Broccoli puree soup - for health, mind and a beautiful figure. Recipes for broccoli cream soups with cream, cheese, chicken, mushrooms


Broccoli cabbage is among the ten products that improve brain activity, which is why in the West it is actively introduced into the diet of schoolchildren.

In addition, the vegetable contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins that will stand guard over immunity. And with all this, it has a small calorie content.

A lot of dishes can be prepared from it, but the broccoli puree soups are the most delicious and nutritious.

Broccoli Cream Soup - General Cooking Principles

For broccoli puree soup, you can use both fresh cabbage and frozen. The first dishes are not only inflorescences, but also fleshy parts that need to be cut into pieces beforehand so that they cook faster.

In addition to broccoli, frequent vegetables of soup are other vegetables: potatoes, different types of cabbage, onions, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, peas. Meat products give a special taste to such dishes, most often they use poultry so as not to burden light soups. Also, broccoli goes well with seafood, mainly cooked with shrimps. As dressings, cream, cheese, various spices are mainly used.

Broccoli and other ingredients are simply chopped, poured with water or broth and boiled until soft. At the end add spices and dressings. Broccoli mashed soups are crushed using a blender. After cooking, you need to remove the pan from the stove and cool it a little. If you doubt the consistency of the dish, then you can pour part of the broth until chopped, then dilute the already prepared soup to the desired density. If the soup is too thick and the broth is not enough, then it can always be diluted with milk or cream.

Recipe 1: Classic broccoli cream soup

Delicate creamy soup, which is very simple and quick to prepare. The classic recipe uses leek, but if it is not, then you can take the usual onion.


• a pound of broccoli;

• one leek;

• clove of garlic;

• salt, parsley leaves;

• a glass of broth;

• 200 ml low-fat cream;

• butter.


1. Leek shred with thin ringlets. If onions are used, then thin half rings. Fry in a saucepan in butter.

2. Broccoli divided into inflorescences. Thick stalks do not throw away, and chop thin plates. We send cabbage to the pan to the already fried onions.

3. Pour in the broth, cover and cook for about 10 minutes until the slices of broccoli are completely soft.

4. Remove from heat and grind the soup in mashed potatoes.

5. Add cream, salt, minced garlic clove and put on the stove again. If the dish is not intended for small children, you can add black pepper and any spices.

6. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, put the green leaves of parsley and turn it off. Served with croutons.

Recipe 2: Broccoli Cheese Cream Soup

For the preparation of such a broccoli soup puree, use creamy Philadelphia, hard or processed cheese. It is difficult to say what works better, each dish is tasty in its own way, so you can safely experiment.


• 400 grams of broccoli;

• one carrot and one onion;

• 500 grams of milk;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 0.6 liters of water or broth;

• oil, salt;

• 220 gr. cheese;

• 1/3 cup flour.


1. Put the saucepan on the fire, pour the oil. You can use vegetable or creamy.

2. Peel the carrots, onions, garlic. Carrots with garlic just three grated, cut onions into cubes. All together, throw in butter and fry for 3 minutes.

3. We sort the broccoli into inflorescences, send it to the saucepan, pour the broth and cook until soft (about 10 minutes).

4. Bring flour with cold milk, gradually introduce the mixture into soup, salt, bring to a boil over low heat.

5. Cheese three, lay to the vegetables, mix and turn off. Beat the mass with a blender.

Recipe 3: Broccoli Cream Soup with Green Peas

For this dish, it is better to use fresh peas, but if it is not, then you can take a frozen and even canned product. The recipe also adds Gouda cheese, but you can use any other to your taste. Children can be given this soup from the age of two.


• 250 grams of broccoli;

• 70 grams of Gouda cheese;

• nutmeg, black pepper, salt;

• 100 ml of cream;

• onion;

• 150 gr. peas;

• 40 grams of oil.


1. Broccoli wash, disassemble, and put in a saucepan.

2. Add peas and 400 ml of water. You can take any broth. We put on the stove and cook vegetables for about 15 minutes. Add nutmeg, salt and a little black pepper.

3. Peel the onion, chop into cubes and fry in butter.

4. Add cream, grated cheese and onion to the soup. Mix everything and set aside for 10 minutes, so that the cheese spreads and the heat subsides, then we grind it with a blender.

5. Put on the stove, warm to a boil and immediately turn off. Serve with greens and crackers.

Recipe 4: Broccoli cream soup with chicken (turkey)

The option of preparing a hearty and rich soup puree, which can be prepared with any meat, but tastes best with chicken or turkey. Better to use fillet. You will also need a good harvester or blender that can turn meat into tender puree without pieces.


• 200 grams of chicken (turkey);

• onion;

• 200 grams of broccoli;

• 150 grams of potatoes;

• carrot;

• spices, oil.


1. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, put chicken into pieces and put on a stove. Cook for half an hour after boiling.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop, three carrots. Fry together in a pan with a small amount of butter, you can use any.

3. Cut potatoes, ship to chicken.

4. After 5 minutes add the chopped broccoli. Cook until soft.

5. Combine the fried vegetables with soup, salt, pour any spices, boil and turn off. Remove the lid, leave for a few minutes to cool, so that the heat subsides.

6. Grind blender, try and add spices to taste.

Recipe 5: Broccoli Dietary Cream Soup

The recipe for a very light broccoli puree soup, which is great for a low-calorie menu. In addition to cabbage in the composition includes other vegetables. If desired, in such a soup you can add sweet pepper or cauliflower, it will also be delicious.


• 0.3 kg of broccoli;

• one onion and one carrot;

• 0.3 kg of vegetable marrow;

• 2 tomatoes;

• greens, salt, a spoon of oil.


1. Clean the onion and carrot, everything is ground in any way. Put in a pan with a spoonful of oil and lightly fry.

2. Add the zucchini cut into slices, cabbage disassembled by inflorescences and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water into them.

3. Tomatoes need to be dipped in boiling water for a minute, then immersed in cold water and remove the skin. Cut into slices.

4. After the vegetables are cooked, add the tomatoes, salt and boil for another 2 minutes.

5. Remove the soup from the heat, cool slightly and grind to a creamy state.

Recipe 6: Broccoli-Shrimp Soup

Great soup for the cold season. It turns out to be very satisfying, has a rich taste and at the same time consists of extremely healthy products. The original recipe uses large shrimp, but you can take small ones.


• 500 grams of broccoli;

• onion;

• 150 grams of cream;

• liter of vegetable broth;

• 150 grams of boiled shrimp;

• a clove of garlic;

• butter;

• nutmeg, salt, paprika for finishing dressing.


1. Pour the broth into a saucepan and send to the stove.

2. Disassemble the broccoli into pieces, chop the stalks into slices so that they cook faster. We send to the broth.

3. Peel the onion and a clove of garlic, chop everything into pieces and fry in a pan.

4. Shrimp clean. Half send to the pan with cabbage, leave the rest for registration.

5. Salt soup, add a pinch of nutmeg.

6. Once the broccoli is cooked, add the fried onions and cream. Boil and immediately remove from heat.

7. Grind the contents of the pan in mashed potatoes. Pour the soup into a plate, put a few peeled shrimp on top and sprinkle with paprika. Served with croutons soup.

Recipe 7: Yellow Yellow Broccoli Puree Soup with Bacon

The specialty of this broccoli puree soup is its beautiful color, which gives the dish pumpkin and carrots.


• 0.2 kg of broccoli;

• one carrot;

• 0.2 kg of pumpkin;

• 50 ml of cream;

• 400 ml of broth;

• 70 grams of bacon;

• salt, paprika.


1. Clean the carrot, cut into cubes and pour into the broth. We send to the stove. Cook for 5 minutes.

2. Pumpkin shred arbitrary slices and send to the carrot.

3. Last in a saucepan add broccoli. Cook vegetables until cooked, add salt at the end.

4. Grind the soup with a blender, fill with cream and mix well. Pour into plates.

5. Cut the bacon into strips and put in the center of the plate, sprinkle all with ground paprika on top.

Recipe 8: Mushroom Broccoli Puree Soup

A recipe for a delicious soup, which is suitable not only for lunch, but also for a light soup. Instead of mushrooms, you can use any other mushrooms.


• 0.4 kg of broccoli;

• 0.25 kg of champignons;

• 100 ml of cream;

• salt, oil;

• onion.


1. Shred the mushrooms in slices, fry in oil in a pan. Put it in a saucepan, add a liter of water and set to cook.

2. Cut the broccoli into pieces, send to boiled mushrooms and cook together for 7-8 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

3. In the same pan fry the shredded onion. We send in a pan, we add cream, salt and any spices. Bring to a boil and turn off.

4. Turn soup into a puree using a blender and serve it to the table.

Broccoli Puree Soup - Tips & Tricks

• Frozen broccoli is quite expensive. Therefore, you can stock up fresh in the season and prepare yourself. To do this, the cabbage is washed, dried, sorted into inflorescences and laid out in the freezer. Once the pieces are set, they can be folded into a bag and used at any time for the preparation of soups.

• Croutons - an indispensable supplement for mashed soup. Cooking crackers can be in different ways, but the fastest in the pan in butter. Melt the slice, add the bread cubes and fry for 2-3 minutes, stir several times. For the aroma, garlic or paprika can be added immediately to the pan.

• If there is potato in the soup, then it is necessary to interrupt it with a blender very carefully and at low speeds. Otherwise, the mass will turn out not creamy, but volatile, like a paste.

• Puree soup after grinding has acquired an ugly color? Spices will help to fix it. Ground paprika and curry seasoning do the job well. They can be added to the total mass and mixed, or simply sprinkle the spilled dish. And you can use the restaurant decoration method and draw a cream on the surface of the soup with cream, thereby diluting the color.


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