TOP of the most famous gigolos


The word "Alphonse" is associated with the image of a refined, courteous, but calculating handsome. He knows how to create the appearance of a good personal life for a woman, and adds success to himself on the love front. Among politicians, people of high society, actors can meet such representatives of love adventurism.

Karl Marx

The well-known economist and philosopher occupies a leading place in the list of famous Alfonso. When he was young, he worked as an ordinary editor, but later met German baroness Jenny von Westfalen. A clever handsome man liked a rich girl and very soon they played a magnificent wedding.

Jenny von Westfalen fully provided her husband and even managed to rewrite some of his manuscripts for him. But Karl Marx did not seem to appreciate his wife’s such commitment, and soon began a romantic relationship with the governess, who was able to give birth to his heir. The philosopher could not confess to his wife treason, so he asked a friend to adopt his child.

Later, the great-granddaughter of the German baroness published a book in which she spoke about the personal suffering of her great-grandmother and how she contained a brilliant economist.

Clark Gable

His life story is even more interesting. In his youth, Clark was very beautiful, but his family was in poverty. Therefore, the young man was forced to get a job in the phone repair shop. One day he received a call from actress Josephine Delon. She asked one of the masters to come to her home to fix a broken telephone. For this thing, as usual, took Gable. This visit turned out to be momentous. A few months later, Clark led the actress, who was 15 years older than him, to the altar. The famous wife was able to knock out for her beloved husband a decent role in the theater, which brought him fame.

Geybl's second wife was a widow of an oil magnate. She was also older than him, but by 11 years. This marriage allowed Clark to win a good position in high society. But both of his marriages were accompanied by a succession of rich mistresses, who were also older than him.

Ashton Kutcher

Once MTV VJ - Ashton Kutcher met with Hollywood actress Demi Moore and quickly managed to win her heart. Ashton himself admits that for the first time did not recognize the famous woman in a beautiful woman. But nobody believed in his naive confessions.

Thanks to his marriage to Demi Moore, Kutcher was able to make a successful acting career. Now the actor lives in a huge luxury mansion and does not have time to respond to proposals for filming a movie.

Sergey Kauzov

He was a regular employee in a branch ministry. But in 1979, he officially legalized relations with Christina Onassis, the daughter of a millionaire. And although his marriage lasted a year and a half, he was able to make a good state. Soon experienced Alphonse found another "victim". She became the daughter of the British Minister of Defense. Now the couple lives in Switzerland and the financial situation of Kauzov can only be envied.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: Italy's Most Famous Gigolo (June 2024).