Chicory: harm and benefit for men. How to use chicory for the benefit of men's health and prevent harm from its use


With moderate use in therapeutic doses, chicory is beneficial for men: it increases the tone of the body, increases the protective reactions of the immune system, and stimulates the production of energy. However, in the case of frequent administration in large doses, chicory is harmful to men.

Chicory - a plant with blue flowers of the family Asteraceae. It has a powerful core root that penetrates deep into the soil. It is from it that they produce powder, which is usually drunk instead of coffee. The drink has a stimulating and invigorating effect, although doctors also recommend it for insomnia.

The main properties of chicory

Every man wants to be healthy and alert for many years. Many either do not like coffee or it is contraindicated for them. Chicory is a substitute, the benefit for men consists of a whole range of useful properties of this drink for the body:

1. With moderate use, it helps to cleanse the liver and kidneys;

2. Eliminates excess bile from the body;

3. Promotes vasodilation;

4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

5. Reduces blood pressure;

6. Normalizes blood cholesterol, reducing the risk of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels;

7. Stabilizes the pancreas;

8. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;

9. Reduces blood sugar, which is the prevention of a disease such as diabetes;

10. It has anti-inflammatory effect;

11. It is used for stress, colds, nervous disorders, diseases of ENT organs;

12. Beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;

13. Helps to cope with parasites in the intestines;

14. Reduces swelling due to diuretic effect;

15. It is used for allergies;

16. Improves appetite and digestion.

Chicory contains up to 75% inulin - it is a polysaccharide that gives the drink a sweetish taste. Being a prebiotic, inulin is a member of the dietary fiber group. With regular use, chicory improves the peristalsis of the body, providing a laxative effect. Inulin is also used in the production of fructose.

The content in chicory of useful trace elements

In addition to inulin, chicory contains a lot of useful vitamins, minerals, nutrients, phytonutrients:

1. Carotenoids - provide antioxidant protection, which increases the body's resistance to disease and aging, including being powerful elements of anti-cancer protection;

2. B vitamins are beneficial for the liver and kidneys. Due to the saturation of the body with these vitamins, the complexion improves, hair becomes thicker, nails are stronger. Over time, liver cells are restored, the channels in the kidneys acquire normal shapes and sizes;

3. Iron, which is part of the plant, increases the level of hemoglobin and improves blood circulation;

4. Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus strengthen teeth and bones, they become strong and saturated building material for the corresponding cells;

5. Potassium and sodium help maintain the required level of acid - base environment, blood volume and its composition;

6. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to colds. It is also an antioxidant. Improves the functioning of the heart and brain. Reduces the risk of strokes.

The benefits of chicory for men

Chicory has an indirect effect on male potency. One of the main causes of erectile dysfunction is obesity. Chicory contains a lot of fructose, when used, the body reduces the production of the hormone, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness. Due to this effect, it is not difficult to control the amount of food consumed, which will lead to loss of excess weight and, as a result, to an improvement in potency.

Another cause of male health problems is stress. Regular consumption of chicory helps reduce irritability. In addition, carotene increases visual acuity and attention, which is very important for men who drive a vehicle every day.

Due to the choleretic effect, chicory reduces the swelling of not only muscles and joints, but also improves blood flow in the prostate and penis. Also, congestion in the pelvic area is reduced, which positively affects male strength.

There are several recipes that will help men feel confident when communicating with the opposite sex:

Recipe 1

Dried chicory roots or chicory powder pour boiling water, add ginger - let stand for about seven minutes, strain, put honey and lemon in a drink. To drink in small sips. The use of such a drink once a day in the afternoon, but at least two hours before bedtime, will allow men to feel more strength after a week.

Recipe 2

To the broth of chicory add parsley infusion. For honey, put honey. You can add a spoonful of cognac. Such a drink will invigorate in fifteen minutes and give an inexhaustible supply of energy for the whole night.

Due to the undoubted benefits that chicory has on men, drinks with it must be consumed daily, supporting the cumulative effect.

Harm chicory for men

Drinking chicory in the form of a drink is good for the body, but in large doses, chicory will become a poison. Excessive consumption of chicory upsets the digestive system. Diarrhea, bloating, and bloating in the intestines may appear.

Chicory for men is harmful if there are allergic reactions or intolerance to certain components. In addition, chicory contains tannins, which, accumulating in the body in large quantities, can cause a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

With frequent use or too steep brewing, chicory can cause heart palpitations, arrhythmias, sweating. Chicory is harmful to men who drink alcohol too often and in large quantities. Chicory is also contraindicated by doctors for a number of diseases: asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, varicose veins, heart and vascular diseases.

Chicory - an ancient potion

Chicory is common in most parts of the world. It grows mainly in open places and along roads. Our ancestors not only brewed chicory and prepared a fragrant and healthy drink from it, but also added leaves of the plant itself to food.

This nutrient has always been available to all segments of the population, since chicory is considered a weed. Its roots and leaves were collected, dried and harvested for the winter, cut into small pieces. Then they fried.

Especially often chicory drink was consumed by men because of the bitter-sweet taste, as well as a tangible invigorating effect. They noticed that regular use of this drink benefits men's health, enhancing and prolonging opportunities. Chicory helps to deal with such a nuisance as premature ejaculation, which is difficult to control, and is an unpleasant incident. Such troubles can inspire men with a sense of their own inferiority. Despite the fact that chicory does not directly affect male power, it helps related systems, especially digestive. Thanks to its unique and rich composition, chicory contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background of a man, which immediately affects his capabilities.
