Small apartment: how to make yourself a beauty corner


A small apartment leaves the owners few options for organizing personal space. But, despite the cohesion of the family, everyone should have their own corner in the house - a safe haven, where you can step back from external fuss and business and immerse yourself in your thoughts and dreams. For men, such a place is a mini-office or workshop where they can do men's affairs or just retire, relax. For women - a corner of beauty. There, they can not only shake off the burden of everyday routine and put their face, hair, nails in order ... Thoughtfully looking in the mirror, women can think and dream, put in order not only their appearance, but also their soul. What to do if you have a small apartment? How to divide the space to leave a place for a beauty corner?

Step 1. Choose furniture

First you need to understand how your corner of beauty will look like. Should it be in harmony with the general interior of the room or be a separate zone? Will it be a dressing table, a chest of drawers, a special table, or will you have enough shelves on your desk-office? With a "smart" design and zoning of the room, the beauty corner can be turned into a separate zone. Having delimited the room, you can order the appropriate furniture in accordance with the basic motive and style of the furniture, which will meet the requirements of the beauty corner.

Step 2. Choose a zone

Good lighting is necessary for a female corner, so it would be rational to place it near a window in the main room. If for some reason this is not possible, select a place for it somewhere in the back of the room. And you can use spotlights attached to a wall mirror above a dresser or women's table as lighting.

If the decor of the main room does not allow you to organize a beauty corner, then you can do with several shelves in the bathroom. Of course, this is not always convenient. But if there are no other options, then the bathroom is the best option. When a separate bathroom, it looks particularly beneficial. In addition, the shelves in the bathroom are inaccessible for children and prying eyes. Your beauty secrets will remain undisclosed. Yes, and water will always be at hand.

Step 3. Equip a beauty corner

A beauty corner can hold a rich variety of cosmetics and lotions. If you have small children, then it would be rational to hide all sorts of wise things from curious little hands. If you have a chest of drawers, the problem is solved by itself. Boxes, if necessary, can be locked with a key. If you have a table with shelves, then try not to load the platform in front of the mirror with cosmetic trifles, but collect them in special boxes or jars and pick them up on the shelves.

If you decide to make your beauty corner to order, ask the master to design special boxes, divided into zones for cosmetic brushes, jewelry, hairbrushes, etc. This will not only protect your cosmetics from restless children, but will also be convenient for your use and visually expand the space.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Karina 04/20/2016
They say that it is very important that the house was clean! even feng shui asserts that without this there will be no harmony and prosperity in the house) I try to stick!


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