Salad with chicken and celery - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad with chicken and celery.


It’s hard to imagine a couple of years ago only a narrow circle of specialists knew about the existence of celery. They revealed the beneficial properties of this product, as well as the feasibility of its use in cooking. However, the negative factors surrounding us nature has led to the widespread use of celery for health purposes. If earlier this product was used for cooking grandmother's decoctions, then today celery is a frequent guest in the kitchen. Especially when it comes to proper and multivitamin nutrition.

Another feature of celery is a low-calorie product that allows you to use this ingredient for the preparation of dietary dishes. Especially good celery with chicken. Be sure that you certainly will not find a more useful cocktail.

Chicken and celery - these two ingredients allow you to cook amazing salads, and they will also appeal to those who like hearty food, but you can be sure about the amount of calories consumed. As a supplement to salads, a number of fresh vegetables are added, which only increases the taste and vitamin content of the salad.

Celery and Chicken Salad Recipes

Recipe 1. Salad "Appetizing"

What does every modern woman need? Feel like the queen of the world, and find time to cook delicious dishes for yourself and your family. The described recipe will allow not only the ladies to keep themselves in amazing form, but also gradually accustom the family to proper nutrition.

Ingredients Required:

• 200 g - celery;

• 2 pcs. - cucumber;

• 150 g - champignons;

• 200 g - chicken;

• 3 tbsp. l - sour cream;

• 50 g - walnuts;

• salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

With chicken is given complete freedom of cooking. For the dietary version, the chicken should be boiled in salted water, lovers of roast can take and bake the chicken breast in the oven. It's time to do celery, it is better to take the root, which is rubbed on a grater, in the case of celery stalks, crush them with a knife.

Mushrooms will suit marinated, but if fresh champignons are found in the refrigerator, you can fry them slightly in a frying pan. Cucumbers are cut into strips, and when all the ingredients are cut, you can do the dressing of the salad. We send mushrooms, celery, walnuts and cucumbers to the chicken, which we pre-divide into fibers. We fill with spices and low-fat sour cream. You can lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

Recipe 2. Salad with chicken, celery and apples

A light, but at the same time sufficiently hearty dish will become a desirable guest at a festive feast. During the holidays, the risk of eating fat and not very healthy food is especially great. Such a salad will help the body cope with the weight and at the same time you will feel calm and light body.

Ingredients Required:

• 250 g - celery;

• 1 PC. - an Apple;

• 350 g - boiled breast;

• 150 g - radish;

• 3-4 pieces - lettuce leaves;

• 3 tbsp. l - sour cream;

• 3 tbsp. l - mayonnaise;

• 1 PC. - lemon.

Cooking method:

For this salad, celery should be boiled slightly in salted water. Chicken is also boiled. Next, the ingredients are cut into cubes. Peel the apple, then grate it. Radish is better to cut into half rings. The ingredients are ready, it's time to cook the sauce. For the sauce, mix the sour cream with mayonnaise, filter the juice from the lemon and whisk everything. We refuel the salad, in the saucer first we put green lettuce leaves, and then the salad itself is laid out.

Recipe 3. Chicken with celery and pickled cucumbers

You can find a huge variety of salads made from chicken and celery, but the peculiarity of this recipe is that croutons and some pickled cucumbers are added to the main product group.

Ingredients Required:

• 5 pieces. - salted cucumbers;

• 250 g - chicken breast;

• 4 tbsp. l - mayonnaise;

• 250 g - rye bread;

• 250 g - celery, root;

• 2 tbsp. l - olive oil.

Cooking method:

Celery root, it should be used in this recipe, cut into strips, and then poured boiling water. In the meantime, we put chicken fillet to boil. After the meat is cut into fibers, you can straws, which further decorate the salad. Pickles are cut into cubes, it is necessary to thoroughly drain the liquid from them. The time has come to make croutons, for this, cut rye bread into small cubes, and then lightly fry in a heated pan. For the flavor in the croutons, you can add garlic and black pepper. After, as the bread will get a golden hue, the cubes should be removed from the pan.

The ingredients are sliced, it remains to combine everything and fill with mayonnaise, it is desirable to choose delicious varieties.

Recipe 4. Salad with chicken, celery and grapes

Cooking tasty and healthy salads is necessary not only in the case of approaching holidays or special occasions, but also on everyday days when you so much want to diversify the daily menu a little. Even the most unusual borscht and soups get bored, and then you can take a break from bored dishes by preparing a salad of celery and chicken meat.

Ingredients Required:

• 150 g fillets;

• 70 g - celery stalks;

• 50 g - walnuts;

• 50 ml - yogurt;

• 100 g - grapes;

• 50 g - lettuce leaves.

Cooking method:

If you do not have enough time, you can take smoked chicken breast. If time is enough, put the chicken fillet to boil in water. Celery stalks are cut into slices, and lettuce leaves can be crushed by hand. Grapes, it is better to use seedless, cut into two halves. Walnuts lightly chopped. The meat is ready, can be divided into small fibers. We combine the listed ingredients and fill with yogurt. It should be a classic and low-fat product. It remains to salt the salad and leave to leave for a couple of minutes for impregnation. This salad is not only amazingly tasty, but also very beautiful.

Salad with chicken and celery - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Arrange holidays for your body should be regularly. If you still decide to treat yourself to useful and multivitamin salads, then this list should include salads from celery and chicken fillet.


Watch the video: HOW TO MAKE CHICKEN SALAD. 3 easy healthy chicken salad recipes (June 2024).