Wine and citrus notes in hot smoked marinades. Cooking fish and meat with hot smoked marinades


Marinating is used to saturate meat products with moisture so that pieces of meat, fish or poultry do not dry out during smoking. Special marinade compositions complement the taste of smoked meats with their aromas and contribute to the corresponding softening of stiff meat fibers, making the main course more tender. By adding spices with strong essential aromas to the composition, a stronger “freshness” effect is achieved.

Very often, pickling in salt solution replaces ordinary dry salting. This technology allows you to better impregnate the pulp, to achieve an even distribution of salt and aromatic components of the marinade.

Hot smoked marinades - general cooking principles

• Marinades used for marinating meat, carcasses or fillets of poultry and fish for the purpose of hot smoking can be either liquid or semi-liquid. They can be boiled or cooked without it.

• There are many options and methods for preparing marinades for smoked meats, but the basic principle of preparation is to properly mix all the ingredients.

• Hot smoked marinades are cooked in water, wine, sour cream, and soy sauce. They are varied with spices and spices according to recipes or even selected at their discretion.

• To enhance the softening effect, food acids are introduced - table vinegar, including apple, or lemon juice, mustard is often used for the same purpose.

• Adding granulated sugar or honey to the marinade not only gives meat and fish a pleasant sweet taste, but also contributes to the formation of a golden brown crust on its surface during hot smoking.

• Often add food saltpeter, this is done if they plan to prepare smoked meats in large quantities for long-term storage.

• Also, for longer storage, the products must be soaked before pickling in strong saline or sprinkled with salt and left for a day. Then washed well. If the pieces have taken a lot of salt, they are slightly soaked and only then placed in the marinade.

• After pickling, the bird, fish or meat must be dried well, hung on a draft, and only then smoked.

Hot smoked chicken marinade with vinegar

Ingredients for 4 carcasses:

• a tablespoon of coarse salt;

• three tablespoons of 3% table vinegar;

• half a teaspoon of ginger, coriander, allspice and black peppers (ground);

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• two large bay leaves;

• two large cloves of garlic;

• eight juniper berries.

Cooking method:

1. If you have taken domestic chicken, carefully pinch it and burn it over an open flame. Take out the insides, cut off the excess fat and rinse well, especially from the inside. Paws and neck should also be chopped off. Rinse the purchased bird well enough with warm water and remove fat.

2. Then wipe the carcasses dry with a towel and chop into two halves. To do this, first cut the bird’s breast with a knife, open it and cut along the ridge.

3. Rinse each half of the chicken, dry and place between two chopping boards.

4. Then apply a few hits on the top board with a rolling pin. This is done so that the joints break, and the bird is better marinated.

5. Bring to a boil three liters of drinking water. Remove from heat and dilute sugar and boiling water in boiling water.

6. Pour in the vinegar, add spices, lower the lavrushka. Squeeze the garlic in the marinade. Dip the juniper berries crushed by the rolling pin and cool the marinade.

7. Place the prepared halves of the bird in a large container. Pour the marinade over the chicken so that it completely covers it. On top of the meat, set the oppression and put away for four days for pickling in the refrigerator. Turn the chicken over daily.

8. Marinated chicken halves, wrap gauze in several layers, hang in a well-ventilated area, for a period of at least 12 hours. Drying time depends on the weather and can last up to a day.

9. After this, a well-dried bird can be smoked.

Hot smoked marinade with honey


• 100 ml of fresh lemon juice;

• 150 ml of high quality olive oil;

• a quarter of a two hundred gram glass of honey;

• a quarter cup of “Spice Mix”;

• chopped fresh parsley -1/4 cup;

• three large cloves of garlic;

• a teaspoon of table salt;

• black, crushed in a mortar, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. From pieces of meat cut off all veins and fat. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.

2. In a large container, mix olive oil with strained freshly squeezed lemons juice and honey.

3. Add salt crushed with a knife or press garlic.

4. Pour parsley, “Mix of spices”, pepper to taste and mix well.

5. Put the pieces of meat in the cooked marinade and leave to marinate for ten hours.

6. After this, wipe the meat dry, remove the remnants of garlic, spices, parsley from it and smoke according to the classic "hot" technology.

Hot smoked fish marinade with soy sauce


• a two hundred gram glass of fresh lemon juice;

• half a glass of soy light sauce;

• brown sugar - 1/2 tbsp .;

• half a glass of coarse salt;

• dry wine (white) - 1 tbsp .;

• garlic - 3 cloves;

• two tablespoons of white pepper;

• to taste - dried basil, marjoram or a mixture of curry and coriander.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 2.2 liters of room temperature water into a large pot. Dilute the granulated sugar and salt in it.

2. Add soy sauce, strained lemon juice and dry wine through a sieve.

3. Crush garlic with a press or knife and send it to the marinade.

4. Pour in spices, crush in a mortar and add white pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

5. Cut off all the fins from the fish, remove the gills from the heads, gut the abdomen and rinse well under the tap. A small fish weighing 300 gr. and less, you can not gut.

6. Put prepared carcasses of fish in the marinade. It should be enough for the whole fish to drown. Cover and clean for 9 hours, and best of all in the refrigerator overnight.

7. Then remove the container with the fish and hold it at room temperature for another forty minutes.

8. Dry the carcasses well from the marinade. To do this, the carcasses are tied by the tail and hung on a draft, wrapping with gauze. After an hour, the pickled and dried fish can be smoked.

Hot smoked chicken marinade wine mustard


• 750 gram bottle of red wine;

• 250 ml of quality lean oil;

• 100 gr. dry mustard;

• a small bunch of fresh parsley;

• to taste - black pepper and coarse salt.

Cooking method:

1. Mix wine with oil and dry mustard.

2. Add chopped parsley, salt and season with pepper to your liking.

3. Halve the chicken without fat, rinse thoroughly with running water and transfer to a large container for marinating.

4. Pour chicken with marinade so that it completely covers the bird. Cover and leave for eight hours in the refrigerator.

5. After the time has passed, half of the bird wipe dry with a towel from the remaining marinade.

6. Dry for at least an hour in a draft and smoke hot.

Hot smoked marinade with saltpeter and blueberries

Ingredients for 10 kg of pulp:

• salt of the largest grinding - 700 gr.;

• seven liters of drinking water;

• 200 gr. granulated sugar;

• fresh or frozen blueberries - 20 gr.;

• food saltpeter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Before pickling, meat must be well salted. It can be poured with saline for a day or sprinkled with salt and put under oppression for the same time.

2. Pour all the water into a large enameled pot or bucket. Add salt, saltpeter and granulated sugar.

3. Pour fresh or frozen blueberries and set to boil. When the marinade begins to boil, boil it on low heat for no more than a minute, so that all the loose components are completely dissolved.

4. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

5. Rinse salted meat, if it is salted, soak and dry.

6. Then lay out slices of washed meat in a large container. When laying, spill well with chilled marinade.

7. The meat must lie firmly in the marinade and be completely covered with it. Therefore, after putting all the pieces, slightly compact them, if necessary, add the marinade.

8. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 2-6 weeks. The duration of pickling depends on the size of the pieces and even on the selected part of the carcass. So, the loin and ribs are pickled for two weeks, the shoulder blades are at least four weeks, and the ham is up to six.

9. If the marinade begins to foam, it should be drained and boiled. After cool and refill the meat.

10. Rinse well-pickled meat with a stream of running water, dry in a draft, and only then smoke.

Hot Smoked Citrus Marinade

3 L ingredients strong saline solution:

• one large orange;

• two medium lemons;

• a tablespoon of ground pepper, cinnamon and granulated sugar;

• to taste sage, rosemary and thyme;

• three onion heads;

• six large leaves of parsley;

• four cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse citrus fruits well and cut into slices, chop onions in large rings.

2. In boiling water, dip a small potato and add salt until the tuber pops up. After that, take out the potatoes, and in a saline solution dip the slices of citrus fruits, onion rings, all the spices and spices. Boil the marinade with a slight boil for 10 minutes, and then let it cool well.

3. Pour the processed carcasses of the fish with cold marinade and leave it in it for 12 hours in a cold room or refrigerator.

4. Then wash the fish thoroughly under a tap, dry with a towel and dry in a draft.

5. After that, you can put the carcasses of the fish in the smokehouse.

Hot smoked mackerel marinade on sour cream


• four fillets of freshly frozen mackerel;

• tea a spoon of salt, Extra grades;

• 150 gr. 20% sour cream;

• a teaspoon of hops suneli;

• fifteen branches of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the mackerel fillet in air, wash and wipe dry.

2. Mix sour cream with chopped dill, add salt and suneli hops.

3. Coat each fillet well with the cooked sour cream mixture and wrap with a film.

4. After five hours, remove the film, wipe the fish and smoke.

Hot Smoked Marinades - Cooking Tips & Tips

• When preparing the marinade, first mix all its liquid components and add loose ingredients and herbs to the resulting mixture.

• So that after pickling it is easier to remove the remains of the marinade from pieces of meat, carcasses of fish or poultry, greens are best torn by hand, and crush the garlic with a knife.

• In order for the meat and fish products to be marinated evenly, the marinade must cover them completely, and during the process of pickling pieces of meat and carcasses of fish should be periodically mixed or turned over.

• The minimum pickling time in any marinade is at least three hours at room temperature.


Watch the video: Peri Peri Chicken Nando's Copycat! (July 2024).