Yoga and zumba, or how to interest children in fitness


Children still jump rope and play ball, but today's parents want more. They organize sporting events, fitness classes for their children, if only their children are active and healthy.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2009-2010. almost 17% of American children and adolescents were obese. While many adults consciously and willingly doom themselves to suffering in order to lose at least a little excess weight, the most important thing for children is to have fun. According to experts, the solution is to make fitness interesting for them.

An important factor is also the age at which children will engage in intensive physical activity.

Many researchers believe that such training should begin at preschool age.

“Learning a language is easier if you start in early childhood, and the same applies to learning to move,” said Dr. Avery Fagenbaum, a professor and research fellow at New Jersey College.

Dancing and martial arts, in his opinion, are ideal for young children, especially when conducted under the guidance of an instructor.

So, Jody B. Komitor, a former elementary school teacher and founder of Next Generation Yoga, teaches yoga for children from the age of 18 months. “Children learn movement, and yoga is a teaching built on movement,” Komitor said.

Alberto Perlman loves to repeat that zumbatonik, the children's direction of the dance fitness program, for children aged 4 to 12 years is a kind of "medicine hidden in candy."

Although the children do not want to follow Mom and Dad to the gym, experts say that the younger generation still needs at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, from moderate to intense.


Watch the video: Zumba Dance Workout for weight loss (July 2024).