What dreams of a mouse - a mouse in a dream which means


Since ancient times, rodents cause fear in humans, especially in women. These little animals never enjoyed love and respect from people. Therefore, most dream books, especially old ones, interpret the appearance of rodents in a dream to trouble.

Is it really worth preparing for something bad if you dreamed of a mouse - gray, white, black, red or flying? What does it mean to see them in a dream - one or many, dead or alive? Dream interpretation serves to interpret such dreams, telling what a person can expect.

What dreams of mice and rats value

According to the dream book Rodents foreshadow petty intrigue, trouble on work and in personal life. People say that when they see a mouse, they must prepare for difficulties and problems. Maybe something bad comes from friends or unpleasant surprises can happen at work. But if she managed to kill, then the situation is resolved well.

  • Gray rat should serve as a warning to a person about the multitude of enemies who will deliver anxiety and extra trouble.
  • In love such a dream should be understood as a warning about rivals who are ready to go to great lengths to achieve their goal.
  • If succeeded catch rodent, then it promises some useful gift, surprise.
  • If sleeping long chased caught up with his victim and eventually caught it, then one should expect satisfaction of some of his needs (for example, sexual, physiological, financial, etc.).
  • Had a good time to run? Get ready for nice acquaintances, plans for the future.
  • If she jumps on youthen this is to the grand scandal that awaits soon.

What dreams a bat in a dream

The fly is another symbol that can come to a person at the moment of rest. Dream interpretation also provides interpretation of such dreams. This dream says about secret thoughts, dark thoughts, confusion.

Traditionally, this frightening animal speaks of dark, decadent thoughts. At the same time, the flying night-ship has a direct connection with the occult, the world of the unknown, and magic.

  • If a dreaming flying vampire which tangled in hair or sat on the head, it says that in life there is an elderly woman who strongly influences the sleeper.
  • If her managed to kill herthen it speaks of the victory over your own fears, problems and troubles will definitely recede. Such a dream is considered favorable, and usually after it comes relief, inner peace.
  • White dream bat It does not bode well, but rather signals difficulties, danger, and even death.
  1. In the traditional interpretation she is the herald of death.
  2. In the modern version the dream books say that it was not to the physical but to spiritual decay. It may be that you have to go through spiritual doom and be reborn.

Why dream mice small

Little mice see in a dream - problems in the family, domestic troubles.
Rodent is clearly an unfavorable image. Such dreams are usually in those moments when a lot of negativity has accumulated in life.

What woman dreams of a mouse

  • For what dreaming a mouse in a dream for a woman? This dream speaks of secret ill-wishers.
  • If a see her on his dressthen this is to a great scandal.
  • When had a dream not big, but small vole, then in the near future, a woman can discover the name of a friend, gossiping about her.

White and black mouse meaning

Dreaming white mouse to toothache, fuss, hassle. According to other interpretations, such a dream foreshadows joy, auspicious changes.

Many white rodents promise joy, happiness, pleasant chores. Wanga argued that many white rodents promise a favorable set of circumstances.

Black - promises trouble, however, they can be small and insignificant.

Why dream of a little gray mouse

If you dream little gray lots - according to Vanga's dream book- it is necessary to prepare for difficult times, which will come very soon.

After awakening, you should take a closer look at your closest circle, maybe someone was holding a grudge, evil. It is better to find out the relationship right away in order not to run into serious problems very soon.

To see a rat in a dream

  • If you dream of rats in a dream - Something good is not enough.
  • If see her she bit a young boy or girl by the handthen this should be interpreted as an early meeting with the second half.
  • Good sign will be crawling ratthat promises romantic experiences that can outgrow with a strong union.
  • Unkind omen will attempts to catch up with the animal. This is a warning of danger, but from where the dream books cannot wait.
  • But atbeat rodent - also a good sign, because it promises a victory in affairs, the resolution of even the most difficult difficulties.

Mice dead and dead interpretation

Mice can be dead, alive and dead.

Dead rodents - not the most pleasant sight, which can disrupt sleep. The interpretation of this symbol can speak of a traitor who is very close.

Dead parasites can warn about a tiff with a loved one.

See many mice meaning

See in large numbers interpretation in the dream book warns of future problems. This dream usually comes to hard times.

Sleep can be a warning to carefully manage your money, save a little.

If a the house is literally teeming with parasitesthen a man is surrounded by evil enemies.

What dreams of mice and cats together

The cat chases the mouse - a sign of adverse news. The host of the vision of the enemy can surround on both sides.

Cat and mouse foreshadow the dangers, and in double.

Ok if the cat will catch its prey.


Watch the video: Mouse or Mice Dream Meaning (June 2024).