Laryngotracheitis - treatment at home. Traditional medicine and treatment of laryngotracheitis at home


Laryngotracheitis has no age restrictions; it develops in both children and adults. The difference arises only in the severity of the disease: in children with untimely action, choking may occur - "false croup." This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the children's larynx (it is narrower than that of an adult), loose fiber and intensive production of a large amount of sputum. There is a disease as a complication of the respiratory syndrome. It is treated comprehensively: traditional and folk methods and tools are used.

General recommendations for the treatment of laryngotracheitis at home

If treatment of the disease is carried out at home, you must observe:

• bed or semi-bed mode;

• limitation of voice load: to speak in a whisper or it is better to try not to speak for several days;

• drinking regimen: consume 2 - 2.5 liters of warm liquid (tea with lemon, juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, milk with honey, water) for detoxification and in order to accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

When conducting a comprehensive treatment of laryngotracheitis at home, using alternative recipes in addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, the disease ends in full recovery on day 14.


Food should be completely sparing:

• it is necessary to categorically exclude alcohol, spicy, fatty, smoked, salty foods, strong tea and coffee;

• food needs to be steamed, and eat warm (neither hot nor ice):

• to replenish the water balance and reduce intoxication - drink plenty of fluids;

• No smoking - tobacco smoke is irritating and toxic and aggravates a painful condition.


An important therapeutic measure at home is to rinse the mouth. This procedure at home will greatly alleviate the condition, reduce pain and inflammation. It is carried out every 2 hours and more often. Use "sea water" for this purpose: add 1 teaspoon of soda, sodium chloride and 3 drops of iodine to 1 glass of water. Furacilin, decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula) are also used, or pharmacy tinctures (Rotokan - chamomile tincture) that are diluted with water are ready.


It is recommended to put warming compresses on the entire surface of the chest and on the larynx - its upper section. This manipulation is done exclusively as prescribed by the doctor, so as not to aggravate the condition with laryngeal edema. For the same reason, mustard plasters are contraindicated (or prescribed in some cases): they have a strong warming effect and can lead to edema, and mustard in many causes an allergic reaction up to Quincke edema.


Foot baths play an important role in the treatment of laryngotracheitis at home.

During these procedures, blood circulation is enhanced, which leads to:

• accelerated elimination of toxins from the body;

• outflow of blood into the vessels of the legs, which causes a significant improvement in breathing.

Salt foot baths are placed 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, daily, throughout the illness. After the procedure, you need to wear warm wool socks.

It is recommended to pour mustard powder in the woolen socks with the aim of a warming effect before going to bed. Sleep in them all night. If the burning is unbearable, you need to change the mustard, removing the used one.


Inhalation is a traditional method of treating laryngotracheitis at home. If there is a nebulizer, the task is simplified: if it is available, it is easy to carry out the procedure with any therapeutic component. In the absence of this apparatus, the old proven method is used - you can breathe steam using a kettle or pan.

Steam inhalation is one of the components of home treatment. They have an expectorant effect and thin the sputum, moisturize the mucous membrane. Such treatment should be carried out regularly and only as prescribed by the doctor. He evaluates the condition of the patient and allows or prohibits warm inhalation. Under the influence of hot air, blood circulation increases and laryngeal edema may occur.

If the procedure is allowed, you need to breathe hot steam for at least 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day. To do this, add the same composition of “sea water” to a pot or kettle with hot water: 1 teaspoon of salt, soda and iodine (3 drops) and, covered with a towel, breathe steam.

If a nebulizer is used at home, inhalation with alkaline mineral water can be done. It is rational to take Borjomi and mix with saline.

Highly effective means are decoctions of herbs, the pairs of which you need to breathe.

Medicinal plants successfully used for laryngotracheitis include:

• chamomile;

• calendula;

• mint;

• sage;

• eucalyptus.

They form the basis of therapy for cough, sore throat, hoarseness of voice or aphonia. Used in the form of dried leaves, flowers, stems. It is recommended to add to hot water and ready-made concentrated essential oils that have the same healing properties as cooked decoctions or infusions. Oil of any of the listed medicinal plants can be bought at the pharmacy and dosed, according to the instructions, drop by drop. In addition to the main healing effect, a therapeutic effect in the form of aromatherapy occurs in parallel. The choice of a specific plant is not fundamental: it is important to moisturize the mucosa, which occurs during inhalation and the anti-inflammatory effect of any of the listed components.

Onions are suitable for steam inhalations - it effectively treats the disease. To this end, it is crushed and added to hot water, in vapors of which the patient breathes.

Teas, decoctions

Teas and decoctions are widely used to treat laryngotracheitis at home.

A decoction of onions improves the condition with its regular intake. It is prepared as follows: chopped onion, pour boiling water, add sugar and boil until thick.

A decoction of raisins with onions will help return the voice and relieve sore throats.

For medicinal tea, you can use the classic set of herbs that combine well with each other: linden, calendula, St. John's wort. Prepared as standard: 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs, taken in equal parts, per 1 cup of boiling water. It is taken 4-5 times a day.


Adding honey to any tea or decoction significantly enhances their therapeutic effect. Honey can be mixed with radish juice and taken 5-10 ml several times a day. To do this, in a cleanly washed radish on a cut top, make a recess with a knife and pour honey there. After 2 days, juice appears there, which is taken before meals three times a day. It has a good antitussive effect.

In connection with the use of honey in its pure form, you need to consult a doctor. This is due to frequently occurring allergic reactions to it and to other products of apitherapy. Honey contributes to enhanced production of mucus, which is an excellent habitat for pathogenic microorganisms.


To restore the lost voice, use bran: 5 tablespoons pour 150 ml of boiling water, insist. A few drops of saffron oil and honey are added to the resulting homogeneous mass. Take an infusion of 1 spoon three times a day. The voice is restored after a few days of treatment.


For sore throats in the treatment of laryngotracheitis at home, the use of carrot juice gives a good result. Squeezed carrots on a fine grater and add honey to the juice obtained: a glass of juice - a spoonful of honey. It is recommended to drink it up to 5 times a day. The result occurs on the 5-6th day. Continue taking until the sore throat disappears completely.

Carrot juice restores voice and reduces sore throat, if you drink it, with diluted milk.

Effectively affect the state of health with laryngotracheitis beet and potato juices. They can also be obtained from pre-shabby vegetables, but must be cooked before use. Juices must be freshly squeezed, not bought at the store. Only in this form do they contain the necessary active ingredients, vitamins and minerals.

It must be remembered that with laryngotracheitis, treatment at home with folk remedies is effective as part of the complex therapy prescribed by the doctor. In severe complications, hospitalization is necessary. Therefore, specialist advice is needed in any case. This will make it possible to successfully and as soon as possible cope with the disease.


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