First date rules for women: what to wear and how to behave


The first date is an exciting event for two, followed by a completely new life. But so that everything goes perfectly and the right choice is made, it is useful for a woman to have at her disposal tips, tricks and tricks regarding the first love meeting.

ABC of date in practice

To begin with, according to the latest scientific data, for the initial establishment of emotional contact and the awakening of mutual interest, the meeting should last at least 45 minutes. Better yet, spend a couple of hours together.
The offer of time and place may come from either side, but it is important that the date:
• did not cause healthy suspicions - for example, you should not go straight to the man’s home, agree to go with him to a “wonderful cafe outside the city”, go somewhere looking at night;
• allowed to be together - for example, if this is a visit to the cinema, then it is advisable to talk away from the crowd, for example, in a cafe;
• occurred in a comfortable environment, for example - a picnic on a summer day in the park is good, and walking around the city on a wet autumn day without warming up coffee is bad.
And ideally, being late for more than 10 minutes is considered a very ugly act for either side.

Whether a man should come with flowers is a moot point.

But it is absolutely certain that from the first to the last minute of the meeting he should belong to a woman - if he is clearly bored, is afraid to be late somewhere because of a meeting with you, is obviously burdened by what is happening - it is better not to waste his time before the unsuccessful ending of the meeting.

In general, the ability to leave on time is a valuable quality that allows you to save your mood, nerves, and sometimes health.

The first rule of a good date is the mutual interest of partners based on mutual respect and delicate observance of personal space.

A man should not ask for a visit for an extra cup of tea and whether to allow him to see off by giving out the address of residence is up to you.
And that the account in the cafe / restaurant will be divided in half, it is worth agreeing in advance. Firstly, this will allow avoiding claims on his part if the acquaintance does not want to continue, and secondly, it will allow one to feel more independent at this meeting.
True, if a man nevertheless insists and behaves gallantly from the very beginning, one can agree - many are of the opinion that paying for a woman on a date is a matter of honor.

Where to meet - there are hundreds of options, everything is complicated. Someone enjoys talking over a cup of coffee, and someone enjoys spending cultural time together in an art gallery.
But for sure - what you will do should be determined in advance.

It is recommended that you choose what to wear at least one day in advance and you must definitely check if the imaginary image matches the real one - by turning in front of the mirror, you can notice all the flaws and fix them.
And regardless of the preferred style of clothing, the following can be said about the outfit:
• you can open only one thing - legs, shoulders, chest or back;
• clothing should be appropriate for the weather, and if everything is not clear with it, you should grab, for example, a cardigan;
• the most winning psychologists for dates were the colors red, mint, dark purple, black, as well as the entire palette of pastel shades.

What to wear and what look to choose

Regarding the creation of the image, you can give some more tips:
• Even if you have no equal in creating a smokey ice, for the first meeting (if you are not talking about visiting a luxurious restaurant that requires a dress code with an evening dress) it is recommended to choose "natural makeup" (even if it takes an hour to create it, a man will only think about your natural beauty).
Perfume must be unobtrusive. Firstly, a strong odor colors no more than inappropriate makeup. Secondly, scientists have proven that men at the beginning of a relationship with the sense of smell of the body’s natural body smell are able to establish a stronger emotional relationship with her.
If it is jewelry - 1 unit is enough, for example, rings or earrings. Demonstration of their treasury - bad taste. And if the meeting takes place during the day, it is better to limit yourself to first-class jewelry.
• Shoes with high heels adorn female legs, but should be, firstly, appropriate (for a walk in the park better to choose ballet shoes, flat sandals or sneakers), and secondly, it is convenient - at best, the man will be sorry for the lame companion, but not the fact that he decides to carry you in his arms.
• The main rule for hair is that it should shine with purity and even for the evening you should not create a cascade of curls in varnish, the maximum is a Hollywood wave. Surveys of men confirm that artificiality on the head repels no less than on the face.
Manicure and pedicure should be impeccably neat and it is advisable not to serve as an example of bold trends. French nails or bright, but of small length and without sparkles will enhance the impression of grooming, you will want to kiss such pens.
All of the above in sum boils down to focusing on the fact that for a man on a first date it is important to see the maximum “real” look of a woman, not overloaded with the tricks of the modern beauty industry. In any case, he should have such an impression.
And finally, even if the intimacy is not in the plans, underwear to enhance self-esteem and a personal feeling of perfection should be the best, plus, it is recommended to supplement the output lace set with stockings, and not tights.

What to talk about

You can communicate on a date, in principle, about anything. But in order to get to know a person better, psychologists recommend at least easily hitting some of the following topics:
• available hobbies;
• favorite movies, books, computer games, music;
• cooking preferences;
• personal life - in terms of whether a man maintains a relationship with his family, whether it considers important a society of friends, colleagues;
• attitude to wildlife - domestic and wild animals;
• views on relationships with the opposite sex.
The latter does not mean that you need to ask when he plans to get married. It’s simple, reasonable to immediately decide whether a person is serious or he expects nothing but fun from this meeting. In any case, it will significantly affect your line of behavior.

Typical mistakes of girls

It is also worth considering the top common mistakes that can boldly cross out the potential success of a date. It is strictly prohibited on it:
• when a man rummages in a handbag for a long time, laying out all its diverse contents;
• every now and then to leave to “powder your nose” in the ladies' room - for sure this is just fear that the satellite will not like it makes you want to constantly correct your appearance;
• drink a lot of alcohol, even in the form of trendy cocktails;
• complain about past relationships and, in principle, tell details about the former, as well as ask the man for details of his love failures;
• do stupid things at the first request of your imagination, hoping to give the impression of an extraordinary person (for example, walking in the shower is romantic only in the movies, and you need to go to karaoke either knowing how to sing well, or with friends who are ready for anything);
• go to stores, even if you really need to buy something - a man may suspect that he is expected to pay bills;
• agree to sudden expensive gifts, even if the man can afford it;
• to ask the satellite about his financial situation - only questions of a general plan are relevant, for example, about what he is doing in principle.


Watch the video: First Date tips that make you DESIRABLE What to do on a first date Blush with me-Parmita (June 2024).