Nail fungus on the arms and legs - how to deal with this trouble


Nail Fungus - Description

Nail fungus is a very unpleasant disease that is quite difficult to treat, with frequent returns to the past when you stop taking drugs. There are a lot of fungi (mycoses), the differences relate to the symptoms and infection pathways that cause dermatophytes fungal organisms, but the treatment for all fungal infections is almost the same. An infectious disease is transmitted from person to person.

Fungal nail lesions are visually characterized by the following symptoms:
- fragility, stratification of the nail;
- thickening, increasing with time;
- hereinafter - crumbling or destruction;
- change of form;
- loss of natural color (the nail becomes dull, unhealthy in appearance, often darkens, acquires white, brown, green color).

Some chemistry

The reproduction of fungi takes place in a weakly alkaline and neutral environment, mainly with a pH of 6-6.7 (in contrast to a pH of a healthy person 5.5). Adverse to the propagation of mycoses is an acidic environment. In this regard, risk factors can be noted - sweating, which shifts the pH to the alkaline side. The same factor is enhanced by the positive effect of humidity on the vital activity of microorganisms.

That is why the area of ​​increased spread of mycoses are baths, pools, showers. But drying does not destroy them, but only stops or slows down development, and the properties are preserved for years, and dry scales can be the causative agent of a new focus of the disease. Fungi are very resistant microorganisms. They easily tolerate a decrease in temperature, do not lose their properties even after freezing.

The increase in temperature is detrimental to them. They die during 3-5 minutes boiling, so this method is used to disinfect linen, clothing, household items. In addition, a solution of 1% formalin destroys the fungi within 15-20 minutes, which is why shoes are disinfected by it. In chloramine, fungi die within 30-40 minutes.

Foot fungus

Many people learn about the presence of the disease not immediately, but, for example, during a routine examination, or when obvious symptoms are already visible. Mycoses must be treated immediately after detection, since with a long stay in the human body, mycoses cause an accumulation of toxins synthesized by fungi of toxic substances. The fact that the fungus spreads on the toes most often can be explained by less intense blood circulation in the toes. Shoes interfere with the normal flow of air to the legs, especially in heat and high humidity.

How can I get foot fungus?

The fungus is transmitted by an already infected person. The whole family may suffer if it is customary to use a shared bathroom and shared towels. Microorganisms are also transported through pedicure and manicure accessories, shoes, socks. In public places (swimming pools, gyms), locker rooms, baths - wherever an open leg is available for sticking wet scales.

Who is most affected by foot fungus?

Fungal infection is more likely to occur in people with circulatory problems in the legs, foot deformities, and being overweight. In addition, immunodeficiency, stress, tobacco, overwork, alcohol abuse are negatively affected. They also contribute to a decrease in immunity, and as a result - rapid infection with mycoses, insufficient nutrition, anemia, prolonged administration of antibiotics into the body.

How does nail fungus disease begin?

Peeling and exfoliation appear in the skin of the interdigital folds on the legs, then small, fluid-filled vesicles that burst, revealing places of inflammation and cracks. Wounds do not heal for a long time. Bubbles also appear on the back of the fingers, then erosion and edema are formed. In extreme cases, the temperature rises. If the foot fungus is not treated, it will go to large areas of the skin, causing a lot of trouble. Dermatologist prescribes medication. First, he will reveal the type of mycosis in a laboratory study of scales, and then he will lead a course of treatment. The most serious disease is onychomycosis.

Nail fungus

Fungal infection, getting on the skin of the hands (epidermophytosis), causes an allergic rash, reminiscent of weeping eczema. The reaction begins with the palm of the hand, as a result of mechanical stress, irrational therapy of foci of infection on the soles of the feet. Many small bubbles dot the reddish discs. When bursting, a weeping surface forms, peeling, rounded erosion with clear boundaries. Hands begin to itch. Most often this happens in the summer, when a lot of sweat is released. The disease develops with 1 and 5 fingers.

Remedies for nail fungus

In past times, the fungus could be completely cured only by surgery - the nail plate was removed. A new nail could also grow with a fungus. Treatment with medical compounds is carried out according to certain recipes. The composition of medicinal products includes salicylic and lactic acid, dyes (green and blue), iodine, sulfur, acetic essence. You can prepare the solution yourself, only knowing the exact composition of the ingredients.

The treatment is quite long, in some cases it can last a year or more. The latest drugs act quickly, actively affecting the fungus. They are fully capable of stopping the development of mycosis. You need to take funds 2-4 months, compared with 6-12 months, this is a big progress. The most advanced regimens, such as pulse therapy, last only a few weeks. There are oral preparations in the form of capsules and tablets. Local forms are varnishes and patches for nail plates. Apply varnishes and patches only 1-2 times a week.

Medicines should only be used as directed by doctors.

1. Antifungal drugs:
Fluconazole, Amphotericin B, Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, Mikosist, Fluzol, Flucosan, Levorin, Mikoheptin, Nystatin, Nizoral, Diflucan.
2. External funds: ointments and solutions:
Griseofulvin, Mikozolon, Levorin ointment, Nystatin ointment, Triderm, Mikozan serum.

Treatment of nail and foot fungus

Severe forms of infection should be treated comprehensively, combining local drugs and internal capsules and tablets. Some preparations already contain components for a dual action - softening the horny masses and treatment. For such purposes, devices for hardware processing are also used - special drills with cutters. Of course, a specific scheme should be selected individually. Modern antifungal drugs have greatly simplified the process of destroying the fungus, additional methods help restore the nail and improve its condition. Drugs actively affect the fungus and are held in the nails for a long time.

Disinfection of things

Be sure to carry out the processing of things in order to disinfect. All that the fungus could come into contact with should be disinfection: personal items, underwear, shoes, care items. You also need to process the floors, walls, different shelves in baths, bathrooms.
An important feature of the treatment of fungal diseases is the rapid adaptation of organisms to therapeutic drugs. That is, if the patient has not recovered the fungus, the infection may re-develop, and new drugs will have to be selected, as the previous treatment may be ineffective.

Prevention of nail fungus

The disease is best prevented. Primary prevention consists of a whole range of hygiene measures.

1. Especially in the hot season and with excessive sweating of the legs, you should use sprays and aerosols, treat the skin on the sole and interdigital folds.
2. Wear only comfortable, tight shoes.
3. Do not use other people's things - towels, shoes, bedding.
4. Eat plenty of vitamins.
Home Remedies for Mycosis
There are many effective ways to treat a fungal infection. The main rule is if you started treatment, continue it and not stop, otherwise the efforts will be wasted.
1. Alcoholic propolis solution (20-30%). Lubricate affected areas.
2. Apply onion foci of the onion foci, or wipe with freshly squeezed onion juice.
3. Composition for the treatment of foot fungus: carrot juice (1 tablespoon), vinegar essence (1 teaspoon). Lubricate the affected area with a mixture in the same way as with green - wrap a cotton swab on a stick.
4. Composition for the treatment of persistent fungal infections: garlic juice (1 teaspoon), alcohol 90 degrees (the same amount), distilled water. This mixture can also be used for prevention. In addition to garlic compresses, garlic ingestion is a good help. It can be garlic tea, broth, tincture. With mycosis, the first positive results occur after 3-4 days.
5. Wash the feet and put them in a solution of wine vinegar. Saturate socks with vinegar and sleep in them.
6. Massage the affected area with potatoes, or lubricate with potato juice.
Also a good tool since ancient times is considered to be running in the morning dew. You need to run for 30 minutes, preferably along the grass - this helps well against corns, calluses and other skin rashes. Do not wipe your legs, wait until the dew dries.

Herb Nail Callus Treatment

Composition No. 1: mint, salt. Pound the leaves with salt into the pulp, put between the fingers for 60 minutes.
Composition No. 2: grass euphorbia, boiling water. Insist wrapped in warm clothes. Do foot baths for 30-40 minutes.
Composition No. 3: flowers of lilac, half a glass of alcohol. Prepare tincture (insist 2 weeks). Lubricate sore spots.
Composition No. 4: oak bark (3 parts), verbena (2 parts), blackberry fruits, gray calendula flowers, field horsetail (1 part each). Mix everything, take 3 tablespoons of the mixture and brew boiling water (1 cup). Apply as lotions.
Composition No. 5: strong coffee, immerse your hands in it, but do not shake the precipitate. Coffee can treat mycoses on the legs, relieve pain in the foot. Gradually, the skin exfoliates on the heels, the fungus disappears.

It is very important to remember!

In addition to the extraordinary vitality in the environment, nail fungus quickly develops immunity to substances that are part of the main antifungal drugs. That is, if the fungus was not treated, or re-infection occurred, for example through old shoes, then treatment with the previous drug will not be so effective. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example, innovative Mikozan serum based on rye enzyme filtrate, which has high antifungal activity and does not form addiction in the fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.


Mironova 10.12.2016
My affected nails began to thicken, on my feet it certainly is not so evident, but the very thought that I had a fungus there terrified me. Therefore, I signed up for a mycologist, who sent me for tests, confirmed some kind of onychomycosis there and prescribed mycosan. Fortunately, the remedy turned out to be very effective, it’s just everything in a couple of months, it’s convenient to use, nothing flows. So I can safely recommend to those who are faced with this problem.

Pavel Smirnov 10/24/2016
I came across an article, read and remembered my horror with the treatment of fungus on the nails ....

Maxim 09.29.2016
There was a fungus on the foot on the big toe; the nail did not grow; it was tormented for a year and a half. I did everything that the doctors attributed, the result was zero.
Then I was advised ointment for horses, the result was super (the nail has grown, it has become in its shape since then two years have passed).
watch a video about ointment:

Irina 09/13/2016
Folk recipes are ineffective with fungus. If they help at all, then treatment can take a very long time. It is much better to treat onychomycosis under the supervision of a doctor. My mycologist prescribed me a course of Mikozan. Here from this remedy was a really good and fairly quick effect. The fungus receded already at the beginning of the 3rd week of treatment, it only remained to wait until a healthy nail plate grew. In addition, I had no side effects and relapses after such treatment.

Elena 08/15/2016
My husband recently also had a fungus, at first they thought vitamin deficiency, then other nails began to turn yellow. We went to the doctor and the fungus turned out to be. I thought he would have to cure him for a year, and he wrote out a nail-cream, which helps the nail quickly - without breaking it. So, piece by piece, the damaged nail was removed and there was no fungus under the nail, only the nail plate was affected


Watch the video: The Toe Bro Reveals His Hack to Treat Ingrown Toe Nails (June 2024).