March 12: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 12th.


Holidays March 12

USA Girl Scout Day

The organization of girl scouts is an educational and voluntary movement that helps young people to fully develop, think independently and make the right decisions in life. The mission of girl scouts is to assist in the educational process of youth, instilling true values, building a better world where every teenager can become a self-fulfilling person. The organization is trying to achieve its goal by involving the young population in the educational process, using a specific method that helps people develop psychologically and feel more confident in society, helping to create a value system as a control center for all of humanity. And to collect money for their own purposes, they sell cookies.

Penitentiary Day

March 12, 1879 in Russia, Alexander the Second instituted a law on the organization of the prison department. The decree of the emperor was the beginning of the formation of the state system of punishments in the country. For many years, the penitentiary body was in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and only with the transition to a democratic method of governance, it passed into the possession of the Ministry of Justice. From 1997 to 1998, President B. Yeltsin adopted a series of laws that were able to complete the stage of a complete transition. Currently, the number of employees of the penitentiary system in the Russian Federation has exceeded 300,000 people. The purpose of the system is to prevent any criminal encroachment, as well as contribute to the correction and return to full society of citizens who have violated the feature of the law.

March 12 in the folk calendar

Prokop-Dorogushitel, Prokop-Perezimniy

On March 12, people commemorate the memory of St. Procopius the Decapolite, who lived in the eighth century and was a confessor.

In Procopius, as peasants observed in Russia, spring completely takes the reins of government into its own hands - frost recedes, roads begin to free themselves from snow. The people gossiped about this: "On Prokop-Perezimnim snow lay, lay, and then fled into the river." Before leaving the yard, people carefully checked the road: is it strong. They listened to the drops. It was believed that if it is plentiful, then it is not safe to go on a long journey. But with an unstable drop, men went into the forest and hunted animals. By the way, the hunters had their own signs that day. For example, if a hare crosses the road along the way, this is not good. If the dog crosses the road ahead, the hunt will be unsuccessful.

Peasants also observed willow. The blooming of her buds from the crown indicated that this year should be sown earlier. We also looked forward to the bloom of snowdrops: as soon as they appear, plowing can begin.

Historical events of March 12

March 12, 1839 - For the first time in ballet put on a tutu dress

The tutu is a magnificent multilayer light ballet dress. The "debut" show of the dress took place at the premiere of the ballet La Sylphide, which took place on the stage of the Royal Academy. The first pack was made according to the sketch of the then-famous fashion designer Eugene Lamy. Naturally, over the years, ballet attire has changed shape and style many times. At the end of the 19th century, the pack of the artist Anna Pavlova was very different from the modern one. Anna loved to improvise with dresses and decorate dresses with various accessories. In addition, the dress had a longer shape than now.

March 12, 1904 - In the UK, the first electric trains were launched, more simply called electric trains. An electric train is a type of public transport that receives energy for movement from an external contact network through current collectors. As you know, electric trains are widely used in large cities and, unlike other modes of transport, do not affect the environment. The first electric trains appeared in Russia a little later - in 1926.

March 12, 1918 - Moscow returned the status of the capital

Since the beginning of the 14th century, in the long-suffering Moscow - the capital of Russia - the residence of Moscow princes has been located. However, in the 18th century, the capital was moved to St. Petersburg, which did not prevent the rulers from continuing to be crowned in Moscow. In 1812, the city fell under the onslaught of a strong flame, a lot of time was required for its full restoration. For protection, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built. The status of the capital returned to Moscow shortly after the October Revolution, according to the decree of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

March 12, 1968 - Mauritius gained independence

The island of Mauritius, spreading over the expanses of the Indian Ocean, in 1968 gained independence from England, while remaining a "member" of the British Commonwealth. Twenty-four years later, the island of Mauritius proclaimed itself a republic.

The discovery of the island belongs to the Portuguese. It was they who first set foot on his land in the early 16th century. Since then he has been wandering from hand to hand. At first, Mauritius belonged to the Dutch, then to the French. And later to the British. Today, about a million people live in the republic, the main population - Indians and Africans. Economy Mauritius relies mainly on sugarcane cultivation. There is also a thriving banking, offshore and tourism business. At the moment, the island is one of the most prosperous states of the African continent.

Born on March 12

- March 12, 1953 was born Irina Ponarovskaya - A popular singer, movie actress. A girl was born in St. Petersburg in the family of an outstanding musician who specialized in the field of jazz. At an early age, Irina showed a talent for music, and her grandmother sent her to a music school. Ponarovskaya grew up a complete child and slightly strange, because of which she was an object for ridicule from peers. But, having matured, the girl from an ugly duckling turned into a swan. And for many years, Ira has been called the most elegant lady of the Russian stage.

- In 1685, the original thinker of his time, a missionary, bishop, innovator and retrograde was born - George Berkeley. The tireless arguer Berkeley attacked many scientific theories, refuting the works of some theologians, mathematicians and physicists. Berkeley's worldview succumbed to mass criticism, however, centuries later, with the development of technology and equipment, science confirmed the bishop's correctness.

- 1738 - year of birth Vasily Bazhenovawho became a great architect, the founder of Russian classicism. In his youth, Louis Fifteen liked his talent, and as a result, he offered the teenager a place as a court painter, but Bazhenov refused an attractive offer, exchanging court life for a very simple existence in his homeland.

- In 1889 he was born Vaclav Nizhinsky - The great Russian dancer, choreographer, unrivaled star of Russian ballet. One of his productions, "The Rite of Spring", set in Paris, became popular all over the world thanks to the scandal that erupted.

- On this day in 1937, a brilliant film director and screenwriter was born - Boris Durov. Behind him there is more than one higher education. In 1967, Durov put the film “Vertical” with V. Vysotsky, and after 12 years, the film “Pirates of the 20th Century”, beloved by many, became the box office leader in the early 80s. Also, Durov made such films as "The Tale of the KGB", "I Can't Say Goodbye," "Here is My Village" and many others. His last work was a mystical mini-series "Secret Sign".

Birthday March 12

Maximilian, Finna, Victoria, Makar, Mikhail, Prokopiy, Peter, Timothy, Stefan, Jacob, Fedor.


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