Weight loss spell


Nowadays, gastronomic temptations are very difficult to keep in shape. At the same time, the emergence of extra pounds may be affected by various diseases, stressful situations and "sedentary" work. It also happens that neither diets, nor medications, nor homeopathic remedies help to lose weight.

But is it possible to lose those extra pounds with the help of magic? What spells for weight loss are in white magic? What phase of the moon is best to perform these rituals and rituals? What are the consequences of casting a slimming spell? Answers to each of these questions can be found in our article.

What are the weight loss spells?

Often, excess weight does not appear for physiological reasons, but because of the evil eye or the dark hex imposed by envious persons. In turn, a strong spell for weight loss can be found both in the basics of white and in the practice of black magic. However, black rituals are fraught with danger for both the caster and the victim to whom his problem is being transferred. On the one hand, a dark hex is a logical revenge to the one who initially imposed a seal of completeness. But the problem is that the evil released into the astral can return to the caster for the "boomerang effect."

Therefore, for weight loss, it is better to turn to white magic, which does not harm anyone, calls only the Higher Forces to help, and removes any black print with a skilful approach. All plots on fast weight loss, as well as other spells on parting with something, are read on the decreasing moon. The strongest of them are:

  • Conspiracy for a month;
  • Ritual with water;
  • Spell on herbal tea.

Let's talk more about each of them.

Slimming ritual on the waning moon

As already mentioned above, it should be any conspiracy to lose weight to read on the waning moon. However, there is a rite, which is necessary to conduct looking at the crescent moon. To carry out this sacrament should be paired with a slender girlfriend, dressed in a spacious dress. At midnight exactly women exchange outerwear and change clothes. Then, a slimmer girlfriend should say the following:

"From me, [My name], to you, [Name] is thin. As I am slim, you will be slim as well. As fat in me is not enough - so will your earth disappear!"

At this time, the second woman should read the following with a confident voice, stroking the clothes of a slender girlfriend put on:

"How clothes fit me well -
So my cat will stick
To muscle, vein and white bone!
Completeness - go away! Fat - go away! "

After reading the plot, both women turn their faces to the moon and at the same time say:

"Luna sister!
Let this be true!
Heavy fat, slippery fat -
Out of the ground out - in the ground will go,
Grief [The name of a complete woman] will take with you!
We said
The moon is sealed
God heard
Fate definitely!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

At the end of the ceremony, the clothes of both participants should be buried at the nearest intersection. It is desirable that there is a young tree with female energy nearby - alder, birch, mountain ash or aspen. If everything is done correctly, the woman will lose weight after 7 days.

Rite of passage with water

To read a strong conspiracy to lose weight on the water will need:

  • A glass of church water;
  • 3 temple candles.

Before bedtime, you should light candles, and the plot to lose weight to read the water and drink it in small sips during the reading. The text of the spell is:

"Fast water, strong water!
You run, not knowing where!
Go inside me
Take my weight,
All that is broken - correct,
Leave me your lightness!
So that I don't get sick
There are many would not like
Yes, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After the entire glass has been drunk to the last drop, it is necessary to pronounce the following seal:

"From holy water -
Yes, there will be no trouble!
My unnecessary weight will go away
Yes, in return, the good will come!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Next, a woman should wait until the candles burn out. Cinder can not be thrown away. They must be wrapped in white cloth and buried at dawn under the nearest female tree. This method allows you to lose weight by 5 kilograms each week over the next month. Therefore, with a small amount of extra pounds it is not recommended to use it.

Spell on herbal tea

For this rite will need any herbal tea. It can be a sedative collection for use at night, or chamomile for colds - it does not matter. The drink is brewed, cooled to an acceptable temperature. It is important to note that in order for this weight loss spell to work, spices, milk and sugar cannot be added to the tea. Before consuming the drink, a spell is slandered to him:

"Purifying tea, medicinal tea, healing tea!
Cleanse my flesh from the black disease,
From the burden of heavy
From the grief of cruel!
Fat is soft, viscous fat, fatty fat!
Get out of my body!
How do I drink from this bowl -
So my weight loss and begin! "

The spell is repeated at least 7 times. The drink thus conspired is drunk in small sips with short breaks. No need to hurry - the spell reader must feel how the healing liquid is poured over his body and clearly present his weight loss. First, a few pounds, and then all the excess weight disappears. If the caster does everything right, the process of losing weight will begin with the last sip of the tea that has been uttered.


White rites conspiracy to lose weight quickly does not entail negative consequences for the participants of the sacrament, nor for unauthorized people. Proper reading of the magical text allows you to lose a few dozen kilograms.

However, even the most powerful conspiracy to lose weight may not work. The reasons for this are many:

  • The use of church paraphernalia is not baptized sorcerers;
  • Disbelief in own words and actions;
  • Insufficient psychological and spiritual preparedness of the caster. If pagan conspiracies are used, before reading spells for weight loss need to be more often in nature. If the spells have a prayer basis, the rite for weight loss must be preceded by a week-long fast with church attendance and repentance;
  • Unsuccessful choice of venue for the ritual. White sacraments should not be conducted in places with negative energy, as well as near cemeteries, hospitals, hospices, etc .;
  • Severe illness or moral depression of the caster during the ritual;
  • The overlap of the biopole of the caster by the stronger energy of the black sorcerer, who put a spell on the impossibility of losing weight.

It is possible to judge whether a conspiracy to lose weight worked within a week after it. A woman can stand on the scales and check your weight. If she did not lose at least 1 kilogram - it means that the plot did not work. Re-conduct the rite for weight loss is possible only after a month, in the phase of the waning moon. Prior to that, you can prepare in the new life, review your eating habits, do gentle physical exercises to remove fat from the abdomen.


Watch the video: My Personal WEIGHT LOSS SPELL Only WATER Needed (June 2024).