What does a herd of cows dream of: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say. Interpretation of dreams about a herd of bulls or cows


Dreams are very vivid and emotional.

Especially if you have such unusual dreams in which you have a large number of animals, for example, a herd of bulls or cows.

Such dreams can have a variety of interpretations, which will depend both on the appearance of the animals and on their behavior.

Also, your attitude to them will play a big role, whether you are afraid of them in a dream or, conversely, are very attuned to them. Today we’ll try to figure out why a herd of cows or bulls is dreaming, and what such a dream can mean for a person in real life.

Why dream a herd of cows

Appearance of animals

We all know that a cow, both in a dream and in reality, is a positive way, bearing good and health. However, in fact, despite the positive nature of this animal, dreams with a cow do not always bring about positive changes in life. In any case, after the appearance of that dream, it will not be superfluous to look into the dream book and determine its exact interpretation.

To determine the meaning of such a dream, one must first recall what a herd of cows looked like in a dream.

1) If these animals looked painful, not healthy - this is not a good sign promising that you will have health problems very soon, so do not forget to regularly monitor him and visit your doctor;

2) If you see a herd of cows of predominantly white colors - this is a sign that people close to you really need your help, attention and care;

3) If animals of black color prevail in the herd, this is a bad sign that portends a difficult period of life ahead of you (diseases, spoilage, problems, and so on). It is very likely that your ill-wishers will try especially hard to poison your life;

4) If you meet a gray cow in the herd - this means that you will soon receive a very good recommendation, which will greatly help you in life;

5) If the Burenki were spotty in a dream - this is to minor household problems at home or misunderstandings at work, which will very quickly resolve themselves;

6) Seeing a young cow in a dream is a sign that he will soon meet a nice girl in his life. If a girl had such a dream, this is a harbinger of the appearance of a rival, moreover, she may even be a cunning girlfriend who will plot against her back;

7) Seeing cows with strong, branched horns is a sign that your stubbornness in the future will disturb you greatly in life;

8) To see a little calf in a dream is a symbol of doubts and worries about some matters that are of great importance to you for the future;

9) Seeing a cow marked with a star is a good sign, foreshadowing the imminent arrival of guests in your home or good news;

10) To see in a dream cows that are trying to take off, or are already in flight - this means that very soon you will be able to achieve your goals.

How does the herd behave?

To determine such a dream, one should interpret the dream not only by the appearance of cattle, but also by their behavior and general mood.

1) If you see in a dream cows that behave very noisy and loudly moo - this is a good sign that promises the imminent appearance of a person with whom, most likely, you will have an alliance full of love and happiness;

2) Seeing a herd of cows or bulls peacefully, slowly grazing in the meadow - this is a very good sign that promises that perhaps in your family you should expect replenishment very soon. Also, such a dream may mean the fulfillment of some secret desires;

3) If you see a herd of cattle that is rapidly running away - this is a bad sign, promising problems, illnesses and disappointment;

4) If the whole herd in your dream is subject to one bull - this is a sign that serious changes will come to your life soon, accompanied by strong feelings and passion;

5) If a man saw in a dream healthy, meaty cows in a dream - this is a sign that in the near future he will expect increased attention from the opposite sex;

6) If you see in a dream a herd of cows that behave defiantly and aggressively towards you - this is a sign that a person wants to draw you into some dubious business, which in the end will bring you nothing but disappointment. Also, such a dream may mean that your ill-wishers are not asleep and are trying to get into the trap of compromising you in the eyes of other people;

7) If you see a herd of cows in a dream that roar loudly and piercingly - this is not a good sign that promises serious losses, problems and illnesses in your life;

8) If you see some cows butting horns in a herd, this is a favorable sign that promises you material well-being, and income can come to you from a completely unexpected source;

9) If you see cows running to the swamp, or have already got there and are stuck, this is a sign that a very difficult period awaits you, accompanied by some serious illness that can even lead to hospitalization;

10) If you see a herd of cattle clogging in a dream - this means that you have serious health problems and you should urgently undergo a course of treatment.

The dreamer's attitude to the herd in the dream

1) If you graze cows in a dream, or you lead them to a watering place - this is a favorable sign that promises positive changes in life, fate will favor you;

2) If you frolic, play with a cow - this means that you will have a very good time with people close to you;

3) If you are trying to escape from the herd in a dream - this is a sign of great luck in real life;

4) The dream where you drink cow milk promises you dangerous connections in reality with people who really want to set you up.

Why dream a herd of cows according to Miller’s dream book

The famous American psychologist Gustav Miller associates a herd of cattle with powerful strength, energy. In general, Miller considers the appearance of a herd of cows or bulls, which graze peacefully on the lawn, as a very good sign, promising a happy and peaceful life.

• If you are a careerist or a serious businessman, then the appearance of a herd of artiodactyls is a good sign that promises success and progress towards the intended goal;

• Seeing a running herd of cattle is a warning sign that you might inadvertently initiate a quarrel. The dream interpretation recommends not to rush with hasty actions, try to think things through in advance;

• If you see in a dream a herd of thin, emaciated cows - this is a sign that you should reconsider your lifestyle in real life. Try to get rid of bad habits, otherwise it may result in bad news for you;

• Seeing a herd in which the number of blacks prevails over others means that you will have to go through several unpleasant moments in the future. If there are more white animals than everyone else - expect a pleasant surprise. If there are approximately equal numbers of white and black cows in a dream, you will need to make a difficult choice before making a serious decision.

What is the dream of a herd of bulls in Wangi's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets the appearance in a dream of a large number of bulls as a symbol of hard work and initiative, which, however, will fully justify itself. If the bulls in your dream behave too aggressively - this is a sign that in the reality of life you will meet a person who will be genuinely delighted with your independence and leadership qualities.

Why dream a herd of bulls according to Freud's dream book

A well-known psychologist believes that the bull in a dream is a symbol of your self-confidence and male strength. However, if there were a lot of bulls in a dream, this may mean that your illegibility in sexual life can lead to serious problems.

Interpretation of dreams about a herd of bulls according to the dream book of Hasse

• To see well-fed, strong bulls grazing peacefully on the lawn is a good sign that promises you status and respect in a society that you had only dreamed about before. Happiness and prosperity await you, but you do not have to revel too much in your success, otherwise everything may turn out for you in a completely different direction;

• If you are an unmarried girl and saw such a dream - expect new, interesting meetings and acquaintances;

• If a bull chases you in a dream, this is a sign that serious work problems await you due to envious detractors.


Watch the video: What does cow dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).