The essence and features of nutrition on a low-carb diet: a menu for every day. Recipes for diluting a low-carb diet, daily menu


The reason for the accumulation of excess weight is usually the excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates. Therefore, low-carb diets, the purpose of which is not to completely eliminate carbohydrates, are gaining rapid popularity among losing weight. It is necessary to refuse "fast" carbohydrates and food with a high glycemic index, and increase the number of complex "slow" carbohydrates.

Selection of products for a low-carb diet, daily menu

A carbohydrate-restricted diet is for people with diabetes and those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The diet does not belong to the category of fast, you will need to sit on it for about 2-4 weeks. You need to eat protein foods to a greater extent, drink a large amount of liquid - at least 2 liters of water per day and do not forget about the obligatory presence of slow carbohydrates and fats in moderate amounts.

Be sure to include more animal products on the menu. Priority should be:

• meat;

• a fish;

• seafood;

• eggs;

• vegetables - with the exception of potatoes;

• dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, kefir, milk;

• greenery.

Small amounts of nuts, seeds, fats and oil should be present in the diet.

Refuse should be from sugar and starch products, such as:

• sweets;

• some sweet fruits and berries (bananas, cherries, grapes, cherries, melons, peaches, tangerines, pears);

• alcoholic drinks;

• dried fruits;

• flour products and grain.

The use of these carbohydrates in significant quantities adversely affects the work of the whole organism.

Low Carbohydrate Diet: Weekly Menu

Sample menu for a 1 week low-carb diet:

1. Monday:

• for breakfast, prepare a curd dish using the baking method and serve with tomato and cucumber salad, drink tea without sugar;

• a glass of kefir as a snack;

• for lunch, vegetable soup cooked in chicken broth;

• in the afternoon snack apple;

• for dinner, stewed cabbage with boiled chicken breast (not more than 200 g of meat).

2. Tuesday:

• morning begins with stewed vegetables, along with tea you can eat a sandwich in the form of bran bread and a piece of cheese;

• second breakfast - a glass of milk;

• for lunch, a portion of stewed vegetables with fish, up to 200 g;

• for an afternoon snack 1 orange or grapefruit;

• dinner - buckwheat porridge and beetroot salad.

3. Wednesday:

• for breakfast, a classic omelet from two eggs and milk, you can add greens, cheese and ham, eat an apple, drink a cup of herbal tea;

• After breakfast, you can have a snack with natural yogurt;

• at lunch, prepare mushroom or meat cream soup;

• in your free time before dinner, drink a smoothie of kefir, cucumber and herbs;

• For dinner, a wonderful dish is waiting for you in the form of porridge made from brown rice and boiled seafood.

4. Thursday:

• the next morning begins with milk buckwheat porridge with permitted dried fruits;

• for a second breakfast, eat a serving of cottage cheese;

• for lunch, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables and bake meat and cheese in the oven without using oil;

• Kiwi will fit for a snack after lunch;

• for dinner, stewed vegetables and boiled fish.

5. Friday:

• breakfast set: 1 boiled egg, 2-3 medium slices of cheese, 3 tablespoons of squash caviar and rye bread;

• an apple for lunch;

• for lunch, pea soup in chicken broth, beef steam cutlet and vegetable salad;

• drink a glass of kefir for an afternoon snack;

• dinner - salmon on a pillow of cauliflower and boiled zucchini.

6. Saturday:

• breakfast - serve a mixture of stewed vegetables, ground on top with a hard cheese, you can drink coffee without sugar (in the case of diabetic chicory);

• second breakfast - fermented baked milk;

• lunch - lean borsch, low-fat part of pork in the form of a steak 200 g, fresh vegetable salad;

• afternoon tea - a fruit of one’s own choice from allowed;

• dinner - a portion of rice with boiled vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, peas, green beans, pepper).

7. Sunday:

• light breakfast of muesli and apple, a cup of green tea;

• second breakfast - kefir or milk;

• for lunch, vegetable stew with a chicken steak, a glass of tea;

• afternoon snack - fruit salad seasoned with yogurt without additives;

• dinner - a piece (150 g) of boiled beef and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, water.

Recipes for a low-carb diet, menu

To diversify the diet menu, you can experiment with cooking. Possible options:

1. Light seafood salad. It will take 100 g of squid carcasses, 1 boiled egg, corn 2 tbsp. l., olive oil. Grind and mix the ingredients, season with lemon juice and oil.

2. Recipe for meat and cheese. To create a dish in the oven, you need meat pulp 500 g, 150 g cheese, 150 ml milk, spices to taste, pepper. First you need to cut the meat into small pieces and beat them well. The alleged mold should be lightly greased with vegetable oil, but do not water it with it. Put the meat in a baking dish, pour it with milk. In the oven preheated to 150 ° send the meat for 1 hour. Cut the cheese into thin layers and put it on top of the meat at the end. Bake the dish until cooked. It is ideal to serve with brown rice.

3. Salad from mushrooms and beef liver. It is necessary to prepare the following ingredients for the dish:

• liver up to 300 g;

• eggs - 2 pcs.;

• mushrooms - 100 g;

• lettuce - 5 large;

• greenery;

• onion - 2 pcs.;

• vegetable oil - a couple of teaspoons;

• salt pepper to taste.

Mushrooms should be taken for salad dried. They are pre-soaked, then boiled, then cut into long slices. The liver should also be boiled. Her eggs and similarly cut into strips. Grind onions and fry, finely chop greens and salad. Mix all the ingredients and season with oil.

4. Mushroom cream soup. To begin with, water with 1 liter of salt is boiled, it should boil 300-400 g of chicken breast without skin. When the chicken is ready, you need to chop it and return it to water. Cut 200 g of champignon mushrooms and also send to cook. Finely chop the processed cheese and place in boiling water. Boil the mixture until the cheese is completely melted. Then cool the future soup and beat with a blender until the consistency of mashed potatoes.


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