How do couples sleep: the interpretation of the poses of sleep


In a dream, a person does not control his emotions. For sleeping people, only the subconscious works, which gives out their secret emotions and experiences. Unconscious gestures and postures taken by a person during sleep have a scientific explanation in the field of psychology. Poses for sleeping with a couple in love can tell a lot about the relationship between partners: how passionate, trusting or tender they are.

Hugs in the back: spoon effect

This name for the pose of a sleeping couple was not chosen by chance. If you look at the set of cutlery, you can see that the spoons in the box are sideways, tightly pressed against each other. This is the position that is characteristic of most couples in love. A partner who embraces her soulmate from behind creates for her a feeling of warmth, security and harmony.

A person sleeping in front (usually a woman) has a softer character; in a relationship, he is capable of more commitment and concessions. If the "spoons" during sleep change places without changing the essence of the posture, this indicates harmony between partners and equality of relations.

Face to face

This posture is characterized by maximum openness and emotionality of relationships. Partners literally touch their noses in their sleep, but this does not prevent them from feeling comfortable in the world of dreams. This situation is more often chosen by young couples and passionate lovers. Their relationship is so sharp and emotional that they are afraid to break away from each other even for a minute.

Love knots

This posture is characterized by chaotic plexuses of the arms and legs of the partners. At night, a loving couple can often roll over, weaving new “love knots” at the subconscious level. Such poses are found in impressionable, passionate and emotional spouses. A man and a woman are so attached to each other, that even in a dream they form a tree grown together by roots.

Under the wing of love

This tender pose is the most romantic; she characterizes security and trust between spouses. A man sleeps on his back and presses to himself the lady of the heart, who lies on his side with his head on his shoulder. The position of a young man is characterized by his devotion to his partner and his readiness to support her in difficult moments.

The pose of the ladies reveals the trust in her partner, a sense of calm and peace near him. But if a woman is lying on her stomach, slightly hugging her spouse with her hand, then she is prone to jealousy.

Back to back

When partners often sleep with their backs pressed against each other, this characterizes them as independent and self-sufficient people.

If the couple sleeps with their backs to each other at a distant distance, there may be some disagreement in their relationship. Quarreled spouses often carry offenses to bed. Therefore, such a posture can characterize a short-term conflict, when a husband and wife prefer to turn away from each other and face their faces against the wall. But if the posture is long lasting and the distance between the backs of sleeping partners increases, it means that the couple have mutual claims and discontent with each other, which they do not wish to pronounce in real life.

My bed!

You can often see one of the partners sleeping on their backs, taking up most of the free space on the bed. Another - modestly huddles on the edge of the joint bed. Such a posture always characterizes the presence of dictatorship, rudeness or tyranny in a relationship. And the person possesses such qualities, sleeping on a back "like a king."

Sleep poses resemble a book in which you can read about the nature of the relationship between partners. Spouses should pay attention to the joint "behavior" during sleep. Such observations allow us to better understand the nature of the relationship and your loved one.

Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: Couples Sleeping Positions, What They Reveal (June 2024).