Why does the newborn girl dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say about it. Interpretation of dreams about a newborn girl


Surely each of us at least once in a lifetime had a newborn baby in a dream, but we did not understand that such a dream could portend. Today we will try to find out why a newborn girl is dreaming, and what such a dream can promise us in real life.

What if a newborn girl dreams?

1) In general, according to most dream books, the appearance of a beautiful and healthy newborn girl is a favorable sign that promises good changes, good luck and surprises in real life;

2) the appearance of crumbs in a dream is a symbol of the successful completion of dubious cases, as well as success and career advancement in the future;

3) if you see yourself in a dream at the birth of a girl - this is a good sign that promises you a happy life, full of joyful worries;

4) if a girl saw such a dream in a dream - this is a sign that she will have a lot of fun and dance in life. Also, such a dream can be a symbol of experiences because of the mother therefore, probably, you need to limit your desires for a while;

5) if you hold the baby in your arms and lull you to sleep, this is a sign that you will really need strength for new, successful achievements. This is often some serious matter that you once put aside “for later”, and after a while forgot about it. However, the likelihood that you may not calculate your capabilities is still present;

6) if you feed a newborn girl - this is a sign of trouble, which in the end will end well for you;

7) if you bathe the baby in a dream - this means that you can determine the best way out of this situation. If the girl is also great, it means that everything will turn out best for you;

8) walks with a crumb in a dream promise an unexpected surprise or meeting that will have a connection with the road;

9) if you lose a baby in a dream - this means that in reality you should reconsider your life views and try to look for a new meaning in life;

10) if you are holding in the hands of some child alien to you - this means that in real life someone uses your credulity for their own selfish purposes;

11) if you drop crumbs in a dream - this is a bad sign promising failure in business;

12) if the married woman saw the baby in a dream - this is a direct sign that her family will soon have replenishment and expect the birth of a daughter. Also, such a dream for her may mean a probable illness of herself or someone from close relatives;

13) if a pregnant woman saw a baby in a dream - this is a sign that there is a high probability of premature birth. In this case, it is recommended that you visit a qualified professional to solve this problem. The fact is that such a dream may be an unconscious desire of the body to warn its pregnant mistress that some problems are possible in her body that urgently need to be fixed;

14) if a woman in a dream nurses a newborn baby - this is not a good sign promising that someone close to her is going to deceive her;

15) if you saw in a dream the birth of a very ugly child - this is a bad sign, urging you to beware of some kind of trouble;

16) if you take a crumb that is sick in a dream - this is a harbinger of anxiety and sadness in real life;

17) if you saw a sobbing newborn baby in a dream - this is a sign that your troubles are meaningless, and nothing practical will eventually come out.

What portends?

Most dreams about a newborn girl promise positive changes, but there are also interpretations of this dream, promising bad news.

1) If you dreamed of a baby in diapers, which sucks a woman’s breast, this is a sign of a serious waking dream in a dreamer;

2) to see a dirty newborn girl - a sign of showdowns and scandals in the family;

3) if the newborn baby cries in a dream - you will see a deterioration in the state of affairs, disappointment;

4) if in a dream you find out about the birth of a daughter - this is a sign of a profitable transaction, the successful completion of any business.

Thus, we can conclude that the person who saw a newborn baby in a dream is worried about something in real life. Most often this is due to someone from his close circle or troubles in his personal life.

Why is a newborn girl dreaming of Miller’s dream book

Gustav Miller believes that the appearance of such a dream promises some troubles that you can eventually overcome.

- To see a beautiful crumb in a dream - beware of traps and frauds from ill-wishers;

- see a crying baby in a dream - to serious illnesses in real life;

- if a woman sees herself as a small child - this is a sign that she is tired of the problems of adulthood, and subconsciously seeks protection from her parents.

What is the dream of a newborn girl in Vanga’s dream book

The most famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga paid special attention to the way of having children in a dream.

- If a woman dreamed about how she gave birth to a daughter, this is a sign of some positive changes in her life and joyful troubles. In addition, the probability of pregnancy and the birth of a daughter in a dreamer is high;

- if in a dream you experienced a difficult birth, which ended successfully - such a dream in real life portends a similar situation: you will face many difficulties and problems that you will successfully cope with if you make a sufficient amount of effort;

- if an adult woman sees in a dream how she gives birth to a baby - this is a sign that soon she will again experience passionate and love feelings.

What is the dream of a newborn girl in Freud's dream book

One of the most famous psychologists in the world, Sigmund Freud, associates dreams with the sexual side of life. They believe that if a woman saw a little girl in a dream, this means that in real life she does not have enough warmth and affection from her other half, and on a subconscious level, she does not feel protected from her partner.

A very similar interpretation to the previous one is that of a dream, where a woman saw herself in childhood. However, sexually, she feels quite comfortable, the only thing she periodically lacks is to feel completely helpless and give herself to the full authority of her partner. To solve this issue, you just need to openly discuss your dreams and wishes with your soulmate.

If a young guy or even an adult man dreamed of very young girls - this is a sign of his great sexual desire. Perhaps the dreamer, even in reality, wondered about forbidden sex. However, this does not mean at all that a person has a penchant for pedophilia, it may be an ordinary desire for diversity in his sexual life. Of course, this can and should be done legally.

What is the dream of a newborn girl in Tsvetkova’s dream book

- To see a crying baby in a dream - to an unexpected surprise or gift, if she laughs - to tears. Also, a crying girl may be a warning that you may soon find yourself in a serious illness;

- if the dreamer speaks with the baby in his dream - this is a sign that events will soon happen in real life that will seriously affect his entire subsequent life;

- if you scold the baby in a dream - this is a bad sign promising a bad event, which will happen through the fault of the dreamer;

- to see the baby with the face of an angel in a dream is a signal that you should be vigilant in reality so as not to fall into the trap left by your ill-wishers;

- contemplating a girl with disheveled hair is a sign that your affairs will turn into chaos, there is a likelihood of unpleasant events;

- if a girl sees herself in childhood - this is a sign that soon she will expect unexpected chores associated with children. There is also the possibility of receiving favorable news from parents;

Interpretation of dreams about a newborn girl according to a dream book by Hasse

Miss Hasse believes that the appearance of a newborn girl usually dreams of well-being and luck. To keep the good forerunners as such, all you need is a simple belief in your own strengths.

If in a dream you kissed your newly born girl - this is a sign that you will remain a youthful and full of energy man your whole life.


Watch the video: Newborn Baby Dream Meaning (June 2024).