August 3: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 3.


Holidays August 3

The Night of Power and Destiny - Lailat al-Qadr

This is the most significant night of the holy month of Ramadan. Laylat al-Qadr witnessed how the first surahs of the Holy Quran were sent to the Prophet Muhammad, and she got her name from the fact that at that time a huge number of angels were emitted to the earth, and therefore this night is gracious, grants the forgiveness of the Almighty and is very significant in comparison with other nights.

Believers who spend the night in prayers receive extraordinary vitality and energy. Lailat al-Qadr has one more feature - it is quiet and serene, without precipitation, the stars have an unusual shine and radiance, and the sun rises in the morning with amazing gentle light. Believers analyze the mistakes of their days, make missed prayers, forgive insults and are inspired by plans for the future.

Memory of the Holy Prophet Ezekiel

Living in the city of Sarira in the 6th century BC, the son of a priest Ezekol himself became a priest. He was taken to Jerusalem with other Jews by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar at the age of 25. During his captivity he was visited by a vision that revealed the future of the Jewish people. In the center of the shining cloud, the prophet saw a flame, inside of which, on a chariot rising upwards, besides man, there were three animals - a lion, a bull and an eagle. Their gaze was directed at the wheels dotted with eyes. Above the chariot was a sapphire-strewn throne, on which, in a rainbow frame, was a radiant "likeness of Man."

The Church Fathers interpreted this vision as the reincarnation of the Son of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Spirit of God gave new life to dry bones on the field, and Ezekiel also had a vision about this, interpreted as the resurrection of the dead and eternal life. The third vision is about a temple, in the closed gate of which only the Lord God passed. Ezekiel also had the gift of miracles, once he divided the waters of the river so that the Jews crossed to the other side, and during the famine he asked God for food for the starving.

August 3 on the folk calendar

Onufry the Silent

In the 12th century, the Monk Onufry Pechersky lived in Kiev, and today his imperishable relics are in the nearby caves. He was a silent recluse, like Fyodor the Silent and many other monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In Russia, in memory of Onufriy, this day was celebrated as a day of silence - all work was performed silently, unnecessary words were not uttered unless absolutely necessary. They were engaged in bins - they checked walls, floors, hangers - there was no time for unnecessary conversations, and so on. Cats became assistants to the peasants - they were launched to catch mice. A popular sign on this day says that if there is a strong dew in the morning, this portends a bad harvest of flax.

Historical events of August 3

August 3, 1492 - the first expedition of Christopher Columbus began

It was on this day that the famous “Santa Maria”, led by a native of Genoa, Christopher Columbus, as well as two more ships — Pinta and Nina set sail from Europe to India, hoping to open a short way. However, seafarers were led by incorrect calculations based on the ancient ancient theory of the sphericity of the Earth; instead of India, sailors landed on the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, which became the official discovery of America. The expedition, led by Columbus, visited several more islands, and reaching Haiti, went further, but sat on a reef.

The sailors managed to escape. Columbus returned to Castile on the ship Nina in 1493. The navigator himself received the rank of admiral, and became vice-king of open lands, which he visited as part of an expedition of 17 ships with a crew. The islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe were discovered, and then Antigua and the Virgin Islands. The sailor made a number of expeditions and discovered the Greater Antilles, the Caribbean and other coasts of America (Central and South). New maps were drawn up, and soon colonial empires began to emerge.

August 3, 1959 - opening of the first Moscow film festival

At the MIFF, another significant event happened - the first prize of the festival was received by Sergei Bondarchuk's film "The Fate of Man." Technically, the film of Chinese filmmakers "The New History of the Old Soldier" won. 13 years later, the Moscow festival became (along with the Cannes, Berlin and Venice) the festival of group A. It is held on odd years and has many screenings and retrospectives of world cinema films, scientific seminars, round tables, conferences, and the Forum of Young Filmmakers are held. Today the main prize of the festival is Golden George (since 1997).

August 3, 1958 - The Nautilus reached the North Pole

The world's first nuclear submarine in its design resembled previous models, with the exception of the power plant, but it was the latter that made it possible for submariners to set many records, starting from going under 2250 km under water in only 90 hours, while the speed was 20 knots. A year later, the boat was reloaded with nuclear fuel, then the repair was completed and it became the first nuclear boat in the Mediterranean. The submarine served in the Navy for 25 years, then it was installed at the memorial pier in the port of Groton.

August 3, 1990 - US announcement of the deployment of the Navy in the Iraqi region

On the same day, a meeting of representatives of the United States School of the USSR and the USSR (USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze and US Secretary of State Baker) met, as a result of which a request was sent to Iraq to withdraw troops from Kuwait, and the international community was called upon to join this demand and stop Iraq from supplying arms . Kuwait's sovereignty must be restored.

Naval forces were sent to the Persian Gulf, and a few days later, ground forces and aviation. With respect to Iraq, economic sanctions were imposed by the UN Security Council. Operation Desert Storm was carried out in January, during which Iraq was bombed and ground operations. The fighting was discontinued in April 1991.

Born on August 3

Boris Kurchatov (1905 -1972) - Soviet scientist-radiochemist

Boris Vasilievich Kurchatov (Igor Kurchatov’s brother) conducted research that became the basis of the theory of ferroelectrics developed by his famous relative. In the laboratory, together with other collaborators, he participated in the discovery of the theory of nuclear bromine isomerism, which was the biggest achievement of the mid-20th century. The scientific heritage of Boris Kurchatov - more than 150 works and copyright certificates.

Maria Biesu (1935 - 2012) - the famous Moldavian opera singer.

Maria Lukyanovna Biesu, in the 60s of the last century, underwent an internship at the La Scala Opera House, then participated in many international competitions. She led a busy life - typical of world-class opera singers - trips, tours, filming. "Metropolitan Opera" in New York, opera scenes of the world and the USSR, a tour of the cities of Europe, Japan, Australia, Israel. All opera parts of Moldavian composers in one way or another took into account its incredible soprano. In total, she had about 30 soprano parties in her repertoire.

Nikolay Burlyaev (1946, year) - actor, film director, People's Artist of Russia. He made many films, became the owner of the very titles and titles.

Vaclav Dvorzhetsky (1910-1993) - theater and film actor, who played in more than 100 performances in the Sovremennik Theater and the Gorky Drama Theater, starring in more than 90 films. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Name day 3 august

Name Day Celebrate: Anna, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, George, Eugene, Fedor.


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