Why is there a quarrel? The main interpretations of different dream books - what a quarrel dreams about


In a dream, you may experience both pleasant and very exciting events. You can witness a quarrel, or you can quarrel with someone. Why is there a quarrel? How to interpret such a dream?

What is the quarrel about - the main interpretation

If in a dream you saw that you were arguing with someone - do not rush to panic and wait for troubles. It may happen that you acquire something important on the contrary, solve old problems. If you dream of a quarrel with relatives - look at the details of sleep:

· With whom exactly you had a quarrel;

· How the conflict ended;

· Did you cry during the quarrel;

· Who else was present in your dream;

· What emotions did you experience in your sleep and after waking up?

If in a dream you are arguing with your parents, then you are afraid of pressure from them, they are afraid that they will influence you, they will indicate how and what you should do. You may also be afraid to tell them something. Afraid of being close to them. Afraid that they will recognize you as you really are.

Try not to wait for trouble from life if you dream that you and someone quarreled. Just remember who the quarrel happened to and what caused it. If you quarrel with distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. In reality, you will learn something rather unpleasant about them.

They may suddenly appear in your life, but they will demand more from you than give. These will be unpleasant meetings that will cause only stress and fear. Try to protect yourself from such opportunities.

If you dream that you are quarreling with your soulmate - in reality you can also enter a period of conflict and showdown. If you are afraid that conflicts in your life together will begin, try to analyze the dream. Perhaps you figured out something very important for yourself, something fundamental.

If this issue is relevant and awake - it is important to solve it in the near future, it is important to find a compromise and solve all possible problems. If you dream that you are quarreling over money - you really will not miss them in the future. You will need financial support.

If in a dream you quarrel with someone on the street - be prepared for sudden troubles at work. Perhaps there will be complaints to you, perhaps you will annoy someone, or cause negative emotions. But, most likely, there are mistakes in your work and you need to pay special attention to your work and your behavior. Do not put off until later the decision of your professional duties. Try to do everything to fit your position.

If you dream that a quarrel occurred at a social event, such a dream may mean that you will get into an unpleasant situation and the eyes of hundreds of people will be directed at you. You will quarrel with someone, but this incident can be insignificant. Soon he will exhaust himself. The main thing is that no one inflates the problem, and it does not become public.

If you dream that you are quarreling with someone outsider on the street - such a dream means that in your decisions you will not be guided by common sense and logic. You will increasingly make impulsive decisions and those decisions that may compromise you. This can apply both to your personal life and to your professional issues. Most likely in reality someone will point you to the flaws, which will cause a wave of discontent in you. You will be disappointed in everything that happens, you will be disappointed in your work and in other personal affairs.

A quarrel with the authorities in a dream - in reality, does not bode well. Rather, on the contrary, it promises you a heart-to-heart conversation with him and as a result of this conversation you can get a promotion and many other pleasant praises, discussions and conversations with superiors. If you had conflicts with your wards at work, with subordinates and you had a quarrel with your boss - such a dream indicates that you were wrong and it is worth changing your attitude towards those with whom you work.

If in a dream you swear with a driver of public transport, then in reality you won’t leave far away. Such a dream may also portend problems in making plans for the future. You will try to resolve all controversial issues, but you will not be able to solve even the most elementary pressing issues.

A quarrel with a beautiful stranger who cries and swears with you - promises betrayal from a loved one. It can be both your girlfriend and your distant relative who will try to annoy you in every possible way. You may not be to blame for anything and not even suspect a negative attitude towards you. But it turns out that a woman will intervene in every way in your life and in your life.

Perhaps the reason for this will be past grievances and your misconduct, maybe you offended a relative with something and now she takes revenge on you. Without waiting for a fair resolution of the situation. Try to negotiate with her all possible ways of reconciliation and defend your innocence and point of view.

Why dream about a quarrel on Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that a quarrel occurs when a person himself cannot decide what he wants from life. Perhaps he remained faithful to one relationship for a very long time and this was not appreciated by his soulmate. Perhaps he was thinking too much about his future and missed the moment in the present to build a strong relationship. In any case, after such a dream, a person should understand how to change his personal life so that it brings joy.

If you dream that you are going somewhere with your soul mate and a quarrel flares up between you - try to find out the relationship in peace. Do not aggravate the situation; do not give cause for doubt in you and your love.

If in a dream you quarrel with a lover who pesters you with his attention - try to make it so that no one interferes in your life and prevents you from building smooth and mutual relationships. If you can’t do this at all, wait until you do nothing.

A dream in which you see someone knocking on your door and start pounding on it with your feet, screaming, swearing - it promises you a public showdown. Perhaps your soulmate is tired of the constant containment of emotions and it will splash out on you just in public.

Why do you have a quarrel for a pregnant woman? Such a dream can portend her troubles in her personal life, at home. She will be forced to do the work that she does not like so much, which is the most difficult for her to do. If she dreams of a quarrel with her husband - soon they will really make an important decision together, but they will accept it unanimously and in a relaxed atmosphere.

Why dream of a quarrel in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that a quarrel can be dreamed when a person cannot reconcile with anything in his life. When he constantly seeks out the extreme and guilty of his problems and does not want to pay close attention to himself.

The Esoteric dream book also says that a quarrel with your mother in a dream promises you great trouble in reality. If your mother has already died and you had a quarrel with her, you will try to prove to someone that you have the right to a better life, that you have the right to dispose of it yourself. You can also get into a situation where you will not be trusted, you will not be supported in any case, in any endeavor. And it will shock you.

Why dream of a quarrel over other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that a quarrel may occur in non-standard solutions to the situation. You may even want to stop something, to refuse something, although earlier you completely agreed with this matter, with this point of view.

If in a dream you quarrel with yourself, discord will begin in your affairs. You will not be able to find a common language with others and will increasingly try not to go forward in life, but to delve into the past, looking for other people's flaws.

Why is there a quarrel in Aesop’s dream book? The dream book says that a quarrel is a dream as a symbol of the incompleteness of an important matter. Perhaps you have long wanted to please yourself with something, you have long dreamed of new beginnings, a creative breakthrough, but you did not allow yourself this. The dream book now advises to deal with this issue closely. Otherwise, disappointment will overtake you and nothing will please you. You will try to defend your innocence, but to no avail. It is important to make an informed decision after such a dream.


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