Russian women especially carefully select the upper part of the wardrobe and shoes


A woman will look amazing only when her appearance will be in harmony with the inner world. This can be achieved only by careful selection of clothes, shoes and accessories. Portal "Women's opinion" decided to find out exactly what part of their wardrobe Russians choose especially carefully.

43.6% of the fair sex responded that the main thing for them is the upper part of the clothes: coat, jacket, blouse, topic, underwear. They believe that the top is the first to catch the eye and it must be selected very, very meticulously. "Fur coats, sheepskin coats, raincoats, windbreakers and so on," the women said: "Until I get all around, I’ll never buy one." For many ladies, underwear became an important choice: “Particular attention should be paid to the bra, because with the unsuccessful model nothing will look right,” the respondents categorically stated. These ladies are absolutely right, because it is very important to create a correct, beautiful silhouette, and then you can begin to decorate it in the form of outerwear.

38.4% of Russian women consider thorough footwear selection as the basis of the basics Indeed, any footwear must be not only stylish, but also comfortable. Try to walk around the whole day in uncomfortable shoes. No matter how fashionable and beautiful she would be, but in the evening you want to not only throw her off her feet, but also throw her somewhere far away. "Shoes. I never save on it. I can re-measure the entire store and leave with nothing. Besides shoes, convenience, wearability and endurance are required from shoes. Backache can cause back pain, for example. I find it hard to imagine any other thing in the wardrobe, which falls on a similar load: the weight of a man and so uncomfortable conditions of service - dust, dirt, water ", - explained the women.

13.3% of our Russian beauties give all attention to the selection of the lower part of clothing. Their attention is entirely focused on the selection of skirts, pants, shorts, jeans. According to the survey, this is mainly due to the peculiarities of the figure and the natural desire to emphasize its merits. "I carefully select the bottom to emphasize roundness," women smiled.

4.7% of ladies pay the greatest attention to accessories. Very reasonable and logically correct choice. In the presence of only a couple of toilets, with the help of accessories, it is possible to create a variety of completely different trendy ensembles, differing from each other in both style and color solutions.

During the survey, Russians expressed their conviction that when choosing clothes, one should pay attention to all things in the complex in order to create their own unique look. The main things of this complex was the upper part of the wardrobe and shoes.

4120 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 163 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: EASY CLOTHES HACKS FOR GIRLS. Brilliant DIY Ideas by 123 GO! (June 2024).