Pain during pregnancy


The expectant mother dreams that her baby will be born healthy, and is worried if unexplained pain occurs in the body during pregnancy. While the baby is in the womb, the representative of the fair sex feels discomfort and discomfort in different parts of the body: the stomach, throat, back, chest, legs may hurt, however, each of the symptoms has its own reasons, so doctors do not advise too upset and nervous.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy (and lower abdominal pain)

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, they can be caused by many factors, so you should approach their elimination only after a thorough examination.

The most common causes of abdominal pain in expectant mothers are:

- constipation (the uterus grows, squeezes the intestines, complicates the process of emptying). To treat constipation, doctors advise to consume more raw vegetables and fruits, spend more time in the fresh air and move actively;

- sprain of the ligaments supporting the uterus causes a sharp short-term pain in the abdomen. In this situation, you should change the situation and be patient a little, in no case should you abuse pain medications. When sprains, you can advise a pregnant woman to wear a bandage;

- exacerbation of chronic diseases during pregnancy is not uncommon - pancreatitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and other diseases sometimes lead to the need for surgery. For this reason, doctors often advise a woman who wants to become a mother before having a baby, undergo a serious examination and treatment, so that in the future there will be no problems.

- Gynecological pains are the most dangerous, they often lead to miscarriages or a serious complication of pregnancy. Gynecological pain is aching, similar to contractions, often gives to the back or lower back, specific discharge of red (brown) color may appear. In this case, a serious examination with the mandatory placement of the patient in a hospital is necessary.

- an ectopic pregnancy causes serious pain in the lower abdomen, as a rule, such a pathology appears for a period of 5-6 weeks. (more about ectopic pregnancy)

Headache during pregnancy

Headache during pregnancy most often occurs in the first and last trimesters. At an early stage, pain is associated with the fact that a woman’s body is being rebuilt, "gets used" to a foreign body, which is located in it and is constantly increasing. In the first months of fetal development, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, which is reflected in the level of pressure. Headaches in the last months before childbirth are caused by the fact that the body is forced to give all supplies to the unborn baby, it is severely depleted and shows this with unpleasant signals. Fighting a headache should not be done with medications (taking medications can harm a baby), but with the help of proper nutrition and timely rest. A pregnant woman who is worried about headaches should stop eating chocolate, caffeinated foods, cheeses, smoked meats, and preservatives. Food should be taken several times a day, drink more fluids. Stress and overwork for expectant mothers is strictly contraindicated. In emergency cases, the headache can be removed with cold compresses that are placed on the back of the head, while it is advisable to lie down in a dark room so that external factors do not disturb and give the pregnant woman the opportunity to relax in silence.

Breast pain during pregnancy

Pain in the chest occurs in a pregnant woman at a time when she still does not suspect that she will soon become a mother. This phenomenon can be easily explained, it is associated with the action of hormones that increase the size of the breast and prepare it for a lactation period. Of course, this process can not be painless. There is no point in taking any medications to eliminate chest pain, you can cope with it only by choosing the right underwear and observing hygiene. The bra should be made of natural materials and a suitable size. Provided that the underwear will not squeeze the breast, but will support it well, the pain will become much less, the woman will not experience severe discomfort. A pregnant woman should wipe her breasts daily with a warm, wet towel and do simple physical exercises that will strengthen her muscles and allow them to better support the mammary glands.

Back and back pain during pregnancy

It is difficult to find a woman who during pregnancy would not experience pain in the back and lower back, unfortunately, this phenomenon periodically accompanies the expectant mother during different periods of bearing the baby.

The main causes of back and lower back pain are:
- problems with the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, poor development of the back muscles);
- lumbar sciatica (pain radiates to the leg);
- hormonal changes and muscle overstrain (usually such pain goes away after the twentieth week of pregnancy);
- incorrect posture due to redistribution of the center of gravity (the bend of the back changes due to protrusion of the abdomen);
- pressure of the enlarged uterus on the nerve endings located at the base of the spine (usually in the late lines of pregnancy);

There is no point in dealing with pain in the lower back and back with the help of medicines, attention should be paid to physical therapy, exclude shoes with heels and use a bandage.

Sick side during pregnancy

There may be many reasons why a pregnant woman has side pain during the bearing of a baby, they can be determined by the nature of the discomfort and the area where the pain occurs. Pain in the right side appears with diseases such as dyskinesia of the gallbladder and neurosis, which provoke problems with the gallbladder. Treatment consists in eliminating stress and anxiety, as well as proper nutrition, which helps to avoid stagnation of bile.

Pain in the lower right side can cause appendicitis, pressure on the ureter, or the fallopian tubes. Unpleasant sensations often arise as a result of infection or problems with the ovaries. In the early stages of pregnancy, pain in the right side may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. The pain in the left side encourages the expectant mother to pay attention to the health status of organs such as the stomach, intestines, pancreas and spleen.

Joint pain during pregnancy

Joint pain is a fairly common occurrence that occurs in pregnant women. The problem is that during the period when the fetus is formed and grows in the womb, beneficial substances (a large amount of calcium) leave the woman's body. It is calcium deficiency that becomes the main cause of joint pain during pregnancy. As a rule, aches occur in the area of ​​the back, legs and pelvis. This ailment is easily treatable, it is enough to saturate the body with calcium in combination with vitamin D, which allows the mineral to be well absorbed. Proper nutrition in many cases is a panacea for joint disease during pregnancy, pay attention to products such as fish (herring, salmon, tuna), liver and egg yolk. At the same time, expectant mothers should not rely on their own knowledge in the field of medicine and engage in self-medication, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist who will help determine the cause of the pain and tell you a recipe for getting rid of it.

Sore throat during pregnancy

A person encounters sore throat throughout life, but if it is understandable and not dangerous during a common cold in the absence of pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a child is a serious threat to the unborn baby. When there is perspiration and dryness in the throat, you should pay attention to the condition of the air in the room, if it is too dry, it makes sense to buy a humidifier, the problem will be solved in this way. However, far from all health issues can be removed so easily. Tonsillitis with purulent discharge caused by streptococcus can lead to infection of the fetus and sepsis. In rare neglected cases, antibiotics are prescribed, their administration is less dangerous than the development of the disease. If a pregnant woman has tonsils, but there are no obvious signs of an open infection, it makes sense to use Hexaspray, Lizobact resorption tablets and Tantum Verde spray. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use Lugol's ointment to treat throat.

Leg pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a significant dose of calcium is washed out from the body of the expectant mother, part of the useful mineral takes the fetus. As a result of the lack of this component, cramps occur, it breaks bones and there are problems with teeth. To avoid problems, you should eat foods such as potatoes, cabbage and dairy products. Often during pregnancy cramps reduces the muscles of the leg, this process occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity of the woman.

In this case, you can advise the following exercises:
- stand on your toes and stretch your legs, as the ballerinas do;
- lying on a flat surface (on the back) rest your feet against the wall with high pressure.

Convulsions can be made less frequent if, during rest, a pillow is placed under the legs, this will result in an outflow of blood from the vessels of the lower extremities and the risk of painful sensations will be significantly reduced.


Marisha 03/26/2016
The first pregnancy flew like a bird, nothing hurt anywhere, she was young. And now for the second time: it’s stabbing here, then it’ll shoot. Thanks to the author of the article - laid out all the information on the shelves :)))

Svetaking 03/26/2016
From headaches I drank the children's Panadol (with a reduced dosage). I was afraid to use more serious drugs.

Anechka 03/26/2016
The article provides not only a list of pains, but also an explanation of their causes. I thank the author for useful advice on constipation! I eat a lot of fruits, and the intestines began to cope.

Elena 03/26/2016
I was tormented by cramps in my legs, the gynecologist advised me to drink magnesium B6, or magnelis. And lie with your feet above your head. Now it’s 2 months before delivery and I’m awake, like a cucumber.

Elina 03/26/2016
The only thing that bothered me during pregnancy was the back pain. The back is generally my weak point, I have osteochondrosis. After buying a bandage, life has become easier. I advise everyone.


Watch the video: Aches and Pains During Pregnancy. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).