory, Nikita


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).