Vitamins for the liver: which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Vitamins for the liver - its effective protection


The liver acts as a filter for the body. Decay products, poisons and toxins are neutralized in the liver. Enzymes are produced in it, redox reactions occur - this is the most important "biochemical laboratory of the body." In the liver there is an exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, it contains many microelements. Therefore, vitamins for the liver play an important role. This is due to the metabolic processes that it controls.

The role of vitamins for the liver in its life

Metabolic processes occur in the liver very intensively, a large amount of oxygen is needed, about 1 liter of blood flows through the liver in 1 hour. Liver proteins are updated in a week. In other organs, this occurs 17 days or longer. When fasting, the liver releases more protein into the blood than other organs and tissues.

Some vitamins for the liver accumulate in it in significant quantities. This applies to vitamins B12, A. This happens when they are excessively taken with food and synthetic drugs.

With an insufficient content of complete proteins in the food entering the body, there is a violation of the absorption of riboflavin, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid. With a protein deficiency, these vitamins fall out of metabolic processes, they are quickly excreted in the urine - their hypovitaminosis develops.

If carbohydrates (in excess of the norm) get into the body with food in excess, an additional amount of vitamins B1, B2, C is necessary. If they do not enter in increased quantities, their hypovitaminosis develops.

Vitamin deficiency for the liver and its pathology

In the case of pathology of the digestive tract, the absorption of vitamins (until complete cessation) into the blood in the intestine decreases sharply. It also leads to hypovitaminosis. The most pronounced vitamin deficiency, especially vitamin C deficiency, develops with infectious diseases. The need for ascorbic acid increases in such cases 5-7 times compared with the norm.

Vitamins for the liver play a large role, since the main processes of water-salt metabolism, as well as the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, take place in it. This affects the water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins for the liver. A, D, E, K - fat-soluble vitamins, C - water-soluble. They are powerful antioxidants that protect liver cells from destruction.

In addition, the lack of certain vitamins for the liver causes serious diseases of this organ. With the existing pathology of the liver and intestines, as mentioned, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E from the intestine is disrupted, which leads to their hypovitaminosis and the corresponding clinical manifestations. The reason for this is also the lack of bile entering the intestines and participating in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Bile is formed in the liver, its synthesis is impaired with various pathologies of the liver. Therefore, vitamins for the liver are interconnected in their effect on the body and on the liver, in particular.

Vitamin E deficiency - fatty liver

Deficiency of vitamin E (tocopherol) leads to the development of fatty degeneration. In the liver, the process of processing fat is disrupted. With hepatitis of any etiology, vitamin E supplied with food is not enough: it does not cover the developed hypovitaminosis E. An additional intake of it in the form of a drug is necessary:

• vitamin E capsules;

• AEvit - a complex preparation containing 2 vitamins - A and E;

• Trivit, containing, in addition to tocopherol, vitamins A, D.

Vitamin E, like other antioxidants, inhibits the aging process, boosts the immune status, normalizes metabolism, and stimulates sex hormones. In addition, vitamin E slows down blood clotting, promotes the accumulation of vitamin A in the liver, and the synthesis of proteins. It is a component of cell membranes, supports the stability and integrity of hepatocytes.

The role of vitamin A for the liver

The amount of retinol (vitamin A) decreases sharply in the liver with cirrhosis and hepatitis. There is peeling of the skin, brittle nails and hair, worsening twilight vision, dry eyeball - xerophthalmia. With the further development of the process, an eyesore may form. In these cases, vitamin A supplementation is additionally required in the form of a medicinal product, since it will not be covered by food intake if the deficiency develops. It is found in large quantities in the liver of cod, fish oil. It is not recommended to take retinol on its own uncontrolled, because there is a risk of developing hypervitaminosis, which is severe, and also affects the liver. Hypervitaminosis develops with excess intake of vitamin A into the body, with excess accumulating in the liver.

With hypervitaminosis A, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase increase, pain in the liver and its increase, diarrhea, lack of appetite, as well as dry and flaky skin, hair loss, insomnia, headaches. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe vitamin A, as well as other vitamins, taking into account individual characteristics, general condition and concomitant pathology, since vitamins are medicines. Their high doses are also dangerous to health, as well as hypovitaminosis.

Ascorbic acid and vitamin K

Ascorbic acid reduces the formation of fatty liver by lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), which also takes part in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Being a powerful antioxidant, it prevents the destruction of hepatocytes by active free radicals. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in the protection of liver cells.

With a lack of vitamin C, the synthesis of glycogen in the liver and the process of bile secretion are disrupted. Ascorbic acid regulates blood coagulation, improves immunity, and enhances the bioavailability of vitamins A and E.

Vitamin K also refers to essential vitamins for the liver. It accelerates the regeneration of liver cells, participates in the process of bile secretion (stimulates it), improves blood coagulation.

B vitamins - protection against cirrhosis

B vitamins are necessary for building liver structures, they are involved in the formation of new liver cells and the protection of existing hepatocytes from destruction:

• B1 - thiamine - takes part in the removal of lipids from the liver, in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the liver, stimulates the regeneration of hepatocytes; with prolonged hypovitaminosis B1, liver failure develops;

• B2 - riboflavin - is involved in the synthesis of glycogen, bile secretion, protects liver cells from oxidative stress;

• B3 - vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin - prevents the death of hepatocytes, increases their protective function, participates in energy metabolism, plays a large role in the treatment of cirrhosis;

• B4 - choline - stimulates the intestines, takes part in the process of neutralizing toxins in the liver, its lack leads to fatty degeneration of the liver;

• B6 - pyridoxine - is involved in the synthesis of transaminases, in the metabolism of fats and proteins in the liver;

• B8 - inositol - prevents the formation of cirrhosis of the liver, strengthens the membranes of hepatocytes, dissolves "harmful" LDL cholesterol, improves the outflow of bile;

• B12 - cyanocobalamin - is necessary for normal blood formation in the liver.

Lipoic acid - the key to a healthy liver

Vitamin N - lipoic acid - is involved in the regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the liver, in the formation of new hepatic cells, is a kind of catalyst for the liver, enhancing and activating its functions. Vitamin N is indicated for inflammatory processes in the liver of various etiologies. There are some contraindications to the appointment of lipoic acid: peptic ulcer, increased secretory function of the stomach.

There are balanced vitamin complexes for the liver. The most effective among them: Vitrum, Complivit, Alphabet, Hepatrin, Heparosis forte. These drugs have a beneficial effect on the liver and general condition of the body. But to maintain liver health, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations so as not to cause an overdose of vitamins and its devastating consequences.


Watch the video: Best Methods to Protect Your Liver and Kidneys. Tiger Fitness (June 2024).