Varieties of diet pills, by what principle they are chosen and whether they are useful. What you need to know about the dangers of diet pills


It’s rare that a remedy is surrounded by so many myths and conflicting opinions as diet pills. How exactly do they help to lose weight? What to look for when buying?

Finding a perfect figure with their help is quite possible, the main thing is to own all the necessary information.

What are the benefits of diet pills?

The effectiveness of the entire amazingly wide range of these drugs is based, in fact, on several of the effects they provide. Due to the fact that a specific tool does, it can be attributed to one or another group. But it is worth considering that tablets can both be characterized by literally one or two properties, and differ in many at once.

Therefore, dividing them into groups is very controversial and much more convenient, without generalizing, to be able to get acquainted with their most common properties.

Appetite suppressant

Theoretically, even caffeine reduces the desire to eat, but in the drugs declared as blockers of appetite, sometimes they use much more “aggressive” substances that act literally on a person’s instincts, on his nervous system.

And the benefits of diet pills of this kind, according to many scientists, simply cannot be - this sharp influence has far-reaching negative consequences.

Enhancing Satiety

If we are talking about funds that create a feeling of artificially, then we can say about them about the same as about the previous ones - taking such pills is possible only with the approval of a specialist and under his control, in case of emergency (when health depends on weight loss and not the ability to wear a swimsuit one size smaller).

However, there are tablets in which the main substance is cellulose, which literally swells in the stomach. In parallel with the "deception", it is not bad at cleansing the body of harmful substances. And they are much safer.

Blocking individual substances

Theoretically, if the digestibility of fats and carbohydrates is dropped to almost 0%, then a lot of problems will go away. But only until new and very dangerous processes erupt in the body that are important to reverse in time, so this kind of remedy is taken for a very short time.

Acceleration of metabolic processes

Acceleration of lipid (fat) metabolism is usually implied, and theoretically, this allows achieving excellent results in weight loss. But - subject to sufficient physical activity (playing sports).

Diuretic and laxative effects

Strictly speaking, diet pills, the use of which is based on this, rather do not reduce excess weight itself, but remove bad substances (toxins, toxins) from the body. Figuratively speaking, preparing it for an updated, better metabolism, in which it is easier, in fact, to remove body fat and build a new figure in accordance with the plan (build and train muscle mass accordingly).

The components of all tablets can be either purely artificial or natural, usually of plant origin, substances.

To enhance their action, as well as in support of the body, for which weight loss is equal to "stress", tablets are often enriched with elements that are not directly necessary, but in their own way useful - vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

It is important to note that the fastest and most impressive results of losing weight are available with significant obesity, literally because the body has something to lose without any damage.

But losing weight from normal weight can be difficult, as it activates the natural protective functions that protect the body from exhaustion.

But even with heavy weight, it should be understood that the fastest and most vivid results are possible when taking the most potent tablets that require special care.

The Basic Rules for Choosing the Use of Diet Pills

First of all, it is worth noting that modern science is infinitely far from creating a universal pill that can relieve any excess weight in a short time, without side effects and risks of its return.

Suspicious means are hidden behind fabulous advertisements, at best - not bringing any effect and only causing gastrointestinal upset.

It is difficult to predict the worst cases of harm for diet pills, but the heart, reproductive system, brain and human life itself may be at risk.

Therefore, it is so important to purchase funds from well-established, serious manufacturers, and if tablets are a complete novelty, a lot of information about them and their creators can be found on the Internet.

It is also worth noting that the composition of diet pills is not a formula of a philosopher's stone and should be disclosed to the consumer from A to Z.

It is useful to cope with the action of the elements of the composition not only from the manufacturer of the product, but also in publicly available sources (scientific books and publications on the Internet).

It is unacceptable to accept funds with an expired shelf life and from a broken packaging (if its tightness was assumed).

The choice of a drug should take into account the following:

• weight that you want to get rid of;

• the weight that you want to remove, based strictly on indicators of body weight in a particular case for a particular person;

• causes of overweight;

• individual characteristics of the body - someone cannot lose weight with great physical exertion, someone - because of health, you can not give up fats.

The frequency of repeating the courses of taking the pills is also calculated individually and varies greatly, depending on the specific remedy, but on average, between them the body must rest for at least a couple of months.

Moreover, many of the drugs are very addictive, that is, over time, with excessive use, become less effective.

Also, many experts insist on the need for alternating them. For example, if at first there were pills blocking appetite, then the next course is better to take what prevents the absorption of carbohydrates.

Golden Dosing Pills With Diet Pills

In order to avoid harm from diet pills, it is strictly unacceptable to change the dosage and duration of taking the drug in the direction of increasing from what is given in the instructions to it.

Also, do not reduce the dosage and reduce the course in the hope that it will be possible to circumvent contraindications and side effects frightening in a particular case.

However, to start taking potent pills, if it is a long course, it is better with a dose of a third to half the norm for the first few days.

Firstly, this will allow you to track the reaction - whether there are any side effects, and secondly, in people who are sensitive to the digestive system, this will prevent the risks of failures in it against the background of adaptation to the composition of the drug.

Any doubt is a good reason to completely abandon the tool, to look for a replacement for it.

And strictly speaking, the choice of diet pills is very desirable to carry out with the consultation of the appropriate specialists, after a series of tests that can reveal in detail the state of the body, its individual characteristics.

After all, if, for example, the problem of excess weight is associated with hormonal imbalances, then without work in this direction he will not leave completely and fully.

Many weight loss products need to be taken 30-60 minutes before a meal - so that there is no load on the stomach and not earlier than 1 hour after it - otherwise they will hardly produce a result.

And regardless of the promised effectiveness, it is impossible to eat all the most harmful, high-calorie and lose weight from tablets alone. They need to be perceived as an auxiliary tool, pushing the body's natural resources in the right direction.

It will also be useful to supplement their course with physical activity, sports.

In the process of losing weight (with or without tablets), it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - about 1.5-3 liters per day. Pure water (mostly without gas), juices from vegetables and fruits (preferably not store-bought, but homemade), fruit drinks and fruit drinks, all milk and sour-milk, meat and vegetarian broths and mashed soups are considered.

Alcohol is banned, limited to black tea and coffee.

Which Diet Pills May Harm

The standard contraindications for taking these drugs are:

• pregnancy and breastfeeding;

• less than 1 year ago suffered anorexia;

• oncological diseases (and suspicions of them);

• psycho-emotional serious disorders;

• risk of stroke or heart attack;

• Age under 18 or over 65 years.

But for individual tablets, this list can be much larger - for example, diuretics are prohibited in case of impaired renal function.

Side effects are also varied, but are quite common:

• nausea, heartburn, worsening intestinal microflora;

• dizziness and headache;

• insomnia;

• drowsiness and fatigue;

• rashes on the skin;

• heart rhythm disturbance.

Throughout the course of taking the drug, you need to monitor your well-being, health in general - the negative consequences of taking diet pills should be prevented as soon as possible.

Significant danger is the intake of diet pills that is not consistent with the attending physician, parallel to the course of taking serious medications (for example, those prescribed for bleeding disorders, hypertension, and respiratory system diseases).


Watch the video: HEALTHY EATING HACKS + printable guide (June 2024).