Kohlrabi cabbage: what is the value of the product? Harm kohlrabi - contraindications


Kohlrabi is a type of white cabbage that comes in white, green and purple hues. Edible are not leaves, but namely stems. It has a delicate and pleasant yummy. It is characterized by many useful properties, but not everyone can use it, otherwise kohlrabi will be harmed.

The benefits of kohlrabi in a rich composition

Kohlrabi has all the important substances for humans. There are many minerals such as iron, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt. Due to the huge amount of ascorbic acid, the product is usually called the northern lemon. Cabbage is also rich in vitamins such as A, B, PP.

Foods are considered dietary due to their high content of fructose, glucose and sulfur. The basis of the product is a high content of enzymes, fiber, vegetable protein, necessary for the body. Calorie content of the product is very low, so you can use it in any quantity, without fear for a figure.

The benefits of kohlrabi: beneficial properties of the product

Any nutritionist will say how useful this type of cabbage is, since it has many important elements and vitamins. Most often, the product is used in its raw form. The constant intake of the product has a positive effect on the condition and functioning of:

• liver;

• gastrointestinal tract;

• gallbladder.

The constant ingestion of the product normalizes the metabolism. It is characterized by such positive effects:

1. Helps to remove excess fluid from the body. This is extremely necessary for hypertensive patients and patients who suffer from fluid retention in the body.

2. Useful for patients who suffer from excessive blood cholesterol. The use of the product will stop the accumulation of cholesterol.

3. Thanks to the composition, the heart muscle is strengthened. Kohlrabi has a preventive effect against atherosclerosis. It also helps lower blood pressure.

4. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes stops. Phytoncides help strengthen the immune system.

5. Will come to the rescue of kohlrabi and with excess weight. Very low calorie content is an obstacle to overeating. Fiber acts on the intestinal wall as a very powerful cleanser. A variety of cabbage helps to remove toxins from the body.

6. Enzymes in kohlrabi help protect the body from cancer of the colon and rectum. This will require eating cabbage as often as possible.

There is no need to despise the product, as it has a very mild and incredibly pleasant taste. Nutritionists and doctors recommend introducing the product into the diet for women expecting a baby.

Kohlrabi broth and juice: product benefits

Such therapeutic drinks are often prescribed by doctors, as they help:

• with cough syndrome and tonsillitis;

• hepatitis and cholecystitis;

• vitamin deficiency;

• for the prevention of scurvy.

Broth is very often used to treat an ailment such as asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis. Juice and gruel from cabbage is used in cosmetology. Most often, the product is used fresh. Kohlrabi can be grated or cut into small pieces, mixed with other vegetables, seasoned with oils. The oral product brings additional benefits:

1. The fibers make a light massage on the surface of the gums. Due to this, blood circulation is stimulated.

2. Juice has an antiflogistic effect in case of exacerbation of gingivitis or stomatitis.

3. Fiber and juice produce natural oral health.

The product is prescribed by doctors in the postoperative period. Also useful for resistance to infections and nervous exhaustion. They learned how to cook many dishes from the product, for example, stews, bake, stew, stuff, boil sauces.

You can get the maximum benefit with the correct use of the product. The most useful substances are found in the stems and leaves of the vegetable, but in raw form. That is why delicious salads are prepared from cabbage. Emphasize the taste of the salad with soy sauce or lime.

But with heat treatment, cabbage still remains useful. Often the product is consumed stewed or boiled. You can cook pancakes, vegetable soup. It can also be baked in the oven or fried in crackers. The taste of cabbage is very well combined with fish, shrimp, chicken.

The product can be stored simply in the refrigerator for a month. You can also grate the cabbage, unpack them in bags and place in the freezer. Suitable storage conditions will be required for long term storage. You can save cabbage in the cellar in the house, but only late varieties. The temperature regime is very important, since it can only be stored at a temperature of 0 degrees and a humidity of about 95%.

The benefits of kohlrabi in cosmetology

Women who want to get rid of small wrinkles should turn their attention to face masks, which include kohlrabi. To prepare a natural mask, grate cabbage and add a small spoonful of honey and yeast to the gruel. Thoroughly mix the whole mass and pour apple cider vinegar. Leave the mask for a third of an hour until it completely swells. Such a mixture has no contraindications and does not cause any third-party reactions.

In order to make the skin color more natural and uniform, you can make a kohlrabi mask with the addition of chicken yolk. Thanks to this unique composition, you can give the dermis elasticity, narrow the enlarged pores and remove age spots. Also, with such a composition, you can do facial massage.

To whiten the skin and moisturize it is recommended to prepare a mask of kohlrabi and cucumber. Both components will need to be grated and put on a piece of bandage. The consistency is applied to the dermis of the face and neck for a third of an hour. After removing the residue with cool water.

Cabbage juice is an excellent cleanser. You can prepare the juice in advance and freeze it. The composition is highly effective, as it cleanses the epidermis and helps to combat the defects that have arisen.

Harm kohlrabi: what you should pay attention to

In addition to useful properties, there are limitations under which you should refuse to use this product. There are not so many contraindications, but still it is not worth using. It is necessary to exclude from your diet stembled with increased acidity of the stomach. Thanks to this, discomfort can be avoided.

Extremely rare cases of product intolerance are noted. The composition of cabbage may not be good for the health of patients with acute pancreatitis. Some patients may experience an allergic reaction and the harm from kohlrabi will be significant. But nevertheless, there are much more useful properties and everyone can try to eat. This is a real storehouse of useful elements and vitamins necessary for normal health.


Watch the video: How to prepare and cook kohlrabi (June 2024).