Agreement prayer


Morning, requiem, congregational prayer - all these terms can cause bewilderment for the uninitiated person, but churchly Christian easily distinguishes them from each other and knows what text is used in certain life situations. But the definition of "prayer by agreement" may seem difficult even for enlightened people. Let's find out what that means.

What is prayer by convention?

To send a request or gratitude to a higher power by agreement with the second person or a group of persons - in the official language, one can briefly interpret the essence of the term. The Orthodox Church defines prayer by agreement as the process of prayer performed by believers in the same time period, regardless of the distance between them. In their appeal to God, they ask or talk about a similar phenomenon, object or object.

It is believed that uttering a prayer is necessary if a misfortune or an insurmountable situation has arisen in life, because of which a person has fallen into deep despair. Diseases, the death of loved ones, the complete loss of property or other troubles - often when they appear the hands drop, and serious doubts settle in the soul. You can help yourself or others with the help of prayer by agreement.. Like-minded people who agree to share and experience such an experience are chosen from among the closest people.

How to read a prayer by agreement?

What does a similar action look like? A certain number of people (the exact number is not indicated, but it is better that there are at least three of them), by joint agreement, utter holy verses at the set time — one per day. After reading the verses, prayers are read directly by agreement, to which is added a collective request (for health, for the repose of the soul, etc.).

If the proofreading is carried out in the same room, the parties to the agreement often experience a special transcendental experience and later tell about the amazing experiences they have experienced as the soul leaves the frail shell.

When reading this prayer book, it is important not to make typical mistakes. One of them is non-execution. Late reading in time or skipping their turn will nullify all the efforts, moreover, common, not just yours. It is important to realize that strict observance of the rite is not just self-discipline, but also the key to a successful outcome.

Ignoring the rules, you deceive only yourself. You should not wait for help from above if you are not able to keep your own word. If the reading of kathisma was missed, you should repent and go to confession.

To agree to participate in this kind of prayer is to take on great responsibility and unconditional work. To begin with, you should ask the confessor for guidance and ask for blessings from him.


If you decide to enlist the highest help in your distress, the text of the prayer by agreement in Russian is as follows:

"With deep faith in the immutability of Your words and with the hope of Your immeasurable mercy to us humbly ask You to hear Your servants (names) who agreed to ask You together: Lord, may Your Holy Will. Understand us, strengthen us and help us in everything benefit the people and in your glory, Lord, grant us, Lord God our Savior, to follow thee, helping our neighbors to follow the path of salvation, accomplishing the work of faith, so that with Your help and by Your mercy our efforts serve to increase good and reduce evil in deeds, words and thoughts. Amen. " .

We also give the text of the prayer by agreement in the Church Slavonic language:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, you will declare thee with Thy pure lips:“ Amen shall speak to you, since two of you confer on the land of all things, but if you ask her, you will have from My Father; two or three gathered in my name, I am am in the midst of them. "Thy words are immutable, O Lord, thy mercy is without use, and Your endlessness for humanity is beyond the reach. , the execution of our petition. But we do not even like the two, but you are the same. May Thy will be done for ever. Amen. "

What is the power of prayer by agreement?

Often dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of believers participate in prayer by agreement, gathering for this in the temples, even if they are separated by many kilometers. If they pray in the same cathedral, it is difficult to imagine the power of the message and the concentrated energy, ascending in a single spiritual impulse to the heavens.

The congregational prayer performed at one moment miraculously unites Christians and is itself filled with great power.

The pronunciation of a prayer is recommended in difficult life circumstances if healing, spiritual or physical, is requested. You can read it at any time of the day unlimited number of times. It all depends on your own persistence and willingness to devote as much time to the process as it seems necessary.

If the impression that the answer to the petition does not follow should not be, do not despair. God's providence and its ways are inscrutable and not always subject to comprehension by the earthly mind. Faith and patience are the basic qualities required of an applicant. Remember that it is not only wrong to set a time limit and wait for the miracle to happen three, five, seven days after reading the prayer, but it will also be perceived as ingratitude and manifestation of disbelief.


Watch the video: PRAYER of AGREEMENT Prophet Hagin (June 2024).