Pumpkin fritters - the best recipes. How to cook pumpkin pancakes correctly and tasty.


Pumpkin fritters - general principles and methods of preparation

Late autumn, a beautiful pumpkin should come to our tables. Of course, now there is no need to make dishes from it, as once. However, it is impossible to argue that it is a natural vitamin-mineral complex. We all consider her a real Russian vegetable, despite the fact that she came to us only in the 18th century, although she has been familiar to Europe since the 15th century. Columbus brought her from his trip, and she immediately gained popularity, which is still used today. Pumpkin fritters are one of the simplest dishes. Easy to prepare and surprisingly tasty pancakes are loved by children and adults. No matter how frying them they are always eaten to the last. No wonder - a dietary vegetable, or rather, a berry, contains little fiber and organic acids. Its calorie content is only 23 kcal / 100 grams, 90% of it consists of water. Another interesting fact is that it contains 4 times more carotene than in carrots. And although the pumpkin is very satisfying, it is quickly digested. Its pulp is soft or hard, the consistency depends on the degree of ripening, but in any case, pumpkin dishes are prepared quickly and easily.

Pumpkin fritters - preparation of products

Pumpkin is a very convenient vegetable: it does not require long-term processing, and it is stored for a long time - under the right conditions, almost all winter. It is enough to peel it from a hard skin, and the "pumpkin component" is ready for use. Pumpkin pancakes can be prepared by all methods known for baking: in a skillet, in a slow cooker, or baked in the oven. The dough can be on soda or yeast - it all depends on your momentary mood. For kneading, kefir or sour cream, an egg and a little flour are most often used.

Pumpkin fritters - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic Pumpkin Fritters

Appetizing pancakes with a golden brown crust and a bright orange center - who can resist this temptation, especially if served with amazingly sweet jam or vanilla sauce. Wherever this happens - at breakfast or as a snack at work, the little “suns” will give an excellent positive charge and cheer up.

Ingredients: pumpkin (400 grams), egg (2 pcs.), flour slide (5 tbsp. tablespoons), salt, vegetable oil, vanillin, nutmeg.

Cooking method

We clean the pumpkin and grate it. Add eggs, flour, salt, vanillin, a pinch of nutmeg. Stir and spread on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides, put on a napkin to absorb excess oil.

Done! Serve with jam and hot tea.

Recipe 2: Baked Pumpkin Fritters

If you have no time to fry fritters in a pan - use the recipe for baked fritters. The pancakes are unsweetened and non-greasy, the only thing you need to remember when preparing them is to remember to turn over to the other side.

Ingredients: grated pumpkin (1 liter), eggs (3 pcs.), sugar (1 tablespoon), sour cream (15%, or yogurt, 2 tablespoons), soda, flour (about 1.5 cups).

Cooking method

Cover the baking sheet with paper and grease it with a thin layer of oil. Rub the pumpkin and drain the juice from it. Add eggs, sour cream or yogurt, flour, sugar and soda, mix. The dough must be obtained in the form of thick sour cream. We spread it with a spoon at a certain distance from each other, so that spreading, the pancakes do not mix. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then turn over and leave for another 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Serve them warm or cold to the table - this is a great addition to a hot first course.

Recipe 3 - pumpkin pancakes with cottage cheese

This option resembles a cross between cheesecakes and ordinary vegetable pancakes. There is practically no characteristic pumpkin flavor, the pancakes melting in the mouth have a delicate structure.

Ingredients: pumpkin (300 grams), cottage cheese (100 grams), apple (1 pc), egg (1 pc), baking powder, sugar (1-2 tablespoons), raisins - 1 handful, salt, a little milk or kefir.

Cooking method

Grate the pumpkin, rub the cottage cheese with the egg and sugar, combine all the ingredients. Add kefir and flour so much to get a consistency of thick sour cream. We spread the pancakes in a pan with a spoon and fry them until golden brown ... After turning over, cover with a lid and reduce the heat so that they bake well. Pancakes are perfectly combined with cranberry jam, honey or sour cream.

Recipe 4: Pumpkin Fritters with Apples

These pancakes can be prepared all year round, they will always be tasty and healthy. The delicate texture with sour cream or kefir gives simply weightless, dissolving in the mouth, pieces.

Ingredients: pumpkin (400 grams), eggs (2 pieces), apples (2 pieces), sugar (2 tablespoons), flour (half a glass), salt. Vegetable oil for frying, sour cream (100 grams).

Cooking method

On a grater we rub the peeled pumpkin and apples. Beat eggs with sugar separately and mix with pumpkin and apples, salt. Add the flour and knead everything well. Determine the amount of flour during the kneading process, the dough should be similar to thick sour cream in consistency. Fry the pancakes until golden brown over medium heat. The proportions of pumpkin and apples can be changed, you can also add more sugar - the taste may be slightly different, but the idea is the same. It turns out wonderful pancakes - ruddy and tasty. Fold them in a slide and spread, for example, with jam - you get a wonderful pumpkin cake. Serve with what you like best - jam, honey, sour cream.

Pumpkin fritters - useful tips from experienced chefs

- The pumpkin component of the fritters will only win if you bake it first in the oven and mash it in the form of mashed potatoes. Color and aroma becomes more saturated.

- Despite the beneficial properties of this common vegetable, you should warn people suffering from certain diseases. Pumpkin dishes are most difficult for suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diabetes mellitus and gastritis with low acidity.

And a little more about pumpkin

Pumpkin has always been considered the cheapest vegetable. No wonder even Charles Perrault in his fairy tale made Cinderella a carriage from the most affordable vegetable - pumpkin. In 2010, a record was set for growing this vegetable - farmer Chris Stevens from Wisconsin raised a specimen weighing 821.2 kg. This record has been officially confirmed by Guinness World Records. In his comments, Stevens said that good seeds and soil are enough for a good pumpkin to grow. But that is not all. What gamble people just don't think of! In the USA, for example, pumpkin throwing competitions from mechanical cannons are held. The requirement is quite simple - the fetus should not exceed a mass of 4 kg. To date, the record result is 1351 m.


Egor 10.10.2016
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Watch the video: Making the Best Pumpkin Pancakes- Kitchen Conundrums with Thomas Joseph (June 2024).