Arsenic poisoning: why should children under 3 years old not eat rice waffles?


Rice waffles, crackers or soups contain a lot of arsenic. Although rice is considered healthy due to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals, many rice products also contain toxins. Therefore, young children should take products with rice only in moderation.

How common is arsenic in rice?

The media often give the impression that rice is almost inedible, as it is heavily contaminated with arsenic. However, rice is a staple food in many countries. Not all people suffer from diseases associated with arsenic poisoning.

Arsenic may be present in foods in an inorganic or organic form.

Organic arsenic compounds are considered relatively harmless and are found in fish, seafood and algae.

The above 3 groups of foods contain not only organic arsenic, but also inorganic arsenic (arsenite and arsenate). It is considered highly toxic and carcinogenic.

The following average inorganic arsenic values ​​were measured in the following products:

  • fish: 45 mcg / kg;
  • seafood: 130 mcg / kg;
  • algae: 11000 mcg / kg;
  • rice: 130 mcg / kg.

Inorganic compounds of arsenic are found almost everywhere in soil and in water. Plants absorb arsenic-saturated water and accumulate toxic substances in leaves and seeds.

Since rice requires a large amount of water, the plant also contains significantly more arsenic (up to 200 μg / kg or more).

Grains contain an average of only 7.7 mcg / kg of arsenic, according to a recent study.

If the water used for irrigation were less contaminated with arsenic, less “poor-quality” rice would be produced. Therefore, the arsenic content in rice depends on the quality of the water.

Rice foods often contain a lot of arsenic.

Among medical experts, rice is considered part of a balanced diet because of the vitamins and minerals it contains. The cereal product contains important amino acids, fiber and, due to its low sodium content, is suitable for use by obese patients.

Especially in products for babies there is a lot of rice: whether it is rice waffles, rice milk or baby porridge. However, rice products may also contain higher levels of hazardous toxins.

Rice waffles often contain a lot of inorganic arsenic, so they should only be consumed in moderation. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment already warned last summer that children eat too much rice.

A few years ago, American scientists made it clear that there was a risk for pregnant women due to the presence of arsenic in rice. Therefore, it is recommended to significantly limit the use of rice products.

Can risk be consumed only in moderation?

Children under 3 years old should not take too many rice waffles or other similar products.

Experts advise parents to give small children moderate quantities of rice products and alternate with products based on other cereals.

If necessary, consumers can check with manufacturers the concentration of arsenic in a particular product. At the same time, the Consumer Advice Center notes that adults and older children should not do without rice.

Arsenic Limits

Russia has set maximum levels of inorganic arsenic in rice, rice cookies, tortillas and crackers. The maximum allowable concentration is 5 mcg per kg. According to the Consumer Center, inorganic arsenic in large quantities is a risk factor for cancer.

According to medical experts, arsenic is also used as a medicine. Mild arsenic poisoning can cause adult discomfort, including cramping, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.

If arsenic poisoning symptoms occur after consuming a large number of wafers, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Self-medication is not recommended, since it can lead to unpredictable consequences.


Watch the video: Arsenic in Rice Milk, Rice Krispies, and Brown Rice Syrup (June 2024).