A selection of the most fruitful varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground. Detailed description, photos of the best varieties of tomatoes


Today, from a variety of tomato varieties, the gardener can choose the most fruitful for greenhouses or open ground. This allows you to collect a sufficient amount of vegetables, having a small plot. If you select the varieties correctly, then fresh tomatoes will be on your table from early spring to late autumn.

What varieties of tomatoes to grow for a good harvest

In order to provide the family with vegetables throughout the season, several varieties of tomatoes should be grown. For an early harvest, it is preferable to plant greenhouse varieties of salad tomatoes. If the climate allows, then ripe tomatoes for open ground are suitable. Vegetables are good fresh, but not suitable for processing.

For preservation and pickling, you should choose mid-ripening and late varieties, which are also well stored fresh. They are distinguished by a more dense skin, which does not crack during the preservation process, but passes the marinade well.

Among the variety of varieties, give preference to zoned tomatoes that are most adapted to the climate of your area. In addition, you should not plant greenhouse varieties in open ground and vice versa. Productivity in this case will be much lower, and the taste of the fruit is worse.

Varieties of harvested tomatoes for open ground

Varieties of tomatoes for open ground are usually more compact, do not require pinching, but at the same time give a good harvest.

Varieties of salad tomatoes

The cold-resistant Iceberg variety is suitable for cultivation in regions with a changing climate. It is successfully bred by gardeners of the Urals and Siberia. Among the advantages of the variety, one can distinguish its yield and ability to tie fruit in any weather. Bushes are medium-sized, up to 80 cm, do not require pinching. Fruits are saturated red, rounded, more than 150 gr each. The pulp is sweet and juicy, what is needed for salads.

Universal variety "Raspberry Giant" is suitable for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouse. Tomatoes are distinguished by good immunity, early ripening and large fruits. Harvested after 2.5 months from planting. Raspberry tomatoes weighing about 500 grams each.

For fans of yellow tomatoes, the Banana Legs variety is suitable. This early ripe hybrid begins to bear fruit 60 days after planting. Bushes grow up to 1 m, do not require pinching and special care. The fruits are famous for their citrus flavor and unusual color. In the stage of complete ripeness, they acquire a bright yellow color. Tomatoes are tied in clusters; they resemble cream in shape. Gardeners recommend 1 sq. Km. m. beds to plant no more than 4 plants.

Tomatoes for preservation

For regions with a dry summer, the Adeline variety is suitable, which tolerates the absence of rain and heat. Tomato medium early ripening, bushes do not exceed 50 cm, but require garter. The fruits are tied well, over every second sheet. Tomatoes are oval, the skin is dense, red, the pulp is sweet, juicy. The average weight of fruits is up to 60 gr. The variety is intended for fresh consumption and processing, is well stored and does not lose its presentation.

Among disease-resistant tomatoes, the time-tested Bonner Best variety is suitable. The bushes are medium-sized, but require garter and pinching. Recommended to grow in 2 or 3 stems to increase productivity. Fruiting occurs 65-75 days after planting. For 1 square. m. area planted no more than 6 plants. The fruits are distinguished by excellent taste, dense skin and meatiness. In the stage of full ripeness, they acquire a bright red color. The shape of the tomatoes is rounded, aligned. The variety is suitable for processing on tomato puree, sauces and other preparations.

Crop among the undersized varieties of tomatoes is considered the variety "Gaspacho". The bush is compact, not more than 40 cm, does not require garter and pinching. The tomato is ideal for whole-canning, its skin is dense, its shape is cylindrical, and its weight is small. The flesh has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, during preservation the taste becomes more saturated. The color of the fruit is red. Bushes are grown in seedlings, 6 plants per 1 sq. M are planted in the ground. m

Popular greenhouse varieties of harvested tomatoes

The market has a huge selection of greenhouse tomatoes that give a good harvest, but which ones to choose? We offer a selection of the most popular of them.

Tall greenhouse tomatoes

The tall hybrid Pietro variety is considered resistant to sunlight, tomatoes rarely get burns. The variety is universal, suitable for salads and processing, tolerates transportation and maintains its presentation for a long time. At a temperature of 6-8 ° C, it is stored for about a month fresh. It is often grown commercially. The fruits are large, weighing up to 250 grams, dense and juicy. The skin color is red. Tomatoes are distinguished by good immunity, resistant to late blight and other diseases.

Good yield indicators when grown in greenhouses gives tomato "Loreli". This is a late ripening hybrid of high growth power. It is distinguished by good immunity, excellent taste and presentation of fruits. Tomatoes are aligned, large, without green stripes and spots, saturated red. Variety for processing and winter consumption. Cultivated on an industrial scale.

Undersized tomato varieties

Among the undersized varieties for greenhouses, the Junior tomato stands out, zoned for Moscow and the Moscow Region. The hybrid is characterized by early maturity, good taste, resistance to disease and cracking. Suitable for processing, but more often grown for fresh consumption. Bushes with a height of not more than 50 cm, powerful, slightly leafy. Fruits are dark red in color, ribbed, rounded, weighing no more than 100 g. Productivity is high, from one bush it is possible to collect up to 2 kg of tomato.

The variety "Riddle" is no less popular. Tomatoes are suitable for cultivation in regions with insufficient lighting and high soil moisture. This is an early ripe variety that begins to bear fruit after 75-85 days from planting. Tomato bushes with a height of not more than 50 cm do not require supports. Fruits of red color, roundish, weighing about 80 gr. They are distinguished by good immunity, do not crack even with excessive moisture. Variety salad purpose.

From salad varieties of fruitful tomatoes, one can distinguish "Peach" tomato with yellow fruits. It is zoned for gardeners in the Urals and Siberia. It bears fruit well in low light and in film shelters. Bushes are low, powerful. The fruits are tied well, have an unusual color, the average weight of not more than 90 grams.

For processing and winter harvesting, the Raja variety is suitable. This is a variety of tomatoes ripening medium. Fruiting begins after 90-115 days from planting. Bushes are medium-sized up to 1 m tall. Fruits weighing about 250 grams, fleshy, sweet, pleasant red color. Not suitable for whole canning. The variety is resistant to disease.


Watch the video: How To Grow Tomatoes - BEST Secrets on How To Grow Tomatoes (June 2024).