Parents who often kiss are more attentive to their children.


Scientists have come to a surprising conclusion: parents who do not limit themselves in kisses raise their voices to their children and rarely manifest themselves as attentive people.

Psychologists recommend that parents feel free to express their feelings to each other and kiss more often. Doctors are convinced that this has a beneficial effect on the psyche of children. A survey among 500 families showed that often kissing parents show themselves more attentive: they do not shout at their children and treat their needs with great trepidation. Psychologists are convinced that couples creating a family on the basis of sincere love will eventually become excellent parents.

Spouses, who are convinced that they are happy in marriage, love their children more than those who are having a family life. Common interests, sincere attention and care for each other, the pleasure of mutual communication - all this has a positive effect on children.


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