What apricots dream of: the appearance of fruits, actions with them. Why do apricots dream according to different dream books


Apricots in a dream can be a harbinger of both good and bad events in life. What apricots dream of depends on the form in which the fruits appear, what the dreamer will do with them and what feelings he will experience.

What do apricots dream about: appearance of fruits

Seeing a lot of ripe apricots, feeling their pleasant aroma and at the same time experiencing joy - to the good news and the successful completion of some important undertaking.

Rotten, spoiled fruits portend sorrows and major troubles. We need to prepare for a long period of failure, the collapse of hopes and the failure of plans. Of the same importance is the dream in which you tasted the fruits and felt their sour, bitter, or simply unpleasant, unnatural taste.

What do dried or dried apricots dream of? This is a harbinger of suffering and sorrow. Perhaps the approach of a disease or a dramatic event that will affect the appearance.

Pay attention to the time of year when I had a dream about apricots. If this is the season when these aromatic fruits really ripen, then everything is fine: the dream of apricots during their harvest is very favorable, promises joy and profit. Why do apricots dream out of season? If the dream came in the cold season, when in reality the fruits are not harvested, everything is not so rosy. We need to prepare for the fact that even a well-started business will end in failure, and a very real plan awaits collapse. A person who sees apricots out of season is waiting for sorrow and tears, trouble and loss, annoying procrastination and loss.

Seeing flowering apricot trees means the presence in the dreamer's life of unjustified hopes for a brighter future. This dream is especially favorable for people who are experiencing a period of prolonged stagnation, a strip of failures. The dream foreshadows that all troubles will soon be in the past, and a new sun of luck and long-awaited happiness will rise on the horizon. If the dreamer plans to move, he will end safely.

If you see a lot of ripe, beautiful fruits on the apricot tree, then success in the conceived or already implemented enterprise is guaranteed. If the undertaking or plans are related to finances, then they will certainly bring large profits that will meet expectations and even surpass them.

A lonely apricot tree without fruits can mean a deception in hopes for well-being and happiness, a seal, a longing for an unfulfilled one or an early parting with a dear person. A dried apricot tree promises a breakup or the death of a loved one.

What do apricots dream about: actions with fruits

Collect apricots from green, beautiful, healthy trees - A sign of a stable high income, an early and very successful resolution of your undertaking. Do not worry about the outcome of the plan: all things will be completed on time, and the problems will be resolved to the complete well-being and joy of the dreamer.

If the dreamer picks apricot fruit into the containers intended for this (basket, bucket, etc.), then his mental and physical condition is optimal, he is in harmony with the world. Why do apricots fall from a tree? If the fruits are lying on the ground, then collecting them means bad news: all expectations will be in vain. Even if the goal is achieved, it will bring neither benefit nor joy.

There are ripe tasty apricots - in joy and well-being. On the contrary, sour or spoiled - to disease, shame and the collapse of all hopes. Eating dried apricots means unpleasant chores that may end in nothing or not bring what you want. Overeating apricots does not bode well in any case: excessive consumption of fruits means trouble in work, relationships, business.

Seeing other people eating apricot fruit means a waste of time. The environment will not bring you any joy or benefit, time is wasted, things are not done or have no future.

Eating apricots and not feeling any taste mean that in life you will be disappointed with something. This may be due to the dreamer's excessive credulity: he should adequately evaluate his surroundings, get rid of pink glasses and try to minimize the consequences of his rash acts or unreasonable stupid credulity. Review your relationship with your immediate environment and colleagues: somewhere you make a big mistake.

Why dream about the apricots that the dreamer sells? If they are ripe, then to a successful business project or enrichment. Maybe the dreamer will receive unexpected profits or gain an additional source of income. Seeing that someone else is selling apricots means a happy combination of circumstances.

Buy ripe apricots it means profitable to invest money or other resources (time, effort, feelings, etc.). It may be possible to organize a successful business or to invest a large amount of money profitably.

If in a dream you steal apricots, then a person is having a negative effect on you. This can cause problems in the future, so you need to reconsider your relationship with others, begin to adequately evaluate the information, abandon the imposed authority.

Why do women dream about apricots?

If a girl in a dream enjoys the sweet, honeyed taste of ripe apricots, she will have strong, true love, romantic dates, long-awaited successes in the love field. Why apricots to marry a married woman? Fortunately and deep peace, if the fruits are beautiful and ripe. Her life and well-being are not in danger.

If a girl or woman picks apricot fruit from a tree, her love affair or romance has no future. The relationship will end and will not be serious.

Plant an apricot tree or apricot kernel - the harbinger of pregnancy and the birth of a girl. If a girl sees a flowering tree in winter, her unsuccessful marriage awaits her.

If a woman sees her husband or lover eating apricots, the couple is waiting for a period of mutual discontent, quarrels, and omissions. If you do not make serious efforts, the relationship may end.

Lonely apricot treeseen by a woman or girl means that her marriage will be unsuccessful, filled with tears and disappointments.

What do apricots dream for men

If a man in a dream has a sour or just tasteless apricot, then in reality he needs to carefully analyze his surroundings and find a person who is preventing him from realizing his potential. This person may not be an open enemy, but his influence is strong and negative. Perhaps the enemy secretly harms the dreamer, and soon everything will open.

A man who eats a juicy and tasty apricot in a dream, may get carried away by some woman. If he is married, passion will lead to adultery. Freud in his dream book described this situation as a meeting (in reality) with a young inexperienced girl who would turn a man's head and cause a strong sexual desire. Despite the inexperience of the partner, the dreamer will enjoy the intimacy with her.

If a man sees apricots out of season, problems at work or in business may await him. Squeezing ripe fruit with your hands means that the dreamer will miss a good chance. This dream can serve as a warning: be more attentive with people and chances! The dream of collecting green apricots is of the same importance: problems at work will be caused by inexperience or incorrect prioritization.


Watch the video: Uses of Apricots (June 2024).